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Posts posted by _MrBlocks

  1. Minecraft Name Balor_

    Discord Balor#2277

    Timezone IST (UTC +1)


    Describe your knowledge on the descendant races


    I've been playing on the server for just about three years now, and over that time I've gained a lot of information about all the the races and there sub-races, Over my time on the server I would say that I have role played with at least a person from each race and sub-race, and have played a significant number of the races myself. I also spend a lot of the time reading over the Wiki of the server in my spare time so that I know the information I have heard is correct, and because of this I know quiet a lot about all the races and their lore. I myself Currently play a Dark elf, but in the past have played  a High Elf, Wood Elf and Human, as my main races to play as.



    Describe your knowledge on other pieces of lore that you believe to be relevant


    I believe that the most relevant lore to new players would be those of recent events that are going on in the server, or those that have just happened in the last hundred years as that’s most likely what a new player will have to worry about knowing when coming onto the server. I also believe that knowing different kingdoms and Religions is also very important as that is the cause of a lot of the roleplay that happens on the sever, such as a war breaking out between nations that may concern new player or rules put in place by a certain religion that a new players character should know about. That is what I believe is the most relevant Lore to know when joining the server



    Detail what drives you to become a member of the application team


    I have always enjoyed interacting with the new players on Lord of the Craft. It has always brings me joy when I am able to help a person join, or understand the server more. What has driven me into finally applying for the AT team is that over the last few weeks I have been spending time in the Wandering Souls chat, and I realized that there is constantly people who want to join and learn about the server, and I have found it a rather pleasant talking and answering their questions in this chat. So I thought I would try out for the AT team so that I could do this but on a larger scale not only just answering question in the Wandering Soul chat but also on the forms and on discord if they reached out to me on which ever platform they chose.



    Provide an alternate way to assisting new players apart from reviewing applications


    Well as I stated in my answer above, the Wandering Soul chat is a great place to help new players not only with just simple question but also with how the application process works. I also believe contacting me on the forms through the messages available on the Lord of the Craft Website, aso another way of getting question would be through my discord to which I would gladly answer any questions received.



    Survey the application process and provide any possible improvements which could be made


    One improvement that I think should be done, is that the AT team should advertise to new people that it’s not just their job to review applications, but also to help new players before and after they have been accepted. This includes answering questions about plugins such as /shout or the /roll, and other things that new player may have any questions about. I believe this as I myself didn’t know that helping new player was part of the job until the second year on the server. And I believe they should know it’s alright to ask questions if they are confused in any way.



    Provide any additional information that you believe is needed

    As stated this is my third year on the server, I have enjoyed every minute I have spent on it. I believe Lord of the Craft is a great way to escape the pressures of life even only for brief moments. I spend a lot of my time on the server often having spent 2 days + on the server by the end of the week so I will nearly always be around to help people out. I have a friendly relationship with most everyone I meet on the server. Even at times when my character is at odds with another I often maintain a good friendship with the other person in Out of characters. I am also a rather calm person rarely will I ever be stressed in any situation and because of this I am also rather patient, so I believe I would be great when handling the new players as they may ask similar questions that could get repetitive but things like that never seem to bother me.


    Tell a joke

    Two ducks were late for class, one says “Quack Quack” the other replies “I can’t go any Quacker!”

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

    Dark Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?:

    Water Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

    Bolgnir Irongut


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. ((In character information))



    Race and Age:Elf and 53


    School of Arcane known(Magics Known):None 


    Why do you wish to join the Enchantry?:I wish to join to further my knowledge of Arcane I have read many books and talk to many mages. I am not a mage but would like to help the Enchantry in everyway. If I learn Arcane it would be an honor though I will be perfectly happy if I just help through a practical manner. The mages I have met in my life have been some of the best people I have known, so I feel that they are the most noble group to serve. 


    Do you understand and accept the Enchanters Codex?:Yes I understand your codes and will live my life by them


    ((Out of Character Information))

    MC Name:_MrBlocks


    MA/SA's for listed magics:I do not know a magic type as off now

  4. [OOC]


    Footman App:


    Skype:Ask me in game (Don't like posting on forms)

    RP Name:Aiden O'Neill

    RP Race:Human

    Char Skills:He has been fighting all his life, being part of all sort of army's and in these times he has learn many skills with both long sword and rapier, but he also became good at spying and manipulating people, he once got out of a keep by convincing the prison guard they had the wrong man. As for skills he is a balacksmith 



  5. OOC
    [[Any accepted MA’s?]]
    Name:Adam Mc'dermid
    Previous Organizations:Felsen Guard
    Purpose for joining: The order seems to be interesting and in the ned of a purpose anyway 

