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Posts posted by Mitchell

  1. Name:

    Mitchell Seregon



    Human, heartlander





    Write a little about why it is you wish to serve the Aengul of Order:

    I am a third generation monster hunter, son of Holy Ser Sebastian Seregon a recognised hunter of Johannesburg and the Royal family of Horens Witch hunters; it has been the duty of my father and his before him, to hunt undead and abominations of chaotic origin for now three generations.

    As such I would wholly welcome with open arms and heart, allies to whom which I can pledge my blade and faith upon; those who shed light upon the dark and protect the virtuous and faithful. Also throughout my life I’ve read stories and heard tales of the Aneguls and their deeds, as such it would be my honour to pledge my life in the name of Xan and walk upon his path.

  2. A tightly scrolled parchment, stamped with a scarlet wax imprint of a lotus would make its way to the company, detailing in beautiful calligraphy 

    "I Sebastian Seregon would like to place an order of thirty two standard Orenian units of Gold; amounting to a total sum of two hundred and fifty six mina, if you are interested in providing such service. Please deliver such goods to 13 Alba street, at which I will forward your payment to whomever is handling your goods."

    « IN CHARACTER NAME »  Sebastian 
    « SURNAME »  Sebastian
    « CLASS »  B3
    « GENDER »  Male
    « DATE OF BIRTH »  12th of Malin's Welcome 1529 
    « HEIGHT & WEIGHT »  5'8 and 168 lbs
    « EYE, SKIN & HAIR COLOR »  Brown eyes, white skin, white hair
    « CULTURE »  N/A
    « MARKINGS »  Several prominent scars on the chest and thighs

    « HOME ADDRESS »  13 Alba Street
    « PROVINCE »  Johannesburg
    « OCCUPATION »  Steward General
    I, Sebastian Seregon, hereby swear my loyalty to the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law.

    « CLASS A OR B » 
    I, Sebastian Seregon, hereby acknowledge and give my consent to the OOC rule that should my character be found guilty of High Treason within the Empire, the Emperor personally (and only the Emperor) has the right to execute permanently my character. I accept this condition and make it entirely upon my free will.

  4. A tightly scrolled parchment, stamped with a scarlet wax imprint of a lotus would make its way to the company, detailing in beautiful calligraphy 

    "I Sebastian Seregon would like to place an order of sixty standard Orenian units of Gold and four carts worth of spruce logs if you are able to also potentially fill such a request; amounting to a total sum of six hundred and twelve coins, five hundred and twelve being for the gold shipment and one hundred for the logs if you are interested in providing such service. Please deliver such goods to 13 Alba street, at which I will forward your payment to whomever is handling your goods."

  5. Name:

    Sebastian Seregon



    Human, heartlander





    Property Address:

    Past experience: Managed and look after noble property on the previous continent, as well as some money management and accounting skills gained through an extremely successful merchant lifestyle.


    Reason for applying:

    Looking for work to take up some of my time and keep myself busy in my old age, rather than sit around with my biggest worry being, what should I pick for lunch today.


  6. 26 minutes ago, The Salt King said:



    IGN: TheSaltKing_

    Skype: Narthok




    Name: Thomas

    Age: 20

    Race: Highlander

    Prior combat or military experience: Tavern Brawls, Debt Collection

    Do you swear your undying allegiance to the High Pontiff and wish to serve God with the body granted unto you? Yes


    Sebastian stamps the scroll with the Seal of the Order of Saint Otto and offers a calming nod of approval

    22 minutes ago, Mullraugh said:



    IGN: Mullraugh

    Skype: Mullraugh




    *The penmanship looks very feminine, as if the man who submitted this got someone else to fill in the details*

    Name: Garman

    Age: 47

    Race: Human

    Prior combat or military experience: Rebellion of '54, Guerrilla warfare against Courland, Infanteer since age 14. Mercenary work, Soldiering.

    Do you swear your undying allegiance to the High Pontiff and wish to serve God with the body granted unto you?



    Sebastian stamps the scroll with the Seal of the Order of Saint Otto and offers a calming nod of approval

  7. Holy Knights of St Otto


    The Holy Knights of St Otto are the personal attendants and guards of the High Pontiff, guarding him around the clock and residing beneath the College of Cardinals in the north. The Order was founded by the High Pontiff Lucien IV and granted to Holy Ser Sebastian the Lionheart, whom serves as the Commandant and founding knight of the Order.

