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Posts posted by dwight333

  1. 1 hour ago, Ended said:

    "A true northerner would never abandon his King or his country, these are traitorous thoughts that need to be put to rest. If you truly think Courland will give you sanctuary you are mistaken. We fought Courland to reunite the north and bring down a usurper and tyrant, by bending the knee to Courland you disgrace your ancestors and your people!" Viktor would remark

    I ain't bending the knee to Courland neither. I ain't saying we join Courland! Sergei would reply back.

  2. Eja,

    My name is Sergei the Hammer, I am a Northerner through and through from the Kingdome of Haense. I have remained silent against the actions of the Empire for far too long. I can no longer let my beloved North be treated as a servant to the Empire to do with it as it wishes. We are Northerners who deserve the North for our own. The King of Haense says we are a kingdom because Oren created it for us, because they allow us to be. I say damn him and the milk drinking Oren southerners to the void! It is time for the Northerners to rise up and take with is ours! We don't need some Emperor telling us what to do. Oren will be defeated by the rebellion, and if Haense sticks with her it will be defeated too. I will no longer be an  arse kisser to the tyrant emperor or his lapdog, the King of Haense. If you dare call yourself a true Northerner rise up! Rise up and prove you are a man or woman no longer willing to bend the knee to a southerner! Fight for Northern Independence! 

    For the North!

  3. Just now, AGiantPie said:

    There was a rather large war fought over religious differences between canonist precursors. Ruskan Orthodoxy rejects some pretty core parts of the Canonist faith/Church. You can try to revive the religion if you want but it would be very strange to do that out of nowhere especially considering you don't actually know what the Ruskan Orthodox Church is/was, and you will get plenty of backlash from the extant modern Church. 

    I know there was a schism. But there is so little written on Ruskan orthodoxy. What are some of the differences?

  4. Just now, Taketheshot said:

    As I said earlier. You can try and proclaim it a religion. But again it will most likely end with you on a cross. Agiantpie will put you there.

    I already died earlier the High Pontiff himself killed me. Why does he have to say I'm a heretic if the Cannonist based so much on orthodoxy.

  5. Just now, AGiantPie said:

    Russian Orthodoxy no longer exists as an actual church or faith. It was instrumental in laying the foundation for the current Church of the Canon but it doesn't exist itself any longer.

    I would be interesting if it came back I think. Is it impossible for it return as a religion?

  6. 2 minutes ago, Taketheshot said:

    There is no Ruskan Orthodoxy. The only religion worshiped by all Orenians WITHOUT exceptions is Cannonism. Anything else is Heretical and will result in death. I am telling you this not to be a **** but as a warning so you are not killed constantly

    It said Russian Orthodoxy was a key component to in molding the church of the canon. And apparently there  was a schism as well. So idk if it would be heretic. if compared to real world religions Catholics certainly don't think orthodox are heretics.

  7. I am trying to establish Ruskan Orthodoxy. However, it is a little challenging when there is so little lore about it. All I know really is it was started by Raevir. Please try to write more about it I would love to establish it as more of a major religion and build churches.

  8. What’s your Minecraft account name?: dwight333

    How old are you?: 17

    What timezone are you in?: Central

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13):yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?:yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: I like the rules about the war. Previous servers I have been to, we would just attack each other. On this server there is actually some sort of system for attacking and defending.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!):nope

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: My clan, lthilien, found it.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable):

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): nope




    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!


    What is roleplaying?: Portraying and acting out as a character  in a sett

    What is metagaming?: knowing something you shouldn't know because of outside information. like knowing someone behind a wall because of their name tag.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: basically doing something to someone  so they cant respond/defend


    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: (what do you want your character to be called?)      Ithelor the Builder

    Character’s sex: (male or female?) Male

    Character’s race: (you can find all the playable races here.) Human

    Character’s age: (upon application, your character must be 18 or older, and depending on the race, they can be over five hundred years old!) 47

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add three references to the server lore.): (where does your character come from?; where have they traveled to?; what year were they born in? et cetera.) Bran the Builder is a mysterious man. He was born into a middle class family  In Ross Road  Felsen. His Father, Greger the Builder was a master mason. Unfortunatley, Gregor died due to a loose stone that fell on his head during the renovation at Ancelcourt. Before he died, he was able to teach Bran all he knew about building. At the age of 21 Bran decided to leave Felsen and travel around the Crownlands building here and there. Eventualy he dicded to build a guild. Ilthilien. He an and with a lot of help from others created a guild that quickly grows. They even talk of becoming a nation. Bran, however. left mysteriously. During that time Bran wandered the wildnerness and picked up archery. He became a huntsman lving in a small cabin. He encountered the occasional Forest Dwarf and invitine him to smoke a pipe. Bran lived like this for five years, alone with nature. He wrote poems and books about life and and the wildnerness. But one day in spring, he decided it was time to return to civilization. He returned to Ilthilien. And vowed to help it the best he can,  Bran returned to the Cownlands, and built for individuals and Ilthilien. He is a simple man who just wants to build in life.

    Personality Traits: (what are your character's quirks?; habits?; likes and dislikes?) Enjoys lone walks, smoking a pipe, a pint of ale, and good companions. Not really the fighting type but can defend himself. And making fine buildings.

    Ambitions: (what does your character aspire to be?) Bran was Ilthilien to succeed above all else. Though he isn't in a leadership position anymore, he hopes to help it  the best he can.

    Strengths/Talents: (what is your character really, really good at?) Bran is a builder, and is alright with a bow.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: (what is a skill that your character needs to work on?) Though he can defend himself, Bran is not much of a fighter.

    Appearance: (what does your character look like?; how tall are they?; hair color?; scars?) Wears a green cloak, his head is covered most of the time. Has a darkish/graying beard.

    Skin: (please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin; if you need help, see our screenshot guide here.ij9Rymw


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