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Posts posted by Chuke

  1. MC-Name:Mjh1280


    Skype: (Pm if you desire) mattowan

    Profession: Royal Snow Shoveler

    Have you teamspeak?: (It's not optional.)No, but i'll get it real fast.

    Time-zone: Central

    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: Yeah.

  2. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: mjh1280

    How old are you?: 16

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: No toxicity in chat.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): No, I understand them.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? A friend.



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: Delving into the mind and personality of a character you created or read about, and becoming it.

    What is metagaming?: Using knowledge that is unknown to your character from ooc in character.

    What is powergaming?: Claiming to have been successful towards an objective without giving an opposer any chance or opportunity to do something in return, whilst focusing on ones own character instead of acknowledging others.


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Chuke

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Caucasian

    Character’s age: 22

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):


    I come from Felsen. At a young age, I had always dreamed of sailing. I was an ambitious child, seeing the fishers out on the docks just enhanced my craving for the sea, and knew I was going to one day fulfill what I had always wanted to do. My parents told me sailing was not worth the risk and would result in a premature death, so I should just to fish, but I ignored them. I needed excitement in my life, and fishing would just bore me. My father left me at age 15 to fight in the Dukes War, but was killed in action. My mother followed shortly after him as a healer in the war. My parents deaths where not a grieve to me however, as I felt they had treated me wrongly for trying to convince me to subside my ambitions. I ended up living with my fisherman uncle and stewardess aunt. My uncle taught me the ways of the sea, and accepted the fact I wanted to become a sailor. At the age of 17, I had an opportunity to make my dreams come true, but not in the way I had expected. A privateering group offered to take me in, and it seemed as if it was my only option to fulfill what I had thought was my destiny. I told my uncle and aunt, leaving out the privateering part, and I went on my first voyage only five days after my 18th birthday. The sea was not what I had expected.

           The smell of salt and brine became unbearable after the sixth day, and the scurvy that set in after a month was even worse. We where at sea for 2 years, only stopping if neccesarry for resupply. I had realized that my dream for sailing was a more of a nightmare. The only thing that kept me going was rum and money. When we finally returned to Felsen, I had vowed never to sail again, however, the sea still called my name. On my 21st birthday, the privateering group came to me, however, they where different this time. Most of the crew I had sailed with previously where gone, and it was all rookies. I recognized only a few of them. They said they needed a captain for their ship, and I was the only one who would fit their agenda. I accepted, hoping that this time would be different. It was. We departed shore, and on the 7th day I had become re-accustomed to my ship. One month in, it happened. A rival group of privateers where seen on the horizon, and my crew knew it could be an easy buck. We sailed after them, for what seemed like days, until they abruptly stopped. When we came side to side, ship to ship I saw it. It was most of my old crew, Experts. I locked eye contact with an old friend, only to see his mouth open, and yell fire. Cannonfire bombarded our ship, men where shredded clean in two by the massive splinters that flew from all ends of my beloved ship. We couldn't load our cannons fast enough, and they boarded. They minced my crew, and set our powder kegs ablaze. I was the only one left. They where closing in on me, and before taking a wound from a rusty cutlass on my right arm, I jumped. I swam as fast as I could, and looked back into the distance, and saw them re boarding their ship and sailing in to the distance. I held on to a piece of lumber from my vessel, and passed out from exhaustion. I woke up 2 days later, barely able to keep myself awake. The pain from wound from the cutlass had given me is what I assumed kept me awake, as it had begun to fester, and was oozing puss and other bodily fluids. I grabbed the nearest floating bottle of soiled rum and drank it. I was intoxicated, and began to feast on a dead fish that lay on a broken mast, before sealing my wound. To seal my wound I used what was left in an unburned powder keg. I sprinkled the black powder on my wound, and using a flint that I found on a peace of a cannon, set it ablaze. The pain was unbearable, and if I wasn't intoxicated, I most likely would have passed out and died. The wound was scorched shut, and didn't seem to need any further treatment, as the saltwater would suffice as a way to keep the infection away.

        I grabbed the nearest rope, and used my dagger to cut a small mast from the larger one that previously had garnered my ship, and began tying together a raft. I got on it, and it started to sink. I needed something to keep my new ship afloat. I checked all the floating empty kegs, but they had leaks, and wouldn't suffice. My only option left was to use the bloated corpses of my crew. They had sailed with me once, and they where going to sail with me again. I tethered them to my raft, and got on. It didn't sink this time. I grabbed a large peace of lumber to use as an ore and began sailing. On the 2nd day, the corpses had rotted to the point that the stench was nearly unbearable. Seagulls flocked my raft. I used the seagulls as a source of food, and drank their blood mixed with salt water as a source of fluid intake. I had my second in charge tied to my mast, as my priority was to bury him when, or if, I returned to Felsen. I had begun hallucinating from dehydration, and talked to him frequently. When I returned, four days later, I was a different man. I had reeked of death to the point where even the flies wouldn't touch me. I gave a proper burial to my men and returned to the inn that I had previously stayed in, and now I write this journal entry, wondering what awaits next.


    Personality Traits: Anxious, paranoid, quiet, unkind, impatient, greedy

    Ambitions: To gather a new crew and destroy the group of privateers that killed my crew and attempted to kill me.

    Strengths/Talents: Won't stop until something is finished, very crafty, survivalist.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Emotionally unstable, very anxious, not very smart.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight):

    Tall, about 6'1. Scruff covering a majority of face from a previous shave. shoulder length brown mangy hair. Blue eyes. Very thin, 170 pounds. Tattered clothes. Scars covering a majority of arms and legs.


    *Link to skin*: https://gyazo.com/28147f3ab9511d577e221d69bd74ae99

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