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Posts posted by neosknightx

  1. NeosKnightX’s     3rd    Application


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: NeosKnightX

    How old are you?:16

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13):Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: The no hacking or exploiting, I find it the most important of ALL rules. That and of course common respect.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): No, i understand them.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: From a good friend, MadApplz


    What is roleplaying?: :Role playing is to write your character’s point of view,act as them and speak as them along with other people in Role playing.

    What is metagaming?: Is using information from the outside (not in game). It's not allowed. (Using information from Skype or team speak for example)

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?:Bullying players into things, forcing them to do something even if they don't want to do it. (ex. Forcing someone into a house or place)one character forcing actions against another character.


    Character’s name: Fallon Rahl

    Character’s sex: male

    Character’s race: Human, Heart lander

    Character’s age:  22

    Biography: Fallon Rahl is from a small house where he lived with his family outside of Riga, next to the forest and farmland. He worked there with his parents, Richard and Kahlan Rahl. after his parents passed away and he had no other siblings Fallon decided to go on a journey.

    He had always read and was told about stories about the descendant races arriving in The Isles of Vailor after leaving Athera. He wanted to go to Athera. He especially loved the stories about the Cloud Temple Sanctuary, he also heard stories of Seventis and the kingdom of kaedrin, he learned so much and tried to retain ALL the information, He did his best. Of course being raised by very.. “Different” parents He did not follow the religion of The church of canon or how his parents called it Temple of the Faith. His parents nor he believed in the teachings of the ancient King Horen I.

    He wanted to go learn about other religions and other beliefs. He wanted to adventure.  //

    Personality Traits: Always prefers the truth, is devoted to being truthful and helping people, one of his habits is too raise his sword a few inches above the scabbard to check if it's there.

    Ambitions: My character has no real goal. His family is gone, he’s on a journey to Find an Ambition and a goal to his life

    Strengths/Talents:Fighting and talking. He can use a sword extremely well, trained by his father And mother. He also is an intellectual, he can talk his way into the hearts of people, very easy to warm up to and get to socialize with!


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Is Completely new to where he’s going. Completely oblivious of dangers and doesn't know anything about most of the world except Vailor.Also gets into trouble by being sarcastic and funny with people he shouldn't, needs to learn to think about what he’s saying first. Is good with a sword but wants to learn more and become even better and well skilled.

    Appearance: Fallon is 6”3  (6 foot 3 inches) He has dark brown hair that goes back over his and spikes up, he has a trim jaw line with perfect yet homely features. A different kind of handsome. He has a raptor like gaze, penetratingly visible and Grey. From working with his parents around the forest and woods, he's muscular and very well built, he's muscled enough and looks well with his height.






    email:[email protected]



    (i cant find the years or timeline! Im so sorry!)


    Thank you for your consideration and time, please get back to me! Id love to know how looked at this! Thanks.



  2. NeosKnightX’s 2nd Application


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: NeosKnightX

    How old are you?:16

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13):Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: The no hacking or exploiting, I find it the most important of ALL rules. That and of course common respect.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): No, i understand them.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: From a good friend, MadApplz


    What is roleplaying?: Acting,Speaking and virtually being a character. Taking on the role of a character and their specific actions in accordance to others in RP.

    What is metagaming?: In a RP sense, I would say passing boundaries and limits. Goes beyond limits to effect the rp sort of out of character acting. or utilizing things from the Roleplayer and not the character.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?:Powergame usually RolePlay's things which may be impossible to do, leaving the other player no chance to fight back. Powergaming people usually focus most on their own character.


    Character’s name: Fallon Rahl

    Character’s sex: male

    Character’s race: Human, Heartlander, Character’s age: Age:22

    Biography: Fallon Rahl is from a small house where he lived with his family outside of Riga, next to the forest and farmland. He worked there with his parents, Richard and Kahlan Rahl. after his parents passed away and he had no other siblings Fallon decided to go on a journey.

