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Posts posted by HowardRunners

  1. 1 hour ago, Smaw said:


    In response to this, it is generally accepted that all non-Uruk must pay tribute to be in the Uzg. To allow those not of our kin to roam is to invite danger into our home. We beat them so as to teach a quick lesson, because we have no time to deal with troublemakers.


    You are primarily Whitewash because you desire to worship an outside entity. If you truly held honour, you would remain with your brothers and attempt to change the system from the inside.

    Thank you for enlightening me and sorry to clog up your reply section with that story. Kra is now going to attempt to return his honor unto the Uzg, perhaps by completing the honorary challenges. Your comment on my story has helped me rp correctly and for that i am grateful

  2. Kra, my current character, has been labeled as whitewash, but in his heart, he is not. A certain event occurred that caused him to lose faith in his fellow uruks, an event that proved they had lost all honor and respect for each other, and were no longer the strong race they had sought to be, but had devolved into beasts of blood, mindlessly serving their blood lust without thought for pride and the word of other pics.


    It began when a dreadlander came unto the San'thraka, seeking assistance. He claimed to be a honorary, and Kra knew that honorary was a title deserving of respect, and treated him with such. However another uruk approached who doubted the claim, although Kra knew that the honorary spoke true. The other Uruk called to some nearby orcs and pursued the dreadlander, seeking to kill him. Kra honored the honorary and attempted to assist his escape. Kra lost respect for his fellow uruks that day, seeing that they saw any opportunity to fight and kill one that they should take, regardless of honor.


    Later, Kra met with the dreadlander in the cloud temple, and offered to vouch for him, saying that the other Uruk was dishonorable. The dreadlander seemed excited and agreed. Upon the arrival of the two at San'Thraka, the dreadlander betrayed Kra, telling the Uruks that he had found a whitewash and needed to die. Kra then lost faith in the system of honoraries. 


    Finally, the highest ranking Uruk available, possibly the leader of a clan, came forth. He listened to both sides of the story, and came to a judgement. He told the dreadlander to kill Kra to show his loyalty. Kra then lost faith in the leadership of Uruks, realizing the only thing they valued was death.


    Kra then felt isolated from Uruks, feeling as though they were a mere shadow of what they had been in the past. He tried to call upon the spirits, recalling a bison he had when young of a being of brilliant light. He did not know how to communicate with them and could never get to talk with a shaman, as they were always busy.


    Kra left San'Thraka, seeking honor and truth among other races. He joined a dreadlander clan and attempted to contact followers of Aerial, believing that it would be better to be on good terms with a deity that would swift away his soul when he died, and his vision might have been of Aerial, seeing as his father had passed that night. While waiting for a priest or monk, he was confronted be a pair of orcs, who asked why he was there. He revealed his true intentions, telling them he was seeking to worship Aerial. Kra knew it would shame his honor if he lied to his brothers.They branded him a whitewash and attacked him as he stayed his hand, knowing that he should never harm another uruk. 


    I tell you this to ask whether Kra is whitewash or not. His duty lies to the Rex and this being of light. He loves his people, and wishes that the kubs be strong and healthy. He loves honor, and sought it out after the failure of his race dissapointed him. In my own opinion, Kra is whitewash not because he isn't orc enough, but because he is too orcsh for this lost race of the desert.


    The Orcish Race must become whole once more. They must remember their values, and push aside their blood lust long enough to BE a culture, rather than a species. They must arise to be the like unto their ancestors, otherwise the emperor is right, we must be exterminated. For if remain at this state, we are no more than wild animals without honor and strength.

  3. ((Wow ? in all my looking I never even found a ''San Thraka" thank you for telling me and I will switch to that once I get to my computer. You are all very helpful and I sincerely appreciate your assistance. There is no such thing as "nit picky". If I was doing a modern role-playing and I said I was born during the American Civil War, I'd like you to point out my flaw. Thank you all again and I will edit asap))

  4. ((Ah! I understand now, whitewash here means intermingling and associating oneself with other races or species. I thought you were referring to the paleness of my skin. Thank you for clarifying, and I suppose it would be out of character to be so open to other races. I think I will dumb it down to the point where Kra is  not lusting after elves, but Kra doesn't  believe in the traditional distrust and will determine his outlook towards them through giving them an opportunity to interact with Kra.))


    After a sharp disscusion with Elder Tawdnug'Lak, he realises the error of his ways, that Uruk is far superior to Elf. He prays in secret to Aeriel asking forgiveness for his foolishness and begins a fast to regain his honor.

