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Posts posted by ITheMagician

  1. Name:Andimar (Andi)
    Race (If not 
    mali'ker then an interview will be required):Mali'ker
    Notable Skills:Alchemy/Woodwork/Leatherwork
    How many will be moving in with you?:Not sure yet, most likely none.
    Do you accept the laws of Ebonglade and by extension Laureh'lin?:Of course


    MC Name:MikeAddiction


    Name ((OOC Name)):MikeAddiction


    Date of Birth ((Example: 11th of Sun’s Smile, 1520)): 15th of The Grand Harvest, 1847.


    Race:Human Heartlander.

    Citizenship Class (A or B):B


    Physical Description




    Eye Color:Dark brown

    Hair Color:Caramel brownish

    Skin Color/Shade:Light white,

    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos:None


    Personal Information


    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown):

    Region of Residence (Leave blank if unknown):

    Profession/Occupation:Private Farmer

    Have you paid your processing fee (CLASS A CITIZENS ONLY!):

    ((Please provide a screenshot of the payment.))



    Oath(s) of Loyalty


    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):


    "I, Mac Radner, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  3. Hey, I decided to begin making some free skins for noobs!

    These are some MALE ORC skins, and throughout this summer, I will spend one or two days a week making sets. Each set will have 3 skins for a race and a gender, and occasionally maybe child skins.

    Here are the 3 male orcs! They are Smasher, Klomper, and Jolly.

    Smasher is your average mean green orc!

    Klomper is a strong red orc!

    Jolly is a fat happy light green orc!




  4. Teaspoon, to answer some questions I hope to make this a playable specie by people, if at all it is just me. To say more, the idea did not originate from the enderman lore, nor the Voidal Horror. It originated as a creature created from void magic. Now, the creation is not OP, but it is also not able to be "over powered" as violence is not found in it's actions. For another question, this creature has power to give it the abilities of a celestial being. These powers are also used for tasks and/or daily activity. Also, some are used in difficult situations.

  5. To the man stating the weakness factor: The void creature also however, can show little sympathy, such as having no feeling when a person or creature around it has deceased.

    Theoretically, a void creature looks at life as a sacred thing, as it’s something he never had

    This touch however is strongly controlled, and it has only been seen when the void creature attempts to make contact in life, only flawing it and leaving a dreaded feeling on his shoulders.

  6. Alright anyone who wants to come here to debate this please explain your reason other than how they look or that they are from the void. Also, the power may be high but it could be useful for certain situations. Also, another thing do not say it is OP, if you do explain your reasoning. Also, I feel this has more in common to a master wizard the to it's other the voidal horror. Such as it being a calm, timeless creature.

  7. Secondly to push my reasoning further my creature can not die and only wishes to know the true meaning of life. This character does not kill, and there is not many versions of it. So stop blabbing about any similarities what so ever to the chaotic version of my creation. As my creation is roleplayable and has meaning behind it.

  8. You have made a fair point however many attributes differentiate the voidal horror, and the void creature. My creation is not that of a chaotic, animal like, horrendous creature that does as it wishes. The only comparison you can create between the two is the mysterious void figure it is. I am sure if there were a "hellish horror" you would not have brought that up.

  9. Before we start, this creature does NOT kill.

    What is a void creature?

    A void creature is a creation using anti matter threading of space and time. The void creature is a calm celestial being. The creature is a form where it’s origins are time and space itself, and it has existed forever.

    How was the creature found

    The creature was found through void magic experimentation, which only resulted in showing a being created by the void. The creator was dumbfounded when the creature came out, and found it to speak in a shriveled manner, creating a sound that no one could explain. The creature is everywhere, but nowhere at the same time.


    The void creature is a tall, slender creature, whose skin looks like that of a child's scribbles. It has no mouth, and no eyes, but somehow can make sense of what is going on and speak it’s infinite tongue to those around it.


    The void creature does show some sympathy towards others, and can help in varying situations. The void creature also however, can show little sympathy, such as having no feeling when a person or creature around it has deceased. The void walker also has no sanity, or insanity, he only features a mental serenity.

    Touch of death.

    The void creature can make things into void-like material at the touch of his fingertips, the material looks like an oily substance mixed with a video game glitch.This touch however is strongly controlled, and it has only been seen when the void creature attempts to make contact in life, only flawing it and leaving a dreaded feeling on his shoulders.(Note he does not use this to kill, only to attempt to feel life.)


