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Posts posted by SlatedSickness

  1. (( Sorry I thought you were a child XD void the crouching part because you are taller than me..


    Casper smiles back "My name is Casper, pleasure to meet you Raven" She says reaching out her left hand for a shake

    Raven takes Casper's hand in her own bony one and shakes it politely. "Nice to meet you!"

  2. "Hmm? Nope not a scent has gotten through this nose my entire life~" She chimes happily "You look hungry would you like to come have some food with me?"  She says crouching down to the girls height.

    Raven stares at the apparent Giantess in awe, considering Raven is six feet and one inch tall. She simply nods and smiles widely, almost a grin. "Oh thank you! Uhm, what's your name? I'm Raven."

  3. A young women wanders by. her figure in a red dress with white sleeves, a ribbon wrapped around her right hand making it quite hard to use individual fingers. Her bangs tucked behind her ear on the right side and the bangs completely covering her left eye. She looks to the girl "Oh your adorable! What are you out here all alone for hun?" She says offering a kind smile

    Raven turns towards the woman and smiles widely despite how odd she finds it being called "Adorable", considering her smell and overall appearance at the moment.  "Uhm, well, I'm just kind of loitering, Miss. Just wondering, do you have no sense of smell...?" "She asks honestly, with a confused look about her. Clearly she expected at least some reaction out of the well-dressed woman towards her scent.

  4. A tall, hooded fellow in a rather well-kept grey uniform passes by the lass, tossing a sealed letter to her. If opened, the letter would read;

    "In the Princedom of the Fenn, there lay a home for the unwanted. The damned, the unholy. The runners. We take those without a home and without purpose and give them just that. We can offer housing, food, protection, family, purpose. Should you find yourself interested, head to Eastwatch, or send a bird to one of us."


    ((Go ahead and pop me a message if you're interested.))

    Raven flails slightly as a letter smacks her in the face. She begins to grow weary of these untalkative masked and/or hooded fellows giving her letters. She's tempted to simply use it as fuel for a fire but decides she might as well read it since she has little else to do. She perks a brow and huffs out, "I'm not unholy!"

  5. Raven smiles cheerily as Aelthir hands her the bread, one of the few good things to happen during her day. She speaks to him cheerily in thanks. "Thank you, sir!"


    She looks over the flier tentatively and frowns a bit as she is unsure who this "Orcus" is but she's pretty sure it sounds a bit like "Orcess", to which she has a small giggle at. She squeaks and looks up, thankful the masked man had long since departed by then. She eyes the word "Templars" and bites her lip, unsure of what the catch may be. Something she has learned is that no thing comes for free.


    Except that bread from earlier. That was free! She folds the parchment and puts it away.

    OOC: I don't have skype nor will I be getting skype, sorry!

  6. A young woman loiters about on the docks that leads to nigh every place one could ever need to get in their day to day lives. Perhaps the word "loiters" isn't quite a sufficient enough word for what she does here. She essentially lives at the docks. She is filthy from head to toe and hasn't seen or heard hide nor tail of a bath in weeks or more and offers anyone who has the misfortune to come near her a wonderfully rancid stench. She's tall and wiry mostly due to her undernourishment for the later part. Somehow she manages to keep at least a faint smile on her red lips.

    Her name is Raven.

    Raven traverses the docks just as it begins to rain. Spitting turns to a shower, which then turns to a torrential downpour. It's as if the powers that be in heaven above are trying desperately to cleanse this girl of her filth but all it seems to do is give her the effect a ***** would when made wet - she now smells wonderfully rancid and soaked as well, similar to an open, wet grave! Nevertheless, the rain does cleanse some dirt from her face, showing that if she put a little effort in she might look half way decent.

    Raven turns her head up towards the dark clouds above her which seem to soil most of the moods around her while not even touching hers, or perhaps in fact  lightening it a bit! She turns her head back down and continues to wander, clearly homeless, jobless, and worthless. Will anyone try to give her these things?


    OOC: I'm basically looking for someone to leech RP with and perhaps find some other RP through that. Raven is more than willing to go with just about any friendly face who offers the living dead girl a place to stay, food to eat, or even payed work.


  7. Raven Hart


    Basic Information

    Nicknames: N/A

    Age: 18 (and a bit)

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Status: Living and Lost


    Height: 6'1''

    Weight: 123lbs

    Body Type: Tall, Somewhat Lanky, Modest Curves (very modest)

    Eyes: A deep emerald green color which is usually wide open. Something troubling can be seen in her eyes if one is very perceptive. They are also shaped a bit slanted, such as an oriental person would be.

