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Posts posted by cknox659

  1. My mine craft account name is turtlecraftboy [ because I love turtles]

    I'm 12

    I know its pg-13

    I have read the read

    I agree this one because staff is important Impersonation of a Player or Staff Member, on any medium, will not be tolerated.

    I agree to the rules  I will ask if I need help

    my friend in school said to me and me talk sooooo about it all the time




    the acting out or performance of a particular role, either consciously (as a technique in psychotherapy or training) or unconsciously, in accordance with the perceived expectations of society as regards a person's behaviour in a particular context.

    Metagaming is any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself.

    :Powergaming (or power gaming) is a style of interacting with games or game-like systems, particularly video games, boardgames, and role-playing games, with the aim of maximising progress towards a specific goal, to the exclusion of other considerations such as storytelling, atmosphere and camaraderie.

    sorry I'm nerdy


    Character’s name: my character's name is  shadow smith or wraith

    Character’s sex: boy

    Character’s race: I'm a cavern dwarf

    Character’s age: unknown

    Biography  went he was young a killer , killed his family his was last  one left he was coming but faith saves him he comes back

    as a wraith the killer comes back and comes for the kill then a dark elf comes a saves him , now he sworn to save all elves . he was born in the dwarf kingdom

    Ambitions: to become a great black smith and to save all elves

    Strengths/Talents: good at black smiting and combat

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: crap at  archery  weak to magic mostly dark magic

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): skinny and is not soo tall

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here): I cant copy it here

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