  6. Non-Magic User Applications

    Character Name:Adam Mc'Dermid

    Minecraft Username:_MrBlocks


    Timezone:Ireland (UK)


    Desired Sect:Deffence or Combat (Which ever is in need of students more)

  7. (Username:)_MrBlocks



    Branch of choice: (Marshal/Savant/Guildmaster/Undecided)Marshal

    Reason for joining:I wanted to stop all the bad things in oren like how the felsen guard are not helping with the bandits in there city

    Prior experience/relevant skills:I have been training since the age of 7 and became a captain in the barony of darkwood.Ask PorkNchopS for detail on my job there. Fair woodworker

    Do you swear your life in service to the Brotherhood? (PK Clause upon appropriate RP)I do

    (I wanted to make a side note to ask if I could remain in Darkwood as I enjoy the simple rp there)

  8. (MC) Name:_MrBlocks
    Chosen (RP) Name:Athurus
    I was baptized in: Darkwood
    Choose mark an X for your  answer for each question:
    If your appropriate answer is not-stated, fill it in. 
    I am - (X ) Baptized ( ) Unbaptized
    I - ( ) Regularly attend mass ( X) Do not regularly attend mass ( ) Have never attended mass.
    I am a(n) - ( ) Noble ( ) Merchant ( ) Worker ( X) Professional Soldier ( ) Unemployed
    I live - (X ) In Lorraine ( ) A Keep in Lorraine ( ) I am homeless 
    If not already baptized, I - ( ) Wish to be baptized ( ) Do not wish to be baptized 
    I - ( ) Identify as a Canonist ( ) Follow the Creator, but in another tradition ( ) Do not acknowledge the Creator ( ) Acknowledge the Creator but follow a different deity 
    I am - ( ) married ( ) in courtship (X ) not in a relationship


    MC name:


    Character's name and age:
    Athurus and 26


    Character’s Race



    What magic will you be learning?:
    Sensory Illusion


    Who will be teaching you?:

    It says on the wiki this can be learn without a teacher so i will be doing it that way and learn it by reading and meditating.

  10. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!

    (Just a quick side note I am dyslexic) 

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?:_MrBlocks

    How old are you?:14

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13):Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?:Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:I agree with the one about bulling 

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules):No

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?I was looking for a good RP medieval server and yours was the only one i could find



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?:RPing is like acting you play a character different setting or place to yourself and live there life

    What is metagaming?:Metagaming is using an outside help for example (I tell my friend in real life im going to kill him He cant just banishes me because his charter is the RP doesn't know that im going to betray him 

    What is powergaming?: emm i'l give an example (Character A cuts Character B leg off in one swing of Characters A axe)So he did not let Character B react to the swing  


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Arthus Fay 

    Character’s sex:Male

    Character’s race:Half-elf

    Character’s age:23

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):(i write this like my character is speaking to you)Hi my name is Arthus Fay i was born in Athera. My first memory  of my life is when a treaty was signed between 2 large factions.My father is a human male and my mother is wood elf They said That i was part of the Adunians (Cant size it down) I think it is some kind of half elf.My father is a farmer and meet my mother 1 day when she came to him for help She was wounded by bandits on a forest road and his farm was the only place she could she could go.She spent a while there and grew in love with this humble man who did not ask any thing of her to help heal her.

    My next big memory is when we moved to Vailor We got out early because my father wanted to stay a farmer in the new lands.But when i was 1518 the dukes war brroke out and war was on are lands And my father had to join the army and leave me and my mother.We never saw him again. Are farm was soon destroyed by the battles of this war. When i turned 21 i wanted to join i wanted to fight but i couldn't leave my mother on her own so i train my self. i found my fathers book on healing the one he used for my mother when she first came i learned a much as i could with a sword but in 1521 they ended and the crown didn't care about my family's farm so we had nothing My mother and i went on a journey to get to the wood elfs when More bandits attacked and my mother is no warrior and i am barely able to fight so she died telling me to run while they took her.I know she's alive i can feel it.So now i seach for a teacher to teach me the skills of  a man with a sword and an elf with a bow   

    Personality Traits:He was happy and gleeful and still can be but most of the time he is dark and very private  

    Ambitions:He wants to find his mother from the bandits and build a new farm

    Strengths/Talents:He is ok at healing and framing for his childhood

    Weaknesses/Inabilities:He can barely lift a bow or sword and never trust people 

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight):He is tall dark haired and has no facial hair and is skinny but still a small bit fit

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):http://imgur.com/ZznhoBI

    (I saw that i didnt put in my past applications so here they are:



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