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Posts posted by SandstormS13

  1. What’s your Minecraft account name?: SandstormS 13

    How old are you?: 13

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 : yes i am aware.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: yes every page

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: rule 5 : no swearing and use of bad language.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? No.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: a friend showed me this server.


    What is roleplaying?: A type of acting or performing where you play a role as a character.

    What is metagaming?: the act of using pre gained knowledge you already know about the game.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: Bettering your character without actually working to better you character within the rules and guidelines of the roleplay storytelling.


    Character’s name: Feno

    Character’s sex: male

    Character’s race: wood elves

    Character’s age: 314

    Biography: once there in 1496 in the settlement lorraine.

    Were a hunters family celebrated and feasted because of the birth of ther pretiest and most cutest boy and named him Feno. at the age of 2 his dad told him about all the animals living in the forest and story’s about legends and myths.. After a few years  rumors were spread through whole Oren about assassinations and war and killing. The hunters family found this very scary and decided to move to Courland for more protection and it was safer. It was here in courland when young feno got kidnapped by a few outcasts thinking they could steel this bag hoping it was full of riches but instead it was feno sleeping inside of it. Later the outcasts found him and  ever since that has happend Feno has been grown up by these outcasts. Feno has been tought how to steal and fight with a sword and shoot a bow and arrow, also working for thwm and being there slave. After 40 years of hard labour Feno decided he was sick of doing this and killing innocent people for money and riches so decided to run a way.

    Feno new that he mest up his life and should of done this earlier however he also knew that if he went back to courland and went back to see his parents they wouldn’t recognize him and send him away thinking he was just some weird man. Feno always had something with nature and since he never really came outside much and insted had to work ,clean up and steal. Feno thoughts for the future was alway if he escaped he  would want to see the true world how it is and make friends and learn about all the different cultures.


    Personality Traits: practicing his bow shots, loves nature and all the trees and animals.

    Dislikes: being forced to work for someone without getting paid or a traid. And people who are mean.

    Ambitions: becoming a great warrior and tries to always do his best nomater in what cituation he is in.

    Strengths/Talents: shooting a bow, Running/walking, puzzles and answering questions and making friends.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: fighting with a sword and finding directions were to go.

    Appearance: (my character looks like a wood elf with leather armour and a bit of iron mixed in, short blond hair and brown eyes. My character is 1.95m  . has 1 scar on his back because of a cat that scratched him when he was younger.

    Skin: http://sandstorms13.imgur.com/all/


  2. What’s your Minecraft account name?: SandstormS 13

    How old are you?: 13

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 : yes i am aware.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: yes every page

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: rule 5 : no swearing and use of bad language.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? No.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: a friend showed me this server.


    What is roleplaying?: A type of acting or performing where you play a role as a character you choose.

    What is metagaming?: using or finding sources to get a advantage in a game.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: letting your character do things that in reality won’t happen or would be unrealistic. Another example could be that your character can’t be to OP becuase that wouldent be fare for the other players.


    Character’s name: Feno Bazichi

    Character’s sex: male

    Character’s race: wood elves

    Character’s age: 135

    Biography: once there in 1496 in the settlement lorraine.

    Were a hunters family celebrated and feasted because of the birth of ther pretiest and most cutest boy and named him Feno. at the age of 2 his dad told him about all the animals living in the forest and story’s about legends and myths.. After a few years  rumors were spread through whole Oren about assassinations and war and killing. The hunters family found this very scary and decided to move to Courland for more protection and it was safer. It was here in courland when young feno got kidnapped by a few outcasts thinking they could steel this bag hoping it was full of riches but instead it was feno sleeping inside of it. Later the outcasts found him and  ever since that has happend Feno has been grown up by these outcasts. Feno has been tought how to steal and fight with a sword and shoot a bow and arrow, also working for thwm and being there slave. After 40 years of hard labour Feno decided he was sick of doing this and killing innocent people for money and riches so decided to run a way.

    Feno new that he mest up his life and should of done this earlier however he also knew that if he went back to courland and went back to see his parents they wouldn’t recognize him and send him away thinking he was just some wierd man. Feno always had something with nature and since he never really came outside much and insted had to work ,clean up and steal. Feno houghts for the future was alway if he escaped he  would want to see the true world how it is and make friends and learn about all the differen cultures.


    Personality Traits: practicing his bow shots, loves nature and all the trees and animals.

    Dislikes: being forced to work for someone without getting paid or a traid. And people who are mean.

    Ambitions: becoming a great warrior and tries to always do his best nomater in what cituation he is in.

    Strengths/Talents: shooting a bow, Running/walking, puzzles and answering questions and making friends.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: fighting with a sword and finding directions were to go.

    Appearance: (my character looks like a wood elf with leather armour and a bit of iron mixed in, short blond hair and brown eyes. My character is 1.95m  . has 1 scar on his back because of a cat that scratched him when he was younger.




  3. What’s your Minecraft account name?: SandstormS 13

    How old are you?: 13

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 : yes i am aware.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: yes every page

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: rule 5 : no swearing and use of bad language.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? No.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: a friend showed me this server.


