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Posts posted by PineappleGamez

  1. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: PineappleGamez

    How old are you?: 16

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): I am aware

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: This One ! Destructive hacks such as kill aura, auto-mining, and free-cam, among other plugins granting an unfair advantage are not permitted.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): No

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? Friends, Who Doesn't have friends?



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: The Act as acting like someone that you are not. 

    What is metagaming?:Powergaming is a type of interacting with games or game-like systems with the ability to maximize progress towards a certain goal, examples are like in roleplaying when you are basically unbeatable and undefeated.

    What is powergaming?: metagaming is where you take out side info from some one else Character or setting/location and then make your own character know it without even finding it out by another in IC.metagaming is where you take out side info from some one else Character or setting/location and then make your own character know it without even finding it out by another in IC.


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Hazen 

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: DarkElf

    Character’s age: 312

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.): 

    Hazen- a Dark Elf whom grew up within a small family, consisting of his Mother (Mual’nu’asin) Father (Aldui’a’Rafalm) and a young brother (Jair’Mul’Akkir). Throughout his life Hazen (Formally known as Mor’ulrain’ukkir) Mortarion was the trouble maker, though on the other hand Jair was the unsocial quiet one always seeming to disappear into the long nights. Hazen was often Sinister, Cynical, Cruel, though he had an amazing enthusiastic and hyped attitude. Whenever he were to get into trouble he would always look at it with a positive attitude, always looking into the future thinking that one day he would be a grand, and powerful man.


                    Throughout the day Hazen would often see his brother, Jair, observing him, though whenever Jair was spotted he would scurry and hide. Though Hazen despised the art of using a bow or a sword he was rather more interested into looking into magical abilities though never truly learning anything besides what his race was known for. Their strong yet horrifying lighting attack, Hazen’s form of this spell is showed in reality at a Deep Mysterious Pitch Black. Mortarion would often go into deep caverns and so forth to try and discover more Spells and Tomes though no luck throughout the years.


    As Hazen continued to grow up Jair would always shadow him, attempting to learn Hazens secrets, yet since Hazen was such a self-concealed type of person very little was known him, be it someone in the family or someone close to him. He has never had a lover yet he does have a lust for love. He comes to this land to further intensify his search for knowledge, though taking a different ship from his brother, split on this new vast land yet strange because Hazen hopes to find his brother here and reunite with him. 


    Ambitions: Evil, To make all worship him.

    Strengths/Talents: A man good with Words.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: He is near sighted, and cant use a bow very well.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): He is 6'5 weighting 168 Being farely built and he has White hair with black strips in it.

    unnamed (1).png

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