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Posts posted by khovend

  1. Spoiler




    Journal Graphic-Bar 2



    Kivdrona tried hard to wrap its hands around any available for taking.



    Gaisorix was one of them. He was older, and becoming weak by the second. She already knew it wasn’t a good idea to bring him, but he insisted on going down with a bloodied blade in hand. He was knocked back by a lycanthropes, and suddenly another. The man was trampled, and gasping for air. Yelena heard his cries for her, and she rushed over on her own two feet. The mask she wore was already hard to breathe through, but seeing Gaisorix in a bloodied state made it harder to breathe. Her arms wrapped around her kin, dragging him off to the right and away from the battles the rest of Daeland fought. 



    “Gaisorix.. Gavno.” The woman uttered as the ashes coated the duo, her brows knitting as she watched him fall deeper into his state of disrepair. A hand raised, tucking it against his neck to feel his pulse. It was hard to feel, perhaps her numbness of her beat bodice, or the gloves she wore. She had no idea. 

    Yelena kept working on him, as long as she could. God, what could one medic do? Her gloves were bloodied at the end of it, completely shattered. She had to leave him behind. A storm was coming, and bodies were rotting into the ground. 



    Aberrants continued to appear, forcing the woman away from Gaisorix. All she could do was keep fighting for her kin; for him. Her best friend’s body was outside, as she remained trapped within a house as a storm passed through Kivdrona. She kept her weak form up against the opening of the broken house where the rest remained, a pile of sand trapping her in. All she could think about was Gaisorix, and the pain she endured. 


    It was no use. Her people kept getting injured left and right. She already lost three in Kivdrona. 


    Gaisorix fell a warrior's death.



    Journal Graphic-Bar 2



     Yelena was there for his funeral, clutching at Casimir and Jasna tightly. She shared some words, anything that could possibly be remembered of him. 


    She couldn't help but blame herself for his death. 



    “Hvala Gaisorix. Daikuyu forr everrything we’ve done together. We will all miss yu, vojak." 

  2. Yelena of Iskryce smiled upon the news that Daeland has now joined the Horde, leaning close to Piast Casimir, her partner. 


    "Many opportunities will be with us durring vhis, tak? It's dobre to know we have many new frriends!" 


    She chimed! 



    Once, Tony was a student of an old Druid. An eager to learn one, at that. 

    She knew his skills would come in use, as they sat within the gardens of Balian. 

    "Tony, show me how to do a surgical stitch using an orange as skin." 

    He learned in under five minutes, his hands quick. 

    The Sister sat impressed, a smile coming upon her scarred lips. 

    "Sister Reindeer, when will be the next lesson?"

    "Soon. You can save lives, Tony." 


    That night, he did. His skills came to use. 


    The Sister who knew Tony for his pride and understanding of her kin finally fell. The place they met took him by it's bloodied hands. A rare hatred, for her. 


    Tony treated her kindly, and always listened to her little spouts. He protected her when she felt trapped and surrounded by people who didn't understand her kin, and didn't take the time to learn. 


    She didn't know anything about his past or religious beliefs, anything of his magic use. The Sister just considered him a friend. 

    By word of mouth, she learned he was dead. She couldn't help but break down into tears learning yet another one of her friends were gone; it always seemed the second she met them, they were gone.


    Sister Reindeer refused to speak to anyone for those few days, and trapped herself in the forest. She let herself mourn, pleading to the Aspects that he got home safe, and in his family's arms. 





  4. A woman stood within the crowds of the summit, her singular hue keeping an eye upon her kin. Her lips couldn't help but curl into a faint smile at each signature being added to the list, tapping her fingertips against the hilt of her blade in an idle stance.


    "Moi hope vhe alliances will stay in good shape thrroughout vhe years, and crreate many frriendships." 

  5. Spoiler



    The missive was soon dropped to the Daelish Isles while a Musin scurried in and out of each street, waving the note within its tiny palms. It was soon delivered to the tavern, where a woman rested upon the couch with a book in hand. Her sword was nearby; leant up against the wall. The creature scurried up onto the couch, dropping the note atop of her book. She merely murmured in thanks, scooping up the note and ripped it open with the side of her finger, breaking the seal. The hue that was left scanned over each word as a brow raised in question, each deep scar on her sunkissed skin shifting with her emotions. She soon stood from the couch with a shift of the plating wrapping her forma, reaching forward to take ahold of the longsword with her gloved hand. 




    “We never wanted conflict in vhe firrstplace, everrything was blown out of proportion from each end. We wanted nothing but peace, and a discussion about vhe lands that Savoy has left us. Casimirr isn’t vhe perrson to cause war.. None of us are. Iskra has blessed us with life and many opportunities, which is something we sharre with all." 




    The Izkusivoj exclaimed in disbelief at the whole situation, passing the missive towards Piast Casimir. She murmured a quiet prayer in Vistulian to herself, soon turning to make her way out of the tavern and deliver the news to the Reig; Llewelyn ap Fawr. 


