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Posts posted by GodOfGales

  1. ((For straight to the Riches >> Rags story, scroll to "Biography".))


    Basic Information

    Nickname(s): Eats-A-Ton


    Age: 23


    Gender: Male


    Race: Human- Heartlander


    Status: A bit overwhelmed, but breathing.




    Height: 6'3'''


    Weight: 187 lbs.


    Body Type: Lean


    Eyes: A light brown


    Hair: A dark black


    Skin: A natural tannish color


    Marking/Tattoos: N/A


    Health: Tattered


    Personality: Strong morality, humorous, yet also serious. 


    Inventory: Usually carries around an EASTON crest, which is interchangeable with a large variety of blades.


    Further Details: Bartholomew is very friendly, however very reluctant to trust. He is also often caught longing for the past, and refuses to let some aspects of it go.




    Alignment: Lawful Good.


    Deity: The Aengul Cernunnos.


    Religion: Wood Elven Pantheon.


    Alliance/ Nation/ Home: Currently homeless, roaming the lands under the Orenian banner.


    Job/Class: Jobless, however looking for an opening to reclaim the Easton business prowess. 


    Title(s): N/A


    Profession(s): Main- Woodworker; Secondary- Lumberjack.


    Special Skills: A Very Highly Advanced Memory.


    Flaws: Will do a bit much to get what he wants, feels he is a tad bit better than everyone else.




    Fighting Style: In close combat, he prefers a small, flexible dagger. When in planned fights, such as battle, he prefers a wide variety of blades strapped to his side that can be interchanged in the EASTON crest.


    Trained Weapon: EASTON Crest Brand Blades.


    (Story) From Riches To Rags

    The Easton Wood Company was a renown business for generations. When Bartholomew Easton was born into it as the heir, his parents were very pleased that there was indeed a male to carry the Easton name. They were different to the previous owners of the Eaton Wood Co.. They did things faster, quicker. It was this that destroyed them, however.


    Bartholomew grew up around Wood Elves, and though a Heartlander at heart, the distance said otherwise. His family had been converted into the local faith, and they did specific procedures when hauling lumber to appease their gods. When the company began to lose money, however, Bartholomew was sent to live with his Aunt in the closest metropolitan area. There he began to attend the local cathedrals that worshiped the Church of Canon, and his faith became a merge of both religions, yet personally he still hung onto the Wood Elven Pantheon. He enjoyed life in the city, and his heartlander origins gladly adapted. He lived in a wealthy neighborhood, had a large flow of money from his parents, and many wooden materials from the company. In his teens, he even designed the EASTON Crest, a crest that could interchange many different types of blades. He taught himself how to use it, then taught his cousins. 


    At 22, Bartholomew still lacked sufficient knowledge on how to live without constant wealth. It was then the Easton Wood Co. crashed, and left his family homeless. His parents signed a deal with local businesses that had been waiting for this opportunity, sending them off far away while funding them through the rest of their lives, so that the Easton Wood Co. could never again resurface. Bartholomew was left homeless, abandoned by his aunt now that the money was gone. He began to roam the Orenian Empire, only surviving by generous donations by the Monks. 


    At 23, Bartholomew was forced to sell all his belongings. He only now held onto the EASTON Crest. He hopes to reclaim the Easton Wood Co. and bring honor to the Easton family- and nonstopingly pushes to do so, after he finds a proper home.


    ((This was done in 5 minutes, I may edit it.))










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