  5. ((Well IC as an Orc I would relish in the chance to prove myself in combat and defeat those who would belittle me and hunt me down. I would be thrilled in the chase and conflict because it would give me an opportunity to come out on top))

  6. Kar'Thum is an Orc of a most pale complexion and odd stature. Kra is not the brightest of Orcs, but is unnaturally wise, possibly related to the fact that he is half Uruk and half Goblin. As a child, he had a vison of a being of brilliant light, making him believe he is chosen to serve Aeriel. He was born in Gundz'koth and has lived all his life with his uncle in San' Thraka His Uncle was killed in a petty brawl recently, and now Kra seeks to learn more of the world in which he lives, and to serve Aeriel freely, away from the judging eyes of Goblin and Uruk alike. He has lived in San'Thraka all his life because of the closed mindedness and blood seeking nature of his Uncle, but he desires to leave and find himself welcome in another land. He was born in 1523.


    He lives a healthy life for an Orc, and is still strong and healthy, but rarely wins at feats of strength displaying dominance, and thus is usually taken as weak or lesser. His pale complexion is due to his limited exposure to sunshine from his Mining profession, causing bias amongst his peers (he likes his pale skin however, as it makes him feel more like an elf). However he is a distant relative  of Clan Gorkil, which gives him an advantage amongst others when it comes to making friends. 


    Kra has a deep fascination with elves. He has seen only four in his life and all were the most beautiful and majestic things he had ever seen. Because goblins came to be through the unity of Uruk and Elf, he hopes that a tale he heard once of a "Golden Pool" will cure his "Racial impurities" as he sees them, and transform him into a high elf (never gonna happen). He strives to keep his Orcish bloodlust under control, yet occasionally lashes out with excessive ferocity. From time to time, Kra will fast to Aeriel in secret, but because of his Orcish hunger, he often breaks his fast, leading him into a stage where he seeks repentance from his sin out of guilt and shame. He also has a distrust for Blacksmiths and will not accept a blade unless it was forged by his hand.


    Kra seeks to become a Monk or Priest of Aeriel. His attractedness to Elves has caused him to long after a trustworthy swordbrother whom is non-orcish as he has a inner desire to prove his peers that non-orc people can be trusted. Kra also wants to leave San'Thraka and find a city where he might be welcomed and accepted. 


    Kra is an EXCELLENT miner, working tirelessly and fervently in his underground paradise. He has lived most of his life gathering the Iron for the creation of swords and armor for his swordbrothers. He is a fair fighter, but often would rather have one of the other Orcs fight than he, as he has much to learn, and wishes not to make a fool of himself until he is ready for combat.


    Kra is not the most intelligent. In fact, he is practically uneducated, even by Orc standards. He wants to find an Elven friend and perhaps a wife or husband someday, but does not know how to communicate with these fair creatures, leading to much confusion and awkward situations when he has tried in the past.


    Kra is shorter than most Uruk, and has good arms but a skinny torso. His awkward physique is due to his mining past and limited sword skills. He has black hair that is pulled into a ponytail in the back, and he has a GREAT many scars on his body. Some are from Combat failures, some are from Abuse from his peers and uncle. His eyes are black, but might appear yellow in certain lighting.


    HowardRunners is my name and I have about a year of Minecraft RP under my belt, as well as 2-3 years of LARP and 1-2 years of tabletop Roleplay. I am looking forward to playing Kra with you all as he struggles with his personal ambitions versus his heritage and race. I am looking forward to Awkward conversations and compelling story as my Orc tries his hardest to replicate the wisdom and prowess of an Elf while also attempting to blend well with orcish society. I am SUPER looking forward to the prejudice I will receive as an orc trying to worship a light deity, which I just assumed is uncommon. I also am looking forward to trying to prove that I am not a monster to other races, while trying to prove to Orcs that other races can be trusted and allied with even though they are not of Urug's blood. 


    If I make a Lore Error, please forgive me. my first edition of my bio said that I was raised in a DWARVEN city which I assume is not common. As you might imagine I am VERY excited to play, and therefore I probably won't memorize every war and city, but I am certain that I will catch on as I keep playing. It'll come with time.


    I am coming here from Thronecraft, which was a Chaotic, Frustrating and humiliating experience, as most characters were photocopies of the same person and there was only one race. Want to be a wizard or use any sort of magic? $50. Want any steady form of religon? $70. Want to start a new city? $90. ? Want your own name that isn't your username? $10. Want any form of unique roleplay or fun exciting quest? wait until that moment once a month when an admin gets one prepped. It was so frustrating and I am happy to meet a server that is professional and unique with TRUE fantasy in mind. 

  7. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: HowardRunners

    How old are you?: 18

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes I am , and I am perfectly alright with it.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: I have! At least I believe I have.There are so many of them, but that's what keeps the server pure, right?