    He had always read and was told about stories about the descendant races arriving in The Isles of Vailor after leaving Athera. He wanted to go to Athera. He especially loved the stories about the Cloud Temple Sanctuary, he also heard stories of Seventis and the kingdom of kaedrin, he learned so much and tried to retain ALL the information, He did his best. Of course being raised by very.. “Different” parents He did not follow the religion of The church of canon or how his parents called it Temple of the Faith. His parents nor he believed in the teachings of the ancient King Horen I.

    He wanted to go learn about other religions and other beliefs. He wanted to adventure.  //

    Personality Traits: Always prefers the truth, is devoted to being truthful and helping people, one of his habits is too raise his sword a few inches above the scabbard to check if it's there.

    Ambitions: My character has no real goal. His family is gone, he’s on a journey to Find an Ambition and a goal to his life

    Strengths/Talents:Fighting and talking. He can use a sword extremely well, trained by his father And mother. He also is an intellectual, he can talk his way into the hearts of people, very easy to warm up to and get to socialize with!


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Magic. He wants to expand his field of knowledge and understanding and is traveling the land in search of learning magic and knowledge. Anywhere he can by ANY means necessary

    Appearance: Fallon is 6”3  (6 foot 3 inches) He has dark brown hair that goes back over his and spikes up, he has a trim jaw line with perfect yet homely features. A different kind of handsome. He has a raptor like gaze, penetratingly visible and Grey. From working with his parents around the forest and woods, he's muscular and very well built, he's muscled enough and looks well with his height.






    email:[email protected]



    (i cant find the years or timeline! Im so sorry!)


    Thank you for your consideration and time, please get back to me! Id love to know how looked at this! Thanks.



  3. NeosKnightX Applications

    Character’s name: Fallon Rahl

    Character’s sex: male

    Character’s race: Human, Heart lander, Character’s age: Age:22


    Fallon Rahl is from a small house where he lived with his family outside of Riga, next to the forest and farmland.His Parents trained him in the art of the blade and he is very skilled by now, he is also well trained at maneuvering quietly and easily through the forest. He worked there with his parents, Richard and Kahlan Rahl. after his parents passed away and he had no other siblings Fallon decided to go on a journey.


    He had always read and was told about stories about the descendant races arriving in The Isles of Vailor after leaving Athera. He wanted to go to Athera. He especially loved the stories about the Cloud Temple Sanctuary, he also heard stories of Seventis and the kingdom of kaedrin, he learned so much and tried to retain ALL the information, He did his best. Of course being raised by very.. “Different” parents He did not follow the religion of The church of canon or how his parents called it Temple of the Faith. His parents nor he believed in the teachings of the ancient King Horen I.

    He wanted to go learn about other religions and other beliefs. He wanted to adventure.  //



    Personality Traits: Always prefers the truth, is devoted to being truthful and helping people, one of his habits is too raise his sword a few inches above the scabbard to check if it's there.

    Ambitions: My character has no real goal. His family is gone, he’s on a journey to Find an Ambition and a goal to his life

    Strengths/Talents:Fighting and talking. He can use a sword extremely well, trained by his father And mother. He also is an intellectual, he can talk his way into the hearts of people, very easy to warm up to and get to socialize with!


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Magic. He wants to expand his field of knowledge and understanding and is traveling the land in search of learning magic and knowledge. Anywhere he can by ANY means necessary

    Appearance: Fallon is 6”3  (6 foot 3 inches) He has dark brown hair that goes back over his and spikes up, he has a trim jaw line with perfect yet homely features. A different kind of handsome. He has a raptor like gaze, penetratingly visible and Grey. From working with his parents around the forest and woods, he's muscular and very well built, he's muscled enough and looks well with his height.






    email:[email protected]



    (i cant find the years or timeline! Im so sorry!)

    P.s I would love to be able to join and learn the lore from people inside, i stated lore and mentioned it several times and not going into detail.


    Thank you for your consideration and time, please get back to me! Id love to know how looked at this! Thanks.



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