    They were created in hopes of expanding the churches power and influence, creating a true military wing with the capability of both guarding the Pontiff from all threats and being a powerful enforcing order of the church.



    Command structure


    High Pontiff

    The High Pontiff is the supreme authority within the Order of St. Otto and the only member of the Church who has the power to Command those within the Order; he foresees all activities within the Order and monitors it directly.




    The Commandant of the Holy Knights of St. Otto serves the Pontiff with his captains as his personal guard and escort; other than the Pontiff himself, no one may supersede his will within the Order.




    The officers of the Order of St. Otto are the right and left hands of The Holy Ser Sebastian the Lionheart; they serve as the commanding force within the order and enact his words unto the knights within. They can be easily recognised on top of their polar bear mounts, plated with runic forged armour and weapons, finely equipped and prepared to give their life for Pontiff and cut down any heretic






    The chosen are those whom have been handpicked by an officer to one day take their place or lead a division of Holy Knights within the order on their own; they are the crème of the crop and personally groomed by their commanding officer in order to prepare themselves for their future role.




    The Knights of the Holy Order of St. Otto are battle hardened soldiers of war, whom have pledged their lives to the High Pontiff; unlike other Orders of past they have a more active role and are more equipped for battle in the name of the faith. Although some of the lowest ranking, the Knights of the Order still command respect throughout the church, belonging to the personal guard force of the High Pontiff himself.




    Initiates are those, whom have begun their trial to become a member of the Knighthood, they are tested both in faith and battle in order to earn their armour and colours. Those who surpasses the tribulations lain before them are granted the honour of being the personal attendants of the Pontiff.



    The rules of the Order


    The Holy Knights of St. Otto have a very simple set of rules, separating them from all other Holy orders that strictly follow the Palatine code and are forced to undergo the Testaments of faith; those within the Order simply must follow the word of High Pontiff and Commandant, for they are not expected to do any other than defend his Holiness and shed blood upon his call.

    As long as one does not disobey the Pontiffs words or serve another other than God and his holiness, those of the Knights of St. Otto have a great breadth of freedom; they may wed, drink and live normal lives when not on duty, but are expected to answer the call of the Pontiff no matter the time and place. Upon pledging yourself to the Order, you must place and Pontiff and God above all when that is required and answer only to his whim, as well as follow the laws of the empire.





    Those within the Holy Order of St. Otto are paid based upon rank and service; if they are actively doing their duties within the Order, they can expect to be paid each Saint’s week. Though to be noted, if one does not show their determination to serve and is found to be slacking on their duties, they may go unpaid and considered for removal from the Holy Order of St. Otto.




    Those, whom claim the rank of Officer within the order, can be expected to be paid regularly every saint’s week with a sum of five hundred gold pieces.




    Those, whom claim the rank of Chosen within the order, can be expected to be paid regularly every saint’s week with a sum of three hundred gold pieces.




    Those, whom claim the rank of Knight within the order, can be expected to be paid regularly every saint’s week with a sum of two hundred gold pieces.




    Those of the initiate rank are unpaid until they have proven themselves truly devote and worthy of serving his Holiness; unto which if they prove useful, they will be promoted to a Holy Ser, granting them two hundred gold pieces per saint’s week.



    Weapons and equipment of the Holy Order of St. Otto


    Unlike most of the churches forces, who use highly decorated ornamental weaponry; those within the Knighthood of St. Otto are equipped with heavy shock based equipment and steeds. An example can be seen with the proven knights of the Order whom possess on their person, a bearded one handed runic war axe as their primary tool for engagement, a round shield for interlocking shield walls and pushes, as well as a gladius for a side arm.

    Members of the order once they have proven their worth will be granted a mount and a lance; those of higher ranks shall be gifted a rare and elusive polar bear, as well as a lance like all other members. Those within the order are also forged a set of Runic plate, granting them greater protection while serving the Pontiff and allowing them to take greater damage than they would otherwise.



    Leaving the order

    Those within the Order are free to leave only when they first announce their withdrawal to the Commandant at least two saint days prior and return all equipment and steeds granted to them. Those who leave the Order and take with them the equipment granted to them in service of the church will be treated as thieves












    Prior combat or military experience:

    Do you swear your undying allegiance to the High Pontiff and wish to serve God with the body granted unto you?





  8. Application

    Your name:

    Sebastian Seregon


    Your race:

    Heartlander Human


    Your Age:



    Your Professions / skills:

    My profession in terms of skilled labour is blacksmithing; while my skills fall primarily under two categories, which are professional soldiery and mercantilism. I spent roughly twenty four years as a professional soldier while polishing up my blacksmithing when I had the time and in my later years moved onto mercantilism making myself a reasonable living.