    The void creature has a very strong ability in telekinesis, an ability strong enough to split every atom in a body and contain the blast. However he only uses this ability to carry himself, and hover over the ground.


    The void creature can teleport, however he rarely uses it, and does not use it for evil, he only uses it to observe life. He may also use it to stop massive calamities around the world.


    The Protector

    Theoretically, a void creature looks at life as a sacred thing, as it’s something he never had, and he will do all he can to stop something from ending it.


    If the void creature is somehow destroyed, it will just recreate itself through a quantum level, and continue life as it was before the destruction.

    To finish

    I do not feel this is too overpowered. As it does not fight, nor create issues. I feel this would be a great addition to the LoTC to show people the negatives of life, and things they can not explain.

    (I would like to RP as this)



    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?:MikeAddition


    How old are you?:16


    Are you aware the server is PG-13:Yes, I understand.


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?:Yes, I believe the rules are fair and I agree to them.


    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:I believe the greatest rule on the list is the one which states to not change your username to impersonate another user.


    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?:I had a question of why you can not lock pick a locked chest.


    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?:Extensive research to find a well made Minecraft roleplay.


    What is roleplaying?:To portray the role of a created character, or of another showing the attitudes, actions, and conversations of who they are.


    What is metagaming?:To use out of character knowledge, in character to provide yourself an advantage over a situation.


    What is powergaming?:If a character powergames, he is giving a situation which would be extremely unlikely or impossible towards realism.


    Character’s name:James Angel.


    Character’s sex:Male.


    Character’s race:Human.


    Character’s age:27.



    As a young boy, James family had a strong interest in magic. No, not the wizardry magic, but the act of illusion. Growing up, young James had started doing simple side street magic acts in small village on a remote island off of Salvus, such as basic card tricks, or acts of vanishing inanimate objects. He did this to make slight profit for his family, which was running a struggling local circus. James’s however always pondered on how he could make more money, and with coins flying through his brain, he developed amazing magic tricks to stun the world. However, his greatest trick of all, was the act of theft. He excelled in stealing from people in the streets, and with age, he only got better. Eventually he would steal from houses, and soon to come, he would steal from houses with people in them. If he made a hint of noise mid-theft, he would already be out of the house, away from people.

    However, through all the theft, James family started to get wary of his theft, and attempted to turn him into the guards of the city. James was too clever however for the simple act of his family, and the next day, no one could find him in the village. James had boarded a boat, and little did he know it would start the biggest adventure of his life. He had boarded the boat of “The Grand Illusion” a boat of one of the largest circuses in the world. The actors did not recognize him, but after him partaking in the first few acts, he had became the star of the show. He had became “The Illusion”. Soon after having one too many drinks, James had taken the profits he had made and moved to Felsen of Vailor, never to be seen again by The Grand Illusion. He's spent his days impressing many people, and helping the lost souls of cities.


    Personality Traits:James is a man with lots of charisma and confidence, and is not scared to face situations if need be. James also has a shadowy figure that pokes him into illegal activities. James doesn’t tell anyone about his past life, he only makes it seem he was inducted into the grand circus, and an actor was part of his family. James however is also kind of heart, and is generous to those in need of help.


    Ambitions:James strives to make his name legend, no, not his real name, but his name “The Illusion” He also strives to help the poor.


    Strengths/Talents:James excels in theft, such as lock picking and pick-pocketing, or the simple grab and go in chest. He also never fails to impress people with his magic. James largest feature is his voice however, and being able to smooth people into things and pushing people to do things they should not do, he also has skill in calming people down.


    Weaknesses/Inabilities:James thinks too much of himself, and can do stupid things, such as attempting to steal from high figures of authority when guards are within 20 feet. He also is slightly delusional, and can see the world in a way of darkness. James also has a tendency to get himself in trouble when drunk.


    Appearance:A sturdy young man with a towering figure, with a sculpted face that has light stubble, and few scars on it. His one eye shows a gleaming purple, while the other is covered by an old eyepatch. He has well groomed, slicked back hair, with a shining handlebar moustache.


    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin: [img=imgur.com/SruL48K]


    What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?:MikeAddition


    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?:MikeAddition


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?:Yes, I agree.


    Do you understand you can not be on both of these accounts at once?:Yes, I understand.


    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will the other(s)?:Yes, I understand.


    How long have you been on LoTC?:I just got here.


    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted?:None.

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