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Status Updates posted by TinyBiceps

  1. when you evolve your meme chat to a more classy level


  2. o3o >:3  oo, what's this?

  3. shoutout to whoever plays "ben the big boy". sorry i was afk friend. i missed the chance of a lifetime interact with such a guy.


  4. mum bought pasta to put in the freezer but i forgot which freezer and my brain short-circuited so i looked up on google "which freezer has the pasta"

  5. i miss my pocket indian

  6. i'm glad i don't roleplay often enough to miss the server. keep trying u brave addicts<3

  7. so the conquest reforged mod looks awesome...


  8. S A N O I S M

    it will prevail


  10. was a bad house moving experience 0/5 Yelp review stars

  11. i'm a bit late but man, the Daredevil series is great

  12. gonna learn this next


  13. watch Coyote Peterson or be swept up by the beta uprising...


  14. crunchy guitar


  15. you know things are going well for you when you procrastinate homework by doing lotc work

  16. today is the first day of summer for me... happy holidays i guess

  17. happy canada day!

  18. i just lost the most embarrassing ToS game of my life

  19. ren circa. 2017, getting all his friends to play town of salem with him


  20. sooooooooooooooooo i'm diamond miner rank now. where all my ******* at

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