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Posts posted by LostInTime

  1. T H E




    Never trust an elven woman.


    - Sir Mohammad Hassan




    14th of Harren’s Folly, 1853.


    The bells tolled through the capital city of Providence as a squadron of masked men returned from their daily patrols upon the Urguanite land. In tow with them, was an astonishing sight: they rode with prized possessions- the Countess of Pinemaw herself, once more! And to complement this endeavor, they had also captured a stranded Ferryman, by the name of Jesus Pablo (allegedly).


    In this endeavor, the Imperial squadron sought it both fair and ironic to depart the Urguanite citizenry and mercenaries with the same fate that they had once found comedic to fit themselves: a fight to the death. Both the Countess and Jesus Pablo were positioned to each side, until a great audience amassed, including both His Majesty the Emperor and His Majesty the Empress.


    Roars erupted from the stands as fellow citizens placed their beats. Tens, hundreds of minae were placed on Jesus Pablo - it seemed he was quite the famous contender - resulting in a grand total of 300 minae placed on Jesus Pablo, and 0 minae placed on the Countess of Pinemaw.



    The dust settled, as a fellow soldier started a countdown.


    To the surprising avail of the crowd, it seemed that the Countess Pinemaw and renowned Jesus Pablo mutually decided to refrain from fighting, choosing instead to sit down. Screams of “COWARDS!” erupted from the stands, for the Imperial citizens were surely dissatisfied with the results. The armored soldiers sought to merely end the fate of the Countess and Ferryman themselves, at least, until an irreproachable act of dishonesty occurred!









    It seemed that while the Ferryman Jesus Pablo remained seated, the Countess of Pinemaw unsheathed a small knife, stabbing him repeatedly in the stomach until he bled out. Gasps roared from the stands, for this surely was a disastrous sight.


    How could these Urguanites commit such a dishonorable act for breaking their own trust?


    Nonetheless, it seemed the Countess Peralian had won the fight, and at the behest of Their Majesties, she was thrown from the city, from Imperial mercy. Surely, she would return to her home, knowing her to be a dishonorable woman! Truly a spawn of Iblees.

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