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Posts posted by MboyVickerZ

  1. ((OOC))

    MCName: JownCenta


    Name: Wulf


    Reason to Join: Wulf met people who were part of the Enchantry and was interested, as an aspiring mage.


    Please list your Magi Standard (Journeyman, Evoker, Etc): None


    Have you read and understood the Codex: Yes

  2. MC Name: JownCenta


    Character's Name: Wulf


    Character's Age: 187


    Character's Race: High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Fire Evocation


    Link a MA of a magic your character already uses that is in the same archetype as the magic you are self teaching: N/A


    How did you learn this magic(s)?: I had water evocation demonstrated to me by No1LovesMorgan and electrical evocation and conjuration demonstrated by Belgarion_Riva. I have also read books in the library, Fire Evocation V1, V2, V3, V4, The Void, Guide to Magic, Magic the Bases, and Starting a Mage.


    MC name of OOC overseer (Note: they must either have a TA in this magic on any character or be a member of the MT): Toxzero


    Offer an explanation of the magic(s) you are learning: Connecting to the void, you pull your power through your mana. You do not have the power to control fire, however you have the power to create fire from your fire evocation. It can take years of training to achieve a steady flame as the mage is always against his fatigue from creating said flame. You can injure yourself from the flames you summon. This power can be used in many ways, creating a source of light or using it in combat which is physical.


    Provide evidence you've a proper means of learning this magic(s): Aid from other mages such as Belgarion_Riva and No1LovesMorgan and reading books on fire evocation, the void and general magic in Drugur library.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

    Application 1.png

    Application 2.png

  3. What’s your Minecraft account name?: MboyVickerZ

    How old are you?: 16

    What timezone are you in?: GMT

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: I have read all the rules and have previously been on RP servers so I have experience in RP and I agree to the rules

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: I think that Defender default is a really good idea and I haven't seen it implemented in many RP servers but I've had a read about it and it sounds like it solves combat well

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): No. not any

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: A couple friends who were playing and I was interested

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): N/A

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): Yes


    What is roleplaying?: To have a character and pretend to be that character and put yourself in their shoes and play as them.

    What is metagaming?: Not acting as your RP character would and using your own knowledge to get an advantage over other players.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: When you force an action onto another play, so instead of RP it's one sided. This is mostly done in tough situations where people are backed into corners and have no seen way to survive.


    Character’s name: Sy Sum Clemons

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Human

    Character’s age: 36


    I was born in to the world in 1516 when there was a rebellion being fuelled by rumours from people who want change in their lands. I can't remember much from my younger years, but if I do remember anything it was my father feeling contempt about the 'alleged' rebellion that was going to change everything and bring respect back to the Oren Empire. Soon after when I was just 2, the Ducal Coalition had just declared war against my people and I remember that night hearing roars in the distance, roars of anger and hatred for their empire they had once been under. My father was a loyal person, as was my mother, but this rebellion... It had tainted their personality, they had wondered if it was better to side with the rebels to have a chance of gaining more power, as we were not a very rich or known family. My father did all he could to help the rebellion, supply them with food for their journey's across the land, herbs that possessed un-natural healing capability which turned an injured man on the battlefield, into a bloody war hero. But it was not enough and in 1521, the rebellion was on it's last legs, crippled by the unstoppable force of the empire that my father had once served. By this time, the empire had heard rumours about my fathers attitudes towards the empire and was soon sentenced to death after the rebellion was over.


    The next few years were tough, me and my mother were left, scarred with the treachery of my father. He had protected mother by saying he had no knowledge of what he was doing, he took that to his grave when he was being tortured infront of the empire's people. But in 1526, a plague hit Vailor and my mother got sick. Nobody wanted to help us, up until I found a group of thieves that called themselves 'The Shadowed Blades'. They cared for my mother and all I had to do was pledge that I would do whatever they commanded. At first it was petty thievery, but as I grew older, it got to the point where I was questioning how safe I was performing these actions. But not only if I was safe, if my mother was. I found it was better for me to leave as I had served them for 8 years and by this time I was 18 and ready to explore the lands of Vailor. I said farewell to the Shadowed Blades who had taught me well and who had supplied me with a few key items. I agreed with mother that I'd always come back and see her every 2 months or more if I could.


    Time passes and I grow old, gain experience. Now I was 32 and at the time I was in the mountains between Kal' Akash and Al-Wakrah, I had news that my mother was sick, and on her last legs. I had trouble getting back to her in time... before she passed. I got back and entered my home, I saw my mother sitting upright in her bed, with the Shadowed Blades who had been caring for her and trying to relieve her pain. I could see as soon as I laid my eyes on her that it was bad, she was pale, as light as marble. I asked for the Shadowed Blades to leave so I could have my last words with her.


    And soon, there I was... Lost again, as I was after my father had passed.


    Personality Traits: He loves the feeling of stealing and thievery as he feels that it fills a void that was left by his parents. His dislikes are people who judge him for what he did after his father died and his thievery and he also hates people talking about his parents when they are disrespectful towards them.

    Ambitions: A man of the shadows, a master thief and a great silent warrior

    Strengths/Talents: Due to his background he is skilled in pickpocketing and thievery. He's good at talking himself out of his troubles.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: He has dark memories of stories he was told of the war in 1518 names 'The Dukes' War' which left his home land in dismay.

    Appearance: He wears light armour to help with him being a master thief. He has long dark brown hair which goes down to his shoulders, he doesn't miss out on the ladies. He's around the height of 6ft1" so he is rather tall.

    Skin: http://imgur.com/a/i8Hmd



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