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Posts posted by maxschell

  1. [Application]

    ((MC Name: maxschell ))


    ((RP)) Name: Lariké Aiur


    Known Arcane Arts: None (some knowledge about Voidial Translocation)


    Position Desired (Student or Instructor): Student


    When is the best time to contact you for an interview: Any time. ((After 4pm, P.S.T. or on weekends))


  2. 4 hours ago, ImCookiie said:

    Your application lacks detail, and the images you provided only show one style of building. Perhaps you ought to revisit the application, and make sure to answer every question fully, and coherently. 

    Updated responses and added some screenshots of old builds I built for another server a while back.

  3. Username maxschell

    Timezone P.S.T.

    Group/Nation: U.S.A.? (or do you mean ingame? If ingame, I really don't belong anywhere right now, I'm trying to join the druids, but yeah.)


    Have you ever held a staff position before?

    Not on LOTC. I've staffed several other servers, but I've never been staff on LOTC.


    Have you ever been banned before?

    Nope. Someone reported me like 2 years ago because I was being stupid and way overreacting, but I wasn't banned.


    What style do you prefer to build in?

    Medieval-Fantasy, usually in Lord of the Rings style.


    Are you comfortable using World Edit commands?



    Provide screenshots of three builds you have created from the following list: Terrain, Creature, Medieval, or High Fantasy


    These are a few screenshots I took a little bit ago.




    Explain what you feel results in a quality build


    In a word? Realism. It needs to be structurally stable, from a logical standpoint. (barring magically infused places, and whatnot, which bend the rules of science.) It needs to look good, like... Art. It's kind of hard to describe. It needs to... Work. It needs structure, and most importantly, it needs detail. It is absolutely necessary (with most builds) to have physical depth. A wall generally shouldn't be just flat, it should have supporting features, and often extra details, such as windows, or perhaps overlaying a window, could be a small hanging garden, or something of the like. It needs to have a specific feel to it. When you walk in you should be able to almost see the atmosphere.



    Why do you wish to become an Event Team Builder?

    Because I want to help the server progress, and I want to help the community have the best experience possible. The best way I feel I can do that is to RP well, and help build. Eventually, once I get re-acquainted with the lore, I may apply for other positions. In my experience, events are often the lifeblood of a server, offering new, and interesting things for the players to do. Giving them a chance to find out more about a certain thing, or even just to further give them fuel for their character to progress.



    What are your strengths and weaknesses?

    Strengths would be anything in towns, or settlements. Houses and lodges are my forte, but I'm not too shabby when it comes to churches, blacksmiths, libraries, stores, etc.

    Weaknesses would be castles, large keeps, and the like. Using a mass amount of stone on the exterior of a building is difficult, as in my experience I've found it hard to give realistic, and good looking detail on the exterior of a large build built mostly with stone, or stonebricks.


    How much time could you give this position in the foreseeable future?

    3 or more hours on weekdays, 5 or more on weekends. (Though it's really a day-to-day thing)

  4. It's obvious that I'm not wanted. I'd like to say good bye to the actually good roleplayers that I met here...


    Why, you may ask, am I leaving? Here's a list.


    1.) Too many Powergamers, and Metagamers, that when they're called on their ****, they ignore, and they call it out for actual RP.


    2.) Too many assholes, who kill just for fun.


    3.) Very little actual good RP.


    4.) Just... Worthless people, everywhere.


    5.) Being completely ignored on several occasions, on forums, and ingame.


    6.) Not really that fun anymore. My first few days were amazing... Then it all died, just... Ran out of content.


    7.) Not enough staff intervention when RP is breaking, or rules are breaking.


    8.) No one really pays attention to what happens.


    9.) People don't really ever look for logic, when they're in groups. They just claim its how it is, and because majority says so, its true.


    10.) Nothing to do any further.

  5. MC Name: maxschell


    Forum Name: maxschell


    Skype Name: live:maximillian501


    Timezone: PST


    Age: 15


    Do you feel that you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards set forth to be a member of this team?:




    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work and collaborate with others?:

    I want to be a part of the AT team so that I can help people who want to be in our community join, but also to help them if they're new to roleplay with definitions, and such.


    Do you recognize that you will be given extra responsibilities such as working on the LoTC Wiki, assisting the AT in creating guides and helping new players with their questions upon logging into LoTC?:

    Yes, and I will do my best with each and every task given to me.


