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Posts posted by SleepyEye22

  1. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: SleepyEye22

    What timezone are you in?: EEST UTC +3h

    How old are you?: 20

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:  I like the “please don’t steal” and the “For heaven’s shake people! Stay in character!” rules

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): No.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: My brother, Amfionas, used to play for a while.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable):

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once):I will do  so once I write this application and upload it.




    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!


    What is roleplaying?: When I have to act as a imaginary character. Acting.

    What is metagaming?: Knowing things you should know and taking advantage of it.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: When my actions overpower the actions of others. Something like I don’t give the opportunity for someone else to act. Soloing. Being Batman. It was about sending a message.


    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Ava Merchant

    Character’s sex: Female

    Character’s race: Just human.

    Character’s age: 21



    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add three references to the server lore): (where does your character come from?; where have they traveled to?; what year were they born in? et cetera.)

    Ava, a 20 years old woman (born in 1595), was living with her father, Uldor, in a small house which one could locate north of Mondstadt. Uldor was a merchant who passed his knowledge on Ava so she could one day survive on her own.  One day, close to her 17th birthday, Uldor and Ava were attacked by wild wolfs. The carriage was knocked down and after that she lost consciousness. When she woke up she could only see some of the Uldor’s shred clothes, the horse long go and the carriage into pieces but no sigh of her own father. She searched for months until she gave up hope that wolfs had gotten him.
    With a home empty and full of memories of Uldor, her only family she ever knew, she decided to make her own fortune and leave her past behind (hakuna matata I say).
    A loud woman with cynical look of life.

    (I would continue write but I got confused by the map and all the dates and the wars. I guess in 1594 there was a war close to Mondstadt. After Uldor’s death Ava continues to work his shop but then decides that she should make a bigger fortune. That could include continue selling stuff or becoming a warrior.)



    Personality Traits: (what are your character's quirks?; habits?; likes and dislikes?) Near-ambidextrous, able to perform many tasks with either handRandom liar; lies about unimportant things for no reason. Can read only simple words and identify numbers. Readily gets in the way of danger if it's required to protect anyone, including strangers. Overprotective of younger friends; suspicious of friends' lovers. Picks up trash that other people drop. Restles sleeper; icks, tosses, turns, and flails all night long. Greets acquaintances with a simple nod.


    Ambitions: (what does your character aspire to be?)  Something that will get her money and some kind of strength. It depends for what she find out. Maybe a knight of something.


    Strengths/Talents: (what is your character really, really good at?) negotiator, very good dexterity, exceptional stasima, poor strength 


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: (what is a skill that your character needs to work on?) anger, quick to feel and slow to forget


    Appearance: (what does your character look like?; how tall are they?; hair color?; scars?) Pale skin, curly dark brown hair and black eyes. Medium high with a scar on her right hand. Her cloths hides it.


    Skin: (please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin; if you need help, see our screenshot guide here.)









    Rewriting my essay cause mr.FindoutIC didn't approve my boredom.
    Once upon a time there were two highlanders who well in love with each other, Uldor and Everilda. They were both raised with exceptional skill in craftsmanship and farming cause their ancestors were AMAZING at this kind of working. Although both were raised into traveling they both wanted to create a new beginning by stay in one place and start their own shop (which included trading goods/ merchants). At the same time they decided to settle down at start their family (THE BABIES ARE COMING BRACE YOUR SELVES), some lands above Alriczan Keep were taken by the Kingdom of Courland. This encouraged Uldor and Everilda, with a newborn child on their hands, to find a place north of Mondstadt and begin their new life on 1595.
    Unfortunately, after just a year of so, Everilda was sick with a rare disease < INSERT A DISEASE, I shall name it “The Thing”…. Fine I will google sth> called Dysentery (the bloody flux) < http://www.labelle.org/top_diseases.html > . The business wasn’t going good and Uldor couldn’t do nothing to help her for the winter had come. Uldor kept hoping till the last moment but his prayers were never heard. With Everilda’s death Uldor could now only hold on to his only child, Ava. Even if he wanted a male ancestor Uldor put all his strength to raise Ava as a strong and independent woman who would be fearless in whatever she had to deal with. Even with his wifes death Udol kept his faith in the Church of Canon and continue walking the road that gods had for him.
    Ava was raised according to Uldor’s hopes and became even more skillful than her parents. The days were mostly spend with her father looking out the shop or travelling and making deals with other merchants while others where focused on training her skills at fishing, hunting and crafting. Ava was a curious mind and as she was raised in a inviroment where money and business were the most important thing for people she began believing in a cynical way of life (ok I have no more time to explain why she sees it like that, bare with me). With no other female to look up she also began to have a more… unladylike personality. BRING THE BEERS BY THE FIRE! Where is the meat?!!!
    One day, close to her 17th birthday, Uldor and Ava were attacked by wild wolfs. The carriage was knocked down and after that she lost consciousness. When she woke up she could only see some of the Uldor’s shred clothes, the horse long go and the carriage into pieces but no sigh of her own father. She searched for months until she gave up hope and believed that wolfs had gotten him. That day was the day that the lost her faith to the Faith.
    With a home empty and full of memories of Uldor, her only family she ever knew, she decided to make her own fortune and leave her past behind (hakuna matata I say). 

    I don’t have any more time to write for heaven shake! I hope you liked it. If it needs more information about something please inform me.


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