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Posts posted by Andrewnator


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: Olympicatru

    How old are you?: 13

    What timezone are you in?: ET

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: No exploiting of glitches

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): No. I understand the rules.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Searched up LOTR roleplaying servers

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): N/A for Lord of the Craft

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): Yes.



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!


    What is roleplaying?:  Roleplaying is taking another person's point of view, usually in fiction, and controlling their actions and emotions, as well as responses. In addition, it can be defined as a form of acting, particularly in a fictional environment.

    What is metagaming?:  Metagaming is distorting or breaking the rules of the server in such a way that it assists either you or another person, where you found out the information regarding this ahead of time outside of roleplay.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?:  Power-emoting is pushing/forcing an action onto another player without their consent, without circumstances that would permit such an action, or over-emoting in one action. For example, "Blake stabs Michael in the heart and he starts to bleed, and Michael dies shortly after."


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Jaden Ashten

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Human

    Character’s age: 19

    Biography  were they born in? et cetera.):


    When Jaden was young and with the Heartlanders (he's from there), he caught the eye of multiple soldiers and they 'took him under the wing' to teach him the ways of the sword. He stuck with them until they were attacked by hostile natives, being slashed in the arm by another man, he fled, stumbling around until he saw an island in the distance. When he reached there, all he saw was dilapidated buildings and no sign of civilization, until he saw someone in the mist that surrounded the island. When he finally caught up to him, and started talking to each other. He found out his name was Mark, and for a long time, they survived with their wits and brute force. 


    One day though, people arrived and started to settle down the island. Instead of making enemies with them, they decided to make peace and did. They were sent back to the mainland but before that, they were to eradicate the 'forces' that were on the island. What the mission actually was, was that Mark was payed to kill Jaden so that he could return to the mainland, and whoever lived, they would return. Mark and Jaden fought sword to sword and finally managed to bring Mark down to his knees. He promised to spare him if Mark fled and never returned. He agreed, but in a last ditch effort, he got out a hidden knife, stabbing him in the leg, so in return, Jaden killed him. He returned back to the boat, limping.


    When he got back to the mainland, he went to the king of the Heartland and created a militia that was dedicated to stopping all robbery and thievery. He settles down and he still has slight leg problems, but overall, he has healed, got a wife, and started a new life. This is where our story begins...


    Personality Traits: Jaden is extremely akward and when irate, his ears begin to glow red. He is attuned to swordfighting and loves to spar with others. He is likes watching the current and the moving waters and can sometimes sit there for hours staring at it. He detest archery and believes archers to be cowards as they sit in the backlines.

    Ambitions: Jaden wants to become the most famous swordfighter and wants to stop all crime in the Heartlands.

    Strengths/Talents:Jaden is a quite tactician, and attempts to always calculate all angles to find the easiest way to have success. In addition, he is a great drawer and artist.

    Jaden is a terrible archer. Jaden has a slight limp due to the fight with mark. In addition, he is very quite and never wants to speak around others. This is due to constant bullying as a young child by his siblings.


    Appearance: Jaden is 5 foot 6 inches and always has armor on due to the belief that a crime could happen at any time. He has brown russled hair and when clothes off, you can see his large scars. He has two brown eyes.


    Skin: http://minecraft.novaskin.me/gallery/tag/medieval?next=Ck0KEAoKdm90ZV9jb3VudBICCAAKEgoFYWRkZWQSCQi4r-rGrdLHAhIhagxzfnNraW5lZGl0b3JyEQsSBFNraW4YgICg-fjbnwoMGAAgAQ== and it is the George_RS's medieval Skin, sorry I could not give you the direct link.

  2. Sorry for any mistakes but this took about an hour to complete and thx


    What’s your Minecraft account name?:Olympicatru

    How old are you?: 13

    What timezone are you in?: Eastern Time Zone

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: NO tolerance of exploits or glitches

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): N/A

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Searched up good Minecraft servers

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): N/A

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): Yes

    What is roleplaying