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Posts posted by Chronus



     IN CHARACTER NAME: Alexander 

     SURNAME:   Romlin

     CLASS:   Commoner 

     GENDER:   Male


     DATE OF BIRTH:   6th of The Amber Cold 1577

     HEIGHT & WEIGHT:   5'10 and 225 lbs

     EYE, SKIN & HAIR COLOR:   orange eyes, Caucasian and dark brown hair
     CULTURE:  Heartlander
     MARKINGS:   n/a

     HOME ADDRESS:   Army Barracks, Fort Gravelhold
     OCCUPATION:   Soldier, merchant, tinker



    I, Alexander Romlin, hereby swear my loyalty to the Duke of the DUCHY OF MARDON entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Duchy and understand the punishments and penalties that shall be incurred should I violate the law.



  2. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft account name?:


    How old are you?:


    What timezone are you in?:

    Eastern Time Zone

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13):


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?:


    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:

    The rule I agree with the most is the rule against hostile and toxic behavior.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!):

    No thank you, the rules are pretty clear.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?:

    I found the server a while ago from a google search but recently a friend who plays on the server pushed me to apply finally J

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable):


    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once):




    What is roleplaying?:

    Roleplaying is when you act as a character that you have created for yourself.

    What is metagaming?:

    Metagaming is when you use information obtained outside of the game, that your character couldn’t possibly know or learn and use that information to your characters advantage.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?:

    Powergaming is when you when you act out your character doing something impossible or unrealistic.



    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name:

    Nicholas Romlin

    Character’s sex:


    Character’s race:


    Character’s age:

    24 years’ old


    Born in 1550 alongside a road in the Holy Orenian Empire, Nicholas is the son of traveling merchants. Nicholas spent most of his life with his mother and father traveling place to place, rarely staying in one place for long, trading. Growing up Nicholas always resented never being able to stay in one place and grew to hate the long travels of the merchant caravan his family was a part of. He spent his free time reading whatever books he could get his hands on or practicing with his sword so that he would be able to protect his family from bandits. As much as he hated the long travels they were not without their benefits, Nicholas was exposed to various cultures and peoples and grew to appreciate a wide range of foods, wines and music from the various people he came across. When he was 17 the merchant passed through the city of Johannesburg. Due to a sickness that inflicted much of it the caravan stayed in the city for a few weeks. The city would make an impression on Nicholas that he would never forget. Traveling to distant and rural lands Nicholas grew to hate to the lack of order and safety in those places and while he was in the city he used some of the money he had saved up to buy a book on law. Shorty afterword he would fall ill to the sickness that had fallen upon the caravan. Being stuck in bed gave him plenty of time to read his book and become further enthralled with the city and its culture. After leaving the city Nicholas would never forget his experience and the impression that the city left on him and when he turned 23 he decided to leave his father’s caravan and head back to the city to follow his dream.


    Personality Traits:







    Long travel

    Loud noises





    Nicholas aspires to gain an education in law and serve on the courts of the Orenian Empire.

    He desires to bring order to the world around him.



    Being the son of a merchant, Nicholas has a firm grasp of economics and mathematics.

    Nicholas knows how to wield a sword, not as well as professional swordsmen but enough to defend himself from bandits that attempt to prey on traveling caravans.

    Nicholas does his best not to tie himself to ideologies and attempts to be pragmatic in his dealings.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: (what is a skill that your character needs to work on?)

    While he tries to maintain a calm and professional demeanor, Nicholas is sometimes known for having a short fuse and can burst into angry rants.

    After falling ill to fever when he was 17 years old, Nicholas has trouble maintaining combat for long periods of time from lack of stamina.

    Appearance: Nicholas is 5”10, with black hair and blue eyes. Hair is always combed back and has a neatly maintained beard and mustache. Wears black and purple cloths with a mantle made of feathers with a cloak and hood. A large red stone can be seen hanging from his neck.

    Skin: (please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin; if you need help, see our screenshot guide here.)


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