    Hair: Shoulder length, board straight and inky black.

    Skin: Pale with oriental undertones.

    Markings/Tattoos: None just yet.

    Health: Malnourished.

    Eccentric. Mad. Love of death. She tries to put up the front of being outspoken and open as a book, but she hides much behind this. Inside, her pain slowly cannibalizes her and bleeds her out. Truly her main goal in life is to stitch this mortal wound before it's too late and she completely succumbs to madness. In truth, she is insane. In what way is to be found out, rather than simply told. However what can be said is she isn't the type to murder someone for fun or harm people. She isn't violent, at least as far as anyone's ever seen goes.


    Further Details: She truly is a filthy woman, most of the time. She bathes very little and often has an odor of death around her, due to her odd. . .tendencies.

    Life Style

    Alignment: Neutral

    Deity: N/A

    Religion: N/A

    Alliance/Nation/Home: N/A

    Job/Class: N/A

    Title(s): N/A

    Profession(s): N/A

    Special Skill(s): Deception



    Current Status: Non Existent






    Current Spell(s):




    Fighting Style: Run away or hit it with whatever's handy.

    Trained Weapon: N/A


    Favoured Weapons: Kitchen Knives


    Raven's entry into the world is signaled not by a cry but deathly still silence followed by a piercing, anguished scream from her mother which rips through the air and is driven into the ears of all those around like a stake through the heart of an accused vampire's heart. All about the mother and the apparent stillborn fall silent and cringe at the scream and are relieved as the mother stops her crying to draw in a shaking breath. In that brief period of quiet the infant baby girl coughs up blood and opens her eyes slowly. Her blueish flesh, deprived of oxygen before, now begins to fill with a rosy newborn baby flush. The mother's next sound is a gasp as she clings to the now living child, proclaiming it a miracle in a choked, sobbing breath before she proceeds to cry quietly from relief, felt unanimously by the small group in the small home in the city of Salvus.

    For the first ten years of Raven's life she had been sheltered from the raging turmoil and wars that seem to have erupted every other day around Athera and yet she rarely ever smiled. When she did smile it would worry her mother and father for what she smiled at was not suffering but death. She loved and adored the dead. For what reason their parents could not tell. Was she mad? Gifted? Some strange, evil cursed creature? An Imp? These questions and more flew through their heads on an at least weekly basis. However, she was a very well behaved girl and seemed content to not hurt even a fly. She was the odd sort of girl who would not scream when there was a large spider present, but rather simply pick it up nigh fearlessly and escort it outside. Even so there was always the dead.

    The fortunate sheltering could not last forever, however. One fateful day a great leviathan of a worm appeared in Athera and proceeded to lay waste to everything in it's path. Hundreds upon thousands of lives were lost. The words "Carnage", "Decimation", and "Destruction" could not even begin to describe the devastation that Athera was put through. Due to this Raven found her entire life turned upside down, shaken about, and relocated. To a boat her small family took to and they, like many others, departed in unison towards the Isles of Vailor. Raven lingered at the back of the boat and leaned against the railing as she watched the ruined continent continue to be ravaged by the worm, her head rested in her folded arms and a soft smile on her lips. What she saw to be happy about has yet to be spoken by her lips.

    When they arrived to the new lands Raven's family traveled closely with Salvus, as was to be expected. They traveled across the continent, or perhaps not. The author isn't entirely sure where they landed on the continent. Either way they found their way and proceeded to settle in the new Salvus. The years that followed were uneventful for her. The other children and teenagers found her, understandably, odd. She seemed to retract further and further from people in an odd way. She became very outspoken and excitable. Some would call this "mad". It wasn't all of a sudden, but over the course of her life to the present day. Even when her parents were slain, due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time, she kept up her front and perhaps exaggerated it even further to hide her pain. Left alone in the world, she will try to find her path




  8. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: SlatedSickness

    How old are you?: Twelve (actually 20)

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Not yet. Gimme a few minutes. UPDATE: I did it!

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Hold on, still haven't read the rules. Wasn't expecting a crafty question like this. I'll read them now. . .

    . . . Just an update; Still not done reading these rules. holy crap. I hope you don't expect me to be able to rattle them all off like some crazy person with photographic memory or something. I think i already picked my favourite though, so here it is.

    Even if you do not technically break any listed rules, either from walking the fine line between breaking the rules and not or from consistently jumping through loopholes, it is a moderator’s right to warn or ban you if they deem it necessary.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): No

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=lord+of+the+craft



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying: Playing in a role. Assuming a different persona and acting through it as if you were truly that persona without letting personal bias interfere with the character's personality (unless it coincidentally already was part of the character's personality.)