    Is there anything else you would like to add or that we should know about you?:

    As I said in my own Whitelist Application: I do professional Roleplay sometimes. With that, comes experience that not many have when it comes to MCRP. Another is that I may as well be a dictionary. I know almost every term, every word, every conjunction, etc. and with that, I can help players with definitions quite a bit, and help them understand about certain concepts if they don't immediately understand.


    Tell me a joke (Better be good!)

    No! You tell me a joke!


    Fine, I'll tell you a joke, but only because you asked so nicely...


    Doctor: "I'm sorry but you suffer from a terminal illness and have only 10 to live."   

    Patient: "What do you mean, 10? 10 what? Months? Weeks?!"

    Doctor: "Nine."




    "Viserys had gold poured onto his head
    He's no ******* dragon now he's dead"



  6. Character name and age: Jordan 'Crow' Croatoan, age 21

    Character Race: Human, Farfolk

    What Magic/s did you learn?: None yet.

    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: I taught myself through books and taking notes, as well as weeks of studying the Void, and Voidial Translocation.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: Conjuration is an arcane magic, -which "uses the most of your manna unlike any other arcane science"- where the mage constructs living creatures or objects from the void(A book. by Joe_Blackman 3). As long as conjoured creature or item still exists, manna is continuously drained from the caster to keep that construct up and moving.  One who starts out with conjuration is better off practicing creating things like small insects in order to build up the connection to the void and the person's manna capacity. In order to summon anything from the void, you have to have a great understanding of what you are going to create; this means you will need to completely know the... per se 'Blueprint' of the construct, and thus build it layer by layer and generate it into the physical realm. If a Conjurer does not have a good understanding of the object, or creature he or she is trying to create, it will either fail to be summoned, or be summoned as either a vague version of the real thing or a pile of sludge. Once a mage has constructed a creature, the creature will follow the creator's commands willingly. After the conjurer feels confident in his or her knowledge about the creatures and objects the mage has gathered, the Conjurer could try to make hybrid fauna. If the mage is master at both conjuration and elemental evocation, the mage could join the magics to create an elemental.


    Provide evidence that you've garnered to said subtype: Check Logs, I've been in the Draugr library, and you should see me talking to myself a lot. (About the magics.)

  7. MC Name: maxschell


    IC Name: Jordan 'Crow' Croatoan


    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: Farfolk


    Transformed Form: Revenant


    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: N/A


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: So, first I'll explain what ghosts are. Ghosts are souls. They are made when either A: A mortal who died was killed in a violent mannor. or B: When a mortal died, they were not properly buried. Both reasons A and B, are possible ways for a ghost to be created. Ghosts haunt their death place and their surroundings, the only ones not binded to their place of death are known as "Revenants", and "Poltergeists". Revenants are good, and poltergeists are bad. Revenants are seen with a blue-ish aura, and poltergeists are seen with a red-ish aura. They are commonly used in stories, as they can be quite frightening, but also quite helpful.

  8. MC name: maxschell


    Character's name and age: Jordan Croatoan, 21


    Character’s Race: Farfolk


    What magic/s did you learn?: Clerical Healing, and other Clerical magics.


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Lots of training and faith in the Aengul Xan.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: Clerical Healing allows Jordan to tap into the holy magic of Xan, and channel his power to heal, and strengthen himself and others. He sees himself as a conduit for Xan's power, and wishes to better the world. He cannot heal natural, or supernatural ailments such as birth defects, aging, curses, or dark magic. Jordan can also emit a holy light from the palm of his hand, that can be used as a incredibly weak weapon against unholy, acting as more of a repellant, and lightly heal normal people.


    Provide evidence you’ve garnered to said subtype: Not sure how to prove it. You can check logs, I've looked through every bookshelf in the library several times, and spent numerous hours in temples/churches. He's also prayed to Xan several times, as well as slain Daemon in his name. He has pushed himself past his limit, several times, almost dying a few times to help others, and do things he believed Xan would like.

    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: Nah. My last application was denied.

  9. This is an early application, and I have to wait for four days, but I made it now so I can work out kinks in it before it can be accepted/denied.



