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Posts posted by Golin'Dar

  1. A scruffy old goblin would sigh over and over. Nothing will make sadness leave his ugly grimace, no tears or masks can cover it.
    He wish he could leave with Kharak, become a glorious spirit, but however, he does not deserve it. He does not deserve nothing but an endless suffering from wandering the spirit realm, seeking for truth and ancient power.




    ((welcome to the club, comrade))

  2. MC Name: Ka4xid

    Skype Name:
    live:4313a0149908fa33 (yeah yeah, mobilephone)

    Timezone: GMT+3

    Age: 20


    Do you have Discord? (you need to): Da, i don't use it too often tho'

    Do you feel that you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the application standards?:

    Yee i do, i've been playing here for a year now, not too much but this is a giant awesome experience for me. I know the lore good enough to tell what's ain't right in the Applicant Character's backstory.

    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work and collaborate with others?:

    I enjoy reading new applications, and possibly, i would like to help newbies with getting applied to this server, as i did before in PMs. I want more players there and unfortunately i can't donate to server scince Ruble's exchange rate makes me cry everyday. So, i guess, that's the only way to help server - become an active AD member. I chatted with other AT's while their work, well, i think, i can co-work with other staff and would like to!

    Beyond reviewing whitelist applications, what ways do you think you would enjoy helping new applicants?:

    I would like to contact and help  applicants by forum PMs, a Skype or even a Teamspeak/Discord, if you please.

    How do you think the server’s application process could be improved?:

    Everything seems alright, but we should have more easy questions that would give players more connection to the lore, maybe? Not every applicant would know how to fit to the current lore, because it's so big and dynamic. And more Guides, maybe? Oh, i would like to write some!
    Is there anything else you would like to add or that we should know about you?:

    I'm a nice guy. Not so good with english, as you can see.


    Tell me a joke:
    I've to admit, that i do not drink vodka in real life. *burp*

  3. Just now, KBR said:

    1) Where did you learn to art

    2) Why are you never at the Goi


    1) Well i supposed to be a gamedev back in times, but the shitty russian game company i worked in ran out of money. So i have skills but idk how to use them tho.

    2) I am at the Goi all the time, timezones, remember?

  4. Just now, Telanir said:


    Yes, permanently for ever and ever. At least not until Tythus closes over his burger king establishment.


    Нам пришлось это убрать—хреновый баг весь сервер отключал из за этих палаток. Когда нибудь опять добавим но не скоро.


    Alright, good bye Lord of the Ban.

    Ну ладно, а что насчёт баннеров? Конечно можно покрасить их из белого в зелёный, например, но при этом используется 2 слоя элементов. А всего слоёв 6, что сам понимаешь делает их менее детальными.

  5. I got some black banners with LC back in map start, am i going get banned forever?


    Careful, russian intensifies: Пофикси баннеры и палатки, пожалуйста, возможность крафта цветных палаток и флагов уже давно утеряна.

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