    What is metagaming?: The usage of OOC knowledge to Influence IC stuff. Basically.

    What is powergaming?: Trying to control another PC without the P's permission or forcing an action onto them without their consent. Ie Bob cuts Jim's head off, as opposed to Bob attempts to cut Jim's head off.


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Raven

    Character’s sex: Female

    Character’s race: Human

    Character’s age: 18.23 years old.

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):

    Raven's entry into the world is signaled not by a cry but deathly still silence followed by a piercing, anguished scream from her mother which rips through the air and is driven into the ears of all those around like a stake through the heart of an accused vampire's heart. All about the mother and the apparent stillborn fall silent and cringe at the scream and are relieved as the mother stops her crying to draw in a shaking breath. In that brief period of quiet the infant baby girl coughs up blood and opens her eyes slowly. Her blueish flesh, deprived of oxygen before, now begins to fill with a rosy newborn baby flush. The mother's next sound is a gasp as she clings to the now living child, proclaiming it a miracle in a choked, sobbing breath before she proceeds to cry quietly from relief, felt unanimously by the small group in the small home in the city of Salvus.

    For the first ten years of Raven's life she had been sheltered from the raging turmoil and wars that seem to have erupted every other day around Athera and yet she rarely ever smiled. When she did smile it would worry her mother and father for what she smiled at was not suffering but death. She loved and adored the dead. For what reason their parents could not tell. Was she mad? Gifted? Some strange, evil cursed creature? An Imp? These questions and more flew through their heads on an at least weekly basis. However, she was a very well behaved girl and seemed content to not hurt even a fly. She was the odd sort of girl who would not scream when there was a large spider present, but rather simply pick it up nigh fearlessly and escort it outside. Even so there was always the dead.

    The fortunate sheltering could not last forever, however. One fateful day a great leviathan of a worm appeared in Athera and proceeded to lay waste to everything in it's path. Hundreds upon thousands of lives were lost. The words "Carnage", "Decimation", and "Destruction" could not even begin to describe the devastation that Athera was put through. Due to this Raven found her entire life turned upside down, shaken about, and relocated. To a boat her small family took to and they, like many others, departed in unison towards the Isles of Vailor. Raven lingered at the back of the boat and leaned against the railing as she watched the ruined continent continue to be ravaged by the worm, her head rested in her folded arms and a soft smile on her lips. What she saw to be happy about has yet to be spoken by her lips.

    When they arrived to the new lands Raven's family traveled closely with Salvus, as was to be expected. They traveled across the continent, or perhaps not. The author isn't entirely sure where they landed on the continent. Either way they found their way and proceeded to settle in the new Salvus. The years that followed were uneventful for her. The other children and teenagers found her, understandably, odd. She seemed to retract further and further from people in an odd way. She became very outspoken and excitable. Some would call this "mad". It wasn't all of a sudden, but over the course of her life to the present day. Even when her parents were slain, due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time, she kept up her front and perhaps exaggerated it even further to hide her pain. Left alone in the world, she will try to find her path.


    Personality Traits: Eccentric. Mad. Love of death. She tries to put up the front of being outspoken and open as a book, but she hides much behind this. Inside, her pain slowly cannibalizes her and bleeds her out. Truly her main goal in life is to stitch this mortal wound before it's too late and she completely succumbs to madness. In truth, she is insane. In what way is to be found out, rather than simply told. However what can be said is she isn't the type to murder someone for fun or harm people. She isn't violent, at least as far as anyone's ever seen goes.

    Ambitions: Her greatest ambition is to join the dead she adores, but not in the way one would think.

    Strengths/Talents: She has the profound ability to smile in places where there is little to smile about. She is also very intelligent, despite what she seems like. She learns things fast.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: She can often seem rather creepy. She doesn't wash often, and thus may give off a mild to horrid odor, depending on how much time she spent in a graveyard since she last washed. She has a disheveled appearance regardless. She isn't unattractive by any means under the filth and dirt.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): Raven has raven black hair and an oriental skin tone. She's a very thin woman with a small bust and very, very, very modest curves. If she were to sit in your lap your thighs would hurt after a short time from how bony she is. Her dark, almost black eyes seem to glint and hint at what she sees. Her clothing is tattered and often filthy, much like the rest of her body. She smells as if she hasn't washed in a while, most of the time. Her face is fairly rounded and soft featured, with a shockingly lovely smile and grin. Even when miserable she can manage to smile with her entire face, every grin will seem real to others, and every word spoken is voiced purposefully to give off what ever message or front she needs. She stands at five feet, six inches tall.

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):


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