    MC name: maxschell


    Character's name and age: Jordan 'Crow' Croatoan. And 21


    Character’s Race: Farfolk


    What magic/s did you learn?: Voidal Translocation


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Jordan learned his magic from speaking to several different mages, and one ascended. Alongside that, he spent days in different liberaries, and did as much research as he possibly could. He did testing, he read up on the planes of existence, different magics, gods, and even science. He combind his knowledge and started trying to teleport. He tried again, and again, passing out from energy and mana loss, and came close to death even, but eventually he figured it out, and he was able to teleport minorly.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: (Like, what I can do?) Minor teleportation of himself, and other objects. The ability to anchor a sort of 'Magic Camera' where he could temporarily view a distorted version of the room he placed the Anchor in. He also learned how to sort of Faze-Step, where he would become incorporeal, yet still somewhat visible, (But distorted), and move for a little bit further than he can teleport. (Though it takes longer to recover from.


    Provide evidence you’ve garnered to said subtype: I'm not sure what you mean. If a MAT member could help me answer this question, I'd appreciate it.


    Name: Jordan Croatoan

    Skills: Enchanter, Tinkerer, and Soldier.

    Do you require equipment?: Yes, I do.



    Skype: live:maximillian501 (I'd write my name, but it's ancient greek, so there's my skype ID thing.

    Can you use TS?: Unfortunately, no. My computer refuses it.

    Time Zone: P.S.T.

  11. Out-Of-Character Information
    What’s your Minecraft account name?: maxschell

    How old are you?: 15
    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes, I understand that this is PG-13.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes, and I do agree to abide by the rules.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: No metagaming, or no powergaming, I can't decide. Several times on other servers my characters have been killed by people using means of meta and or powergaming.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): Nope! You're all good!

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?:  The player Starwillow2000 over Skype.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable):


    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!

    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is when you assume control over a character in a fictional world, (Usually a character you create.) One of my favorite hobbies. (I do D.M.ing at events sometimes.)

    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is when you use Out of Character information, or permissions, ingame.

    What is powergaming?: Powergaming is the terrible act of making your character, or your character's allies more powerful by no real means.
    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.

    Character’s name: (what do you want your character to be called?) Jordan 'Crow' Croatoan.

    Character’s sex: (male or female?) Male.

    Character’s race: (you can find all the playable races here.) Farfolk

    Character’s age: (upon application, your character must be 18 or older, and depending on the race, they can be over five hundred years old!) 21.

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add three refrences to the server lore.): (where does your character come from?; where have they traveled to?; what year were they born in? et cetera.)
    Malin's life was so mundane for the first 15 years, it needn't be mentioned. He was a farmer boy, that lived in sanctuary. Some time after his sixteenth birthday, he went to join the Felsen military, in an attempt to get some training for fighting against the thing that killed his sister. He needed to be able to single handedly take down several people, and come out on top. And so, he left his home, to join the army. He met a few strangers along the way, and found a old travel cloak, that was a bit ripped up, and if he were to extend his arms, he would give the impression of a crow.

    After three years in the military, and several oaths taken, he faked his death, to escape them. Short details were, bandit raid, cause a cave-in, kill a bandit, and bury most of the bandit in the rubble. But anyway, after that, he left, to go learn about what killed his sister. However, on the way back home he got lost. He ended up going all the way to the eastern shoreline, and eventually to the western, completely failing to find his home. By the time he finally reached his home, he was 20 years old, and quite a bit had changed. He couldn't find a trace of his parents, they had sold the farm, and no one had heard from them in two years.
    He spent half a year looking for his parents before he gave up. He instead, focused all his attention on his sister. He found out that what killed his sister was a Golem, and he finally found both it, and it's Impera. Killing the Golem was tricky. He had learned how, but he had to be resourceful. He eventually decided to go somewhere, really high, and try to trick it into falling. He angered the Golem by attacking it's Impera, and the Impera ordered the Golem to kill him. So, Jordan had it follow him to the top of a building, and he stood at the edge. The Golem chasing him, he sidestepped, and the Golem fell, cracking it's chest, and Jordan slid down the side of the building, (Grabbing things along the way, to reduce harm.) and stabbed the creature's core, watching it turn to dust. He never did learn quite why the Impera had the Golem kill his sister, but he didn't care. He stabbed him, right in the heart, and left the sword in his chest. He then, had nothing to do, but surivive. His life goal was completed, and his parents were gone. And that brings you up to speed, with Jordan 'Crow' Croatoan.


