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Posts posted by Amanda_Panda


    Note: This is my second application but the first was denied by one of the members of the application team because I used the wrong format. However, I looked at those who have been recently accepted and they have used the same format as I have and like myself, I am new here.


    Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: Manda_Panda98


    I am 17 years of age, and very aware that this is a PG-13 server, Yes I have read the rules and agreed to follow each one. I have no questions about the rules.


     I also agree with all the rules that were given, the most I agree with is the forbbidden use of pedophilia, rape, and etc and the destruction of blocks, fences, and walls to gain acess on properrty is forbidden.


    I found LoTC on google when looking up servers.




    Roleplaying: to act the behavior of a certain character and/or fill in a certain social or adopted role.


    (I hate this one) Meta-Gaming: Usually an OOC or Out of character action in which one party uses knowledge that they're aware of however, the character they're roleplaying as is not supposed to be aware of it.


    (And this one) Power-gaming: Usually somone who becomes OP or over-powered to the point where it's not fair to other players. For example:

    e.g: Amelia walks down the pavement towards the booth that was selling bread.

           A masked figure appeared, "Come with me, I need to show you something important." 

           "No thank you," Amelia kindly refuses and walks past the masked figure.

            The masked figure grabs Amelia, ties her up, then throws her in a sack, and carries her away.


    This is an example because the player doesn't have a chance to resist, not only that but it was never mentioned that the masked figure was carrying rope or any object to tie 'Amelia' up nor a sack to throw her in. It didnt show them pulling it out of looking for it.



    Simone Legacy



     21 years of age



            Born  in Vailor, Holy Orenian Empire, Simone was adopted and raised alone by two talented blacksmiths in a small home. Simone's father told stories about the outside world and such, which got her curious about seeking fame, glory, and adventure. As Simone aged into a young adult, she became reckless and selfish. She often placed  herself in risky situations that nearly cost her life. Ignoring both of her parents warnings, Simone continued to act reckless until an incident occurred that made her think first. In 1522, Simone was visiting The city of Kal'Akash and was caught in the attack by unknown entities. In result, she survived with only a scar hidden behind her bangs.

    Since then, she trained to think wisely before committing an action and her selfish ways vanished. In 1526,  after a night out drinking with friends, Simone returned home to find one of her parents suffering from an illness. Desperate for a cure, Simone traveled far from home to find medicine to give to her loved one however, it was too late when the relative passed away.  In 1529, now at the age of twenty one, after burying her last surviving caregiver whom died from natural causes, Simone leaves the her childhood home in hopes to achieve her dream and goals.


    Simone is known for being friendly and outgoing, she has a weakness to sweet treats and is very attached to her book where she keeps her memories and writes her adventures. Simone is prone to rude and ignorant individuals and never hesitates to call them out. She also can very sympathetic and tries to help others even when it seems impossible.


    Simone dreams of going on adventures, helping those in need, and to become rich and famous.


    Simone is skilled at writing, cooking, and hunting. And because she was raised and educated by blacksmiths she can make decent armor.


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: is impatient, short tempered, and forgetful.


    Simone Legacy is 5'1 and 120 lbs, she has fair skin with rosy cheeks. Legacy inherited her father's platinum blonde hair that hides a small fading scar above her head and light brown eyes. She wears a beige shirt with a brown corset adorned by yellow buckles, leather gaunlets, on her head she wears her father's goggles, beige trousers. and brown boots.



  2. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: - Manda_Panda98

    (For some reason, the questions were cut out):


    I am 17 years of age, and very aware that this is a PG-13 server, Yes I have read the rules and agreed to follow each one.


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yes

    Do you understand you can not be on both of these accounts at once?: yes

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will the other(s)?: yes

    How long have you been on LoTC?: 0 seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted?: 0


    note: I also agree with all the rules that were given, the most I agree with is the forbbiden use of pedophilia, rape, and etc and the destruction of blocks, fences, and walls to gain acess on properrty is forbidden.




    Roleplaying: to act the behavior of a certain character and/or fill in a certain social or adopted role.


    (I hate this one) Meta-Gaming: Usually an OOC or Out of character action in which one party uses knowledge that they're aware of however, the character they're roleplaying as is not supposed to be aware of it.


    (And this one) Power-gaming: Usually somone who becomes OP or over-powered to the point where it's not fair to other players. For example:

    e.g: Amelia walks down the pavement towards the booth that was selling bread.

           A masked figure appeared, "Come with me, I need to show you something important." 

           "No thank you," Amelia kindly refuses and walks past the masked figure.

            The masked figure grabs Amelia, ties her up, then throws her in a sack, and carries her away.


    This is an example because the player doesn't have a chance to resist, not only that but it was never mentioned that the masked figure was carrying rope or any object to tie 'Amelia' up nor a sack to throw her in. It didnt show them pulling it out of looking for it.



    Simone Legacy



     21 years of age



            Born  in Vailor, Holy Orenian Empire, Simone was adopted and raised alone by two talented blacksmiths in a small home. Simone's father told stories about the outside world and such, which got her curious about seeking fame, glory, and adventure. As Simone aged into a young adult, she became reckless and selfish. She often placed  herself in risky situations that nearly cost her life. Ignoring both of her parents warnings, Simone continued to act reckless until an incident occured that made her think first. In 1522, Simone was visiting The city of Kal'Akash and was caught in the attack by unknown entities. In result, she survived with only a scar hidden behind her bangs.

    Since then, she trained to think wisely before commiting an action and her selfish ways vanished. In 1526,  after a night out drinking with friends, Simone returned home to find one of her parents suffering from an illness. Desperate for a cure, Simone traveled far from home to find medicine to give to her loved one however, it was too late when the relative passed away.  In 1529, now at the age of twenty one, after burying her last surviving caregiver whom died from natural causes, Simone leaves the her childhood home in hopes to achieve her dream and goals.


    Simone is known for being friendly and outgoing, she has a weakness to sweet treats and is very attached to her book where she keeps her memories and writes her adventures. Simone is prone to rude and ignorant individuals and never hesitates to call them out. She also can very sympathetic and tries to help others even when it seems impossible.


    Simone dreams of going on adventures, helping those in need, and to become rich and famous.


    Simone is skilled at writing, cooking, and hunting. And because she was raised and educated by blacksmiths she can make decent armor.


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: is impatient, short tempered, and forgetful.


    Simone Legacy is 5'1 and 120 lbs, she has fair skin with rosy cheeks. Legacy inheirted her father's platinum blonde hair that hides a small fading scar above her head and light brown eyes. She wears a beige shirt with a brown corset adorned by yellow buckles, leather gaunlets, on her head she wears her father's goggles, beige trousers. and brown boots.



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