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: "No PowerGaming/MetaGaming" I am so glad for this, my last server was extremely loose with that sort of thing.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): Well I would love to know if an Orc would worship Aeriel or another Lawful Good Deity, since my first Character is going to be a follower of Aeriel and also an Orc.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: I got so frustrated with my last server I began to look for something new, and I found this!

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): Not Applicable (yet)




    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!


    What is roleplaying?: From my point of veiw? Pretending to be a person or Character that you are not. Literally Playing-a-Role

    What is metagaming?: Useing the things you know OOC (Out of Character) when you are IC (In Character). As in, I, HowardRunners learning that someone was planning to break into my house and then / Krathum Oathripper

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: *Bursts into Flame* *Levitates* "I AM THE DARK LORD KRATHUM AND ALL SHALL KNEEL TO ME OR DIE" Basically being WAY too powerful without proper reason or giving yourself any power that is not readily available and gives you an unfair advantage over others.


    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: (what do you want your character to be called?)Kra'thum 

    Character’s sex: (male or female?) Male

    Character’s race: (you can find all the playable races here.) Orc/Uruk

    Character’s age: (upon application, your character must be 18 or older, and depending on the race, they can be over five hundred years old!) 25

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add three references to the server lore.): (where does your character come from?; where have they traveled to?; what year were they born in? et cetera.) Kra is not the brightest of Orcs, but is unnaturally wise, possibly related to the fact that he is half Uruk and half Goblin. As a child, he had a vison of a being of brilliant light, making him believe he is chosen to serve Aeriel. He was born in Gundz'koth and has lived all his life with his uncle in Kal' Ordholm His Uncle was killed in a petty brawl recently, and now Kra seeks to learn more of the world in which he lives, and to serve Aeriel freely, away from the judging eyes of Goblin and Uruk alike. He has lived in Kal' Ordholm all his live because of the closed mindedness and blood seeking nature of his Uncle, but he desires to leave and find himself welcome in another land. He was born in 1523.


    He lives a healthy life for an Orc, and is still strong and healthy, but rarely wins at feats of strength displaying dominance, and thus is usually taken as weak or lesser. His pale complexion is due to his limited exposure to sunshine from his Mining profession, causing bias amongst his peers (he likes his pale skin however, as it makes him feel more like an elf). However he is of Clan Gorkil, which gives him an advantage amongst others when it comes to making friends. 

    Personality Traits: (what are your character's quirks?; habits?; likes and dislikes?): Kra has a deep fascination with elves. He has seen only four in his life and all were the most beautiful and majestic things he had ever seen. Because goblins came to be through the unity of Uruk and Elf, he hopes that a tale he heard once of a "Golden Pool" will cure his "Racial impurities" as he sees them, and transform him into a high elf (never gonna happen). He strives to keep his Orcish bloodlust under control, yet occasionally lashes out with excessive ferocity. From time to time, Kra will fast to Aeriel in secret, but because of his Orcish hunger, he often breaks his fast, leading him into a stage where he seeks repentance from his sin out of guilt and shame. He also has a distrust for Blacksmiths and will not accept a blade unless it was forged by his hand.

    Ambitions: (what does your character aspire to be?): Kra seeks to become a Monk or Priest of Aeriel. His attractedness to Elves has caused him to long after an elven bride or groom (not sure how marriages work in this server, but there's that). He also desires to find a trustworthy swordbrother whom is non-orcish as he has a inner desire to prove his peers that non-orc people can be trusted. Kra also wants to leave Sanjezel and find a city where he might be welcomed and accepted. 

    Strengths/Talents: (what is your character really, really good at?) : Kra is an EXCELLENT miner, working tirelessly and fervently in his underground paradise. He has lived most of his life gathering the Iron for the creation of swords and armor for his swordbrothers. He is a fair fighter, but often would rather have one of the other Orcs fight than he, as he has much to learn.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: (what is a skill that your character needs to work on?): Kra is not the most intelligent. In fact, he is practically uneducated, even by Orc standards. He wants to find an Elven friend and perhaps a wife or husband someday, but does not know how to communicate with these fair creatures, leading to much confusion and awkward situations when he has tried in the past.

    Appearance: (what does your character look like?; how tall are they?; hair color?; scars?): Kra is shorter than most Uruk, and has good arms but a skinny torso. His awkward physique is due to his mining past and limited sword skills. He has black hair that is pulled into a ponytail in the back, and he has a GREAT many scars on his body. Some are from Combat failures, some are from Abuse from his peers and uncle. His eyes are black, but might appear yellow in certain lighting.

    Skin: (please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin; if you need help, see our screenshot guide here.): http://imgur.com/AkRfP9A

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