  12. Out-Of-Character Information
    What’s your Minecraft account name?: maxschell
    How old are you?: 15
    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes, I understand that this is PG-13.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes, and I do agree to abide by the rules.
    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: No metagaming, or no powergaming, I can't decide. Several times on other servers my characters have been killed by people using means of meta and or powergaming.
    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): Nope! You're all good!
    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?:  The player Starwillow2000 over Skype.
    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable):
    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!
    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is when you assume control over a character in a fictional world, (Usually a character you create.) One of my favorite hobbies. (I do D.M.ing at events sometimes.)
    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is when you use Out of Character information, or permissions, ingame.
    What is powergaming?: Powergaming is the terrible act of making your character, or your character's allies more powerful by no real means.
    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.
    Character’s name: (what do you want your character to be called?) Malin 'Crow' Croatoan.
    Character’s sex: (male or female?) Male.
    Character’s race: (you can find all the playable races here.) Farfolk
    Character’s age: (upon application, your character must be 18 or older, and depending on the race, they can be over five hundred years old!) 21.
    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add three references to the server lore.): (where does your character come from?; where have they traveled to?; what year were they born in? et cetera.)
    Malin grew up in Sancuary, with a strange obsession of magic, and more specifically, Necromancy, and Spirit magic. However, he grew up poor, his father a book store clerk though, was happy to allow him to read as much as he wanted. (Though he did lie to his dad about what he was reading.) By the age of ten, Malin had read every book on the arcane in his father's bookstore, and had mastered reading people, and lying. When he turned eleven, he told his parent's he knew magic, and showed his ability to them. His mother, was really overprotective, and banned him from reading any and everything on magic, and forbade him from practicing. That night, Malin ran away from home, and left his life, to obtain more knowledge of the arcane...
    Malin wandered for about a year, a twelve year old, but a lot more mature, and a lot smarter than most. He eventually found a home, and a life, as an apprentice of a man known as 'John, the spirit weaver'. Malin learned about spirits, and monsters from John. He apprenticed under John for the next five years of his life, learning everything he could about magic, spirits, and monsters. When he turned seventeen, he bade forwell to John, and left to explore the world, and find more magics, and anything he can. John gave him a cloak, that he used on his journeys. It was a black cloak, with the bottom of the cloak torn in places, and with cloak on his back, he went on his journey...
    After a year, Malin got a repuation. He earned the title of 'Crow', because of his cloak. When he moved his arms out, and spread the cloak, it looked like a crow's wings, so thats where he got it from. He was a powerful necromancer... Little to be known, this would be his downfall. On his adventures to find more about necromancy, he came across a daemon. He attempted a spirit binding spell, to drain the daemon of it's power, and it failed, causing massive amnesia, and power loss. The daemon smiled, he sent John to the Cloud Temple, and wiped almost all his memory of necromancy, and spirit magic. He remembered how powerful he was, and he swore to learn what he learned, and to get more powerful, and to make the daemon pay, and so he set out on a quest to learn more, and finally get revenge... (Yes, Daemon, not demon. Daemon are slightly less powerful then normal demon. ((If needed, change 'daemon' to 'demon')))

    Personality Traits: Malin is a man with a perpose. He has a tendency to want to gain a bit of power, or friends who have power. He strives for knowledge, and will do almost anything to get it.
    Ambitions: To learn Spirit magic, and Necromancy, to the level he used to have, so that he can get revenge.
    Strengths/Talents: (what is your character really, really good at?)
    Weaknesses/Inabilities: He has a moderate build. Exellent Hand-Eye co-ordination, and he is exellent with learning magic quickly.
    Appearance: Malin is about 6'5 feet tall, with dark brown hair, thats almost indistinguishable from black, with a black cloak. He has a large amount of runes imprinted into his arm.
    Skin: Look up my skin on Novaskin.me (Click the top thing, not the two skins below it, they're ones I uploaded ages ago.) You'll need to remove the head, torso, arms, and legs. (The outer layer)
  13. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft account name?:

    How old are you?:

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13):

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?:

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!):

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?:

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable):




    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!


    What is roleplaying?:

    What is metagaming?:

    What is powergaming?:


    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: (what do you want your character to be called?)

    Character’s sex: (male or female?)

    Character’s race: (you can find all the playable races here.)

    Character’s age: (upon application, your character must be 18 or older, and depending on the race, they can be over five hundred years old!)

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add three references to the server lore.): (where does your character come from?; where have they traveled to?; what year were they born in? et cetera.)

    Personality Traits: (what are your character's quirks?; habits?; likes and dislikes?)

    Ambitions: (what does your character aspire to be?)

    Strengths/Talents: (what is your character really, really good at?)

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: (what is a skill that your character needs to work on?)

    Appearance: (what does your character look like?; how tall are they?; hair color?; scars?)

    Skin: (please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin; if you need help, see our screenshot guide here.)


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