    "Pravdi tre, natura, vojna i smiertz."

  6. An arm wrapped around a wooden bowl, her free hand grasped onto a stone pestle. She smashed away at the mixture of berries within the bowl as the dim candlelight flickered within the window, peering out towards the isle's oceans from the desk inside of her room. Various papers were scattered over the desk from Casimir and herself, her singular hue eyeing them before a knock was heard. 


    A musin scurried in, climbing up onto their stool to set the note onto the desk. Yet, another letter added to the pile. 

    The Radaghastian took the letter with a kind murmur in thanks, unfolding the letter. She eyed each word; a serious of emotions. Her brows raised, her eye squinted, Yet - She smiled in the end. 


    "LLewelyn apprroved it!" 


    Yelena chirped with excitement, quickly setting her bowl down that she kept in her lap. The woman stood from her desk chair, slamming the bedroom door open before rushing down the steps into the Kovaceski clan hall and out the door! 

    "Casimirr is now vhe Piast! Moi dearr, Hvala Iskryce!" 


    She called into the young isle's streets, like a child. Pure hope flashed in her hue for the future of Iskryce and the Daelish Isles, a true sense of happiness since the journey began years ago between a mere meeting in Haense. 

  7. A musin quietly quipped to Yelena, tapping at her legs. She peered down to the being and took the letter with a light smile upon her scarred lips, ripping it open with her fingertip. 




    The woman hummed, eyeing over the letter with her singular eye.


    "Look how farr we've come overr vhe yearrs.. Moi rrememberr firrst stepping onto vhe isles, with nothing in hand. We have been grrowing by vhe second." 


  8. sadly, it has become a common problem and has been one for many years while I've been on and off with the server. A lot of people have been resorting to squeezing into groups that have been dividing roleplay, and (most times) aren't welcoming. Each person has their own social circle and will tend to stick with those people, moving whereever they go. It's become a word of mouth type deal, you won't get into a group unless you truly know someone or are stupidly active. 

  9. A young woman sat up in bed with the note in hand, far to weak to travel with her sustained injuries from the recent battle. Her singular eye scanned over the words written by her courter, Casimir. She couldn't help but give a light smile at the letter, murmuring out as her head tilted towards the window overlooking the young Iskryce and Daelish Isles. 


    "Hvala Iskryce, to all of moi vojak and morre. Diakuyu forr saving moi life.



  10. A subtle sigh escaped an old elfless' lips once she heard the news from the Trade Prince of Sutica, merely gazing out over the city with her golden hues as she idly stood watch. A mere longsword was next to her; one she has used for many years in battle and through war. She soon sent the news to a fellow friend, idly praying out to herself for safekeeping. 



    "I cannot rest just yet.."



  11. Mi8t050Ppq42r-7gM1_tMURZ3VpK53ZMObLQFAIrNGaTA1NK07vQDw0Z21--GPpRLKvYrpgq-45DsSP_fH1cBn9jfzcI55u5UxcdfP69_L2Ix3fnJ2eqRkObY72WMyxGlZ8LuV_0






    EST. 1762



    A medical institute for the Under-Realms has been in work for many years now. The wellbeing of dwarves has been mistreated due to not many medics or doctors properly trained within the Kingdom. We are hoping that the hospital being open to the public soon will promote better healing practices watched under the Head Ward of the hospital, Under-Queen Darrega Ireheart. 


    The hospital hosts multiple floors.


    Floor one - Reception desk

    Head Ward’s office

     Recovery ward/Emergency ward featuring four beds. 


    Floor two - Surgical ward

    Lesson areas for classes


    Most training will be held within classrooms of the hospital, but some hands-on activities will also be held to prove the dwarf can handle the extremes of becoming a medic. If you pass on becoming a medic, you will be awarded armor and a medical band stating you are a medic of Urguan. These will be used on a daily basis or out in battle to support the legion and others of Urguan fighting. Speak to Under-Queen Darrega Ireheart if interested in becoming a medic to serve Urguan closely. 



    Under-Queen of the Under-Realms of Urguan, Head Ward of the Urguan Medical Institute, Guardian of Urguan



  12. Just now, Mickaelhz said:

    “No” Utak said, retrieving the feather from behind his ear, handing it to his wife alongside a bottle of green ink.


    Darrega dipped the feather in ink, bobbing her head towards Utak, her husband. She wrote neatly upon the paper with a small smile, setting the feather down onto the table once more. 


    Darrega shook her hands, taking a small sip of tea from the cup at the table. She hummed while scanning over her work, handing it to Utak, The King of Dwarves.


     “Realize w’o te’ true King ‘es te teh dwarves, an’ let moi ‘usband rule. T’e people o’ Mynebor, come ‘ome. Weh will beh united once more undeh ah peaceful kingdom.”

  14. RP Name:: Darrega Ireheart

    MC Username: Lupid

    Discord: oli#0981

    What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Urguan 

    Why Do You Wish To Come?: Literally to not let Utak die

    What Skills Can You Bring?: Basic medical healing, shitton of dwarves

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