    What is roleplaying?: A type of acting or performing where you play a role as a character.

    What is metagaming?: the act of using pre gained knowledge you already know about the game.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: Bettering your character without actually working to better you character within the rules and guidelines of the roleplay storytelling.


    Character’s name: Feno

    Character’s sex: male

    Character’s race: wood elves

    Character’s age: 314

    Biography: once there in 1496 in the settlement lorraine.

    Were a hunters family celebrated and feasted because of the birth of ther pretiest and most cutest boy and named him Feno. at the age of 2 his dad told him about all the animals living in the forest and story’s about legends and myths.. After a few years  rumors were spread through whole Oren about assassinations and war and killing. The hunters family found this very scary and decided to move to Courland for more protection and it was safer. It was here in courland when young feno got kidnapped by a few outcasts thinking they could steel this bag hoping it was full of riches but instead it was feno sleeping inside of it. Later the outcasts found him and  ever since that has happend Feno has been grown up by these outcasts. Feno has been tought how to steal and fight with a sword and shoot a bow and arrow, also working for thwm and being there slave. After 40 years of hard labour Feno decided he was sick of doing this and killing innocent people for money and riches so decided to run a way.

    Feno new that he mest up his life and should of done this earlier however he also knew that if he went back to courland and went back to see his parents they wouldn’t recognize him and send him away thinking he was just some weird man. Feno always had something with nature and since he never really came outside much and insted had to work ,clean up and steal. Feno thoughts for the future was alway if he escaped he  would want to see the true world how it is and make friends and learn about all the different cultures.


    Personality Traits: practicing his bow shots, loves nature and all the trees and animals.

    Dislikes: being forced to work for someone without getting paid or a traid. And people who are mean.

    Ambitions: becoming a great warrior and tries to always do his best nomater in what cituation he is in.

    Strengths/Talents: shooting a bow, Running/walking, puzzles and answering questions and making friends.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: fighting with a sword and finding directions were to go.

    Appearance: (my character looks like a wood elf with leather armour and a bit of iron mixed in, short blond hair and brown eyes. My character is 1.95m  . has 1 scar on his back because of a cat that scratched him when he was younger.



  4. What’s your Minecraft account name?: SandstormS 13

    How old are you?: 13

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 : yes i am aware.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: yes every page

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: rule 5 : no swearing and use of bad language.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? No.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: a friend showed me this server.


    What is roleplaying?: A type of acting or performing where you play a role as a character.

    What is metagaming?: the world outside the game, knowing information you in game character doeas not.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: Acting out without the other being able to react, or forcing an action on another player.

    Character’s name: Roizor

    Character’s sex: male

    Character’s race: wood elves

    Character’s age: 36

    Biography: In the forest there were 4 wood elves living in a cottage along a river in a village.

    The 4 wood elves were the mom and dad and big brother of young Raizor who was just a born baby.

    When Raizor became older his brother secretly taught him how to shoot a bow and arrow when his parents weren’t at home. After a few months his dad figured out what his brother was teaching Roizor and took advantage from that and sold him to the army as soldier at the age of 15 because the dad thought he was good enof for the army and had loads of rents to pay..  After 20 of being in the army and fight orcs and practicing his bow shots and sword skills  Roizor got told that he was free to go back to his own home and see his family again. He traveled for a half year to go back to his home to be surprised by a different family living in his home. They told him that his parents and brother died by a bunch of orcs that came across their home while marching through the forest. With disappointment Raizor traveled through lands and villages through cities and farms looking for a job. But every time he asked they all said no.

    After almost giving it up he stumbled upon 1 more village and this farmer told him that his brother was looking for workers as assassin which took my interest so I decided to follow the rout he told me to go and eventually i came to the brother of the farmer. I told him that I came from far to look for a job and told him that his brother sent me. He then told ok…. Well your first mission is to kill a Dwarf and bring him to me as soon as he told me that I panicked and said oh no im not going to do that. He then told me well you gonna have to otherwise you gonna die. I thought oh god what have a brought myself into and fled as soon as he let me go to hunt for that dwarf. I fled in the forests and up in the mountains where I met these very nice humans  who were in the middle of stating the dinner. I told them my whole story and loved it and then said “ if you want you can stay with us and live in peace” i answered no thank you but still stayed for the rest of the day. The next day I got told by them that in the city there were was a butcher which was a good friend of them. They said that he needed a worker. I decided to go and try that out but it wasent such a success so I quit and stole his horse and galoped away hoping to someday in the future to find a better place to live and get some money and find what i love . In the future I might try to start my own farm and try to get myself a family to love.

    Personality Traits: biting his nails; cooked beef and listening to music.

    dislikes chopping wood and killing poor animals ( but would do it if have to.)

    Ambitions: energetic

    Strengths/Talents: shooting a bow, Running/walking, puzzles and answering questions and making friends.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: fighting with a sword and finding directions were to go.

    Appearance: (my character looks like a wood elf with leather armour and a bit of iron mixed in, has a beard and long brown hair with a type of ponytail in. My character is 1.95m  .has 1 scar on his back because of a cat that scratched him when he was young.



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