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Posts posted by Vandoria


    At the crack of dawn, a young Qalasheen girl waves her handkerchief from the edge of Al-Wakhrah’s docks. A sad farewell with a feeling of longing - already wanting her father to come back home. The fleet was almost out of sight, vanishing in the thick mist that blanketed the horizon.


    A group of men and women gathered into the captain’s quarters of the HMS Temp Thersist. The Oberdiktator sits at his desk, looking to those among him. To his left, the Caliph Faiz Kharadeen of Al-Wakhrah. To his right, Marshal Richard Revlis of The Horde of Dunamis. Across from him are some of the men and women of Hallowvale.


    “Gentlemen…-.” The Oberdiktator nods to everyone in attendance. “I do not call myself a conqueror. I do, however, call myself someone not to **** with!” The Oberdiktator slams his balled fist upon the desk. “My patience has been tried for too long. I restrained myself when these degenerates dared lay hand upon my business affiliates. I warned them to never disrespect the laws of our land again. And what do I get for showing patience? ****. They literally reached out and gave me a handful of their pagan ****. And what do they expect me to do with their ****? Stand there and hold it like some sort of yoctogram? SOME HECTOPASCAL? Nae, I will toss it back into their faces and put them down like the disobedient dogs they are.”


    “Frederick, listen.” Caliph Faiz Kharadeen speaks softly in a calm voice. “The Red Brothers are enemies of the Reich. They’re enemies to us all. While I do not condone wanton killing, Allah favors us for our cause is just. Here, come outside.”


    The Caliph leads the way outside as the Oberdiktator and others follow. As the fleet of ships continued on, they come towards a massive battleship with red sails emerging from the mist. Of eastern work, the ship’s grandeur was unparalleled to other naval vessels in Vailor. Though perhaps it was a bit eccentric and flamboyant in style.


    “What the ****…?” The Oberdiktator gawks at the ship with his voice trailing off.


    “Here it is, Frederick. I once served your grandfather Voron loyally. And now I give this gift to the Reich.” The Caliph smiles to the Oberdiktator, happy with his shocked reaction.


    “What do we call it?” He ***** an eyebrow up, looking to the Caliph.


    “HMS Beltran's mutinium, also known as HMS Make it Reich. It reminds me of a slantie who once served your grandfather. Perhaps one day, you will find a comrade who will display loyalty equivalent to that man.”


    The Oberdiktator breaks out into a smile as he pats the Caliph on the back. Others from all across the fleet gazed upon the battleship and broke out into their own individual chants representing where they were from. For the first time since the Ducal War, the men and women of what was once only Khalestine were united. Karakatua, Sutica, Al-Wakhrah, Blackwater Bay, and Hallowvale.


    All other faction chants were drowned out as one chant emerged victorious, unifying the people.




    The suns breaks through the mist, lighting the fleet’s way to Norland.



    For the wanton disrespect for the laws of Vandoria and Her vassals including but not limited to attacking men and women of the military and civilians, attempted assassinations on various nobles, property damage while attempting to break and enter closed off places, attempting to incite traitorous behavior within Vandoria and her lands, attacking allies and business partners, banditing on Vandoria’s roads and marching their armies through Vandorian land, the Königreich of Vandoria has decided to purge the “Norlandese” and the Red Brothers. Having been warned several times about their trespasses in Vandoria and disrespect towards the sovereignty of Vandoria, the Oberdiktator is left we no other option but to seek retribution in order to protect his people.


    With permission from the Grand Kingdom of Urguan to sail around their western coast and move north to strike Norland as well as permission to dock


    Königreich of Vandoria declares war on Norland.




    TYPE OF BATTLE: Beach Landing (Skirmish)

    TIME: Sunday the 3rd of January, 10 PM GMT, 5 PM EST, 2 PM PST (Proposed)

    ATTACKERS: The Königreich of Vandoria

    DEFENDERS: Norland and the band known as “The Red Brothers”



    This is Vandoria’s path. Given permission by the Dwarven Clan Grandaxe, Vandoria’s ships will dock at the first  rectangle, and then move south. They will then head east to assault Norland.




    This will be the skirmish location. (Proposed).




    If all defending forces are killed or routed.


    If all attacking forces are killed or routed.



    Vandoria victory: Ability to conquest and lay siege to Norland’s port city as seen in the picture. A siege camp outside of Norland’s city will be established.

    Norland victory: The area will be non-war claimable for a month.



    -No status switching.

    -No golden apples.

    -No altering of terrain or construction of new fortifications after this WC is posted.

    -All LOTC rules.


    I request a skype chat be made by the overseeing GMs including both the Vandorian and Norland / Red Brothers leadership. The Vandorian Leadership shall include Zhulik, Shady_Tales ymbninjakiller, and Sir_Niccum.

    Locations and times remain negotiable.

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