    Do you have others that will be coming with you?



    Any information not mentioned above may be sought by once again contacting the Felagi. ((Sentis))



    MC Name:



    Time Zone:



    Do you have Skype? (If so please provide your skype name or PM me):



  9. MC name:




    Character’s name and age:

    Sebastian Seregon 44



    Character’s Race:

    Heartlander Human



    What Magic(s) are you learning?:




    Who will be teaching you (MC Name)?:




    Who will be teaching you (MC Name)?:




    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:




    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:




    ((Put your RP name, followed by your Minecraft username)):

    Name ((OOC Name)):

    Mitchell - Hakuza



    Date of Birth ((Example: 11th of Sun’s Smile, 1520)):

    1530, 9th of the amber cold




    Human, Heartlander

    Citizenship Class (A or B): B
    Physical Description

    5ft 8inches



    Eye Color:


    Hair Color:


    Skin Color/Shade:


    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos:

    Personal Information
    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown):

    Region of Residence (Leave blank if unknown):



    Have you paid your processing fee (CLASS A CITIZENS ONLY!):


    ((Please provide a screenshot of the payment.))

  11. Arthur Amador, an exemplary guardsman of the empire who has saved me on no less than two occasions to fiendish bandits plaguing the great holy oren empire; as well as personally witnessing him dispatch several other scum both inside the walls and on the outside with only a horse and sword. Dutifully preforming duty at all times and ever since I seen him pick up the mantle of guard, the rate of crime has dropped drastically. I cannot personally give my commendations any more than I have already to this man, even if he is young; he is without the doubt the pride of the Johannesburg guard force.


    Glory to the Emperor and his name!

  12. A poster is placed sporadically throughout several cities and details the sales of an assortment of iron and steel related goods, which can be bought from Johannesburg; it details that the one selling the goods is Sebastian Butler (Hakuza) and gives a detailed description of his personal being, while announcing he can be frequently found at the tavern in Johannesburg.


    Good day people of this fine continent, down below you can see my wide assortment of goods and their respective prices; whether you need iron, steel or even blue-steel, it is I who can guarantee you top quality tools, weapons and product!





    Iron sword - 40 mina

    Iron battle axe - 50 mina

    Iron war-hammer - 50 mina



    Steel sword - 80 mina

    Steel battle axe - 90 mina

    Steel war-hammer - 90 mina



    Blue-steel sword - Negotiated on order

    Blue-steel battle axe - Negotiated on order

    Blue-steel War-hammer - Negotiated on order





    Iron pickaxe - 50 mina

    Iron axe - 50 mina

    Iron shovel - 20 mina

    Iron hoe - 40 mina



    Diamond pickaxe - Negotiated on order

    Diamond axe - Negotiated on order

    Diamond hoe - Negotiated on order


    Raw Material:


    Diamond - 40 mina

    Iron ingot - 10 mina

    Gold ingot - 10 mina


    Specialty items!


    Tome of the Tinker

    Place your offers on the poster below and come to Johannesburg for more details!


    Tome of the Alchemist

    Place your offers on the poster below and come to Johannesburg for more details!


    Special services:

    When making a masterpiece of iron or steel, one of the main steps is drawing up a draft; as such I've gotten relatively good at the art of drawing and with that being the case, I would offer my service to those who desire a sketch of any sort. You must contact me directly or write on the back of the poster your inquiry and offered payment; below you will see a quick example of my skill with the pencil.








    Upon looking at one of the posters scattered around several towns and cities you see one that's been crudely made of some sort of leather upon inspection it explains how a group of Orcs are looking for work as mercenaries or body guards. The barely eligible script explains that the group currently consists of three Ologs and dub themselves "The Butchers". 


    As well as detailing that they can be found at the cloud temple every third and fifth day of the new week during the time when the sun is at its highest. Then goes on to explain that if you have work and require their blades, remove one of the leather parchments and write your response on the back; then by courier send it to the cloud temple to one of the red skinned Ologs, detailing the type of work involved and the pay for it.

  14. Good evening ladies and gentlemen, the slave auctions have began and bidding has started; we are selling a fine goblin child, capable of work and eager to please.

    A sketch of him can be found below and the bidding starts at two hundred mina, please attach a note to the bird cage nearby this poster and one of my little birds will fly back with your reply bid and where you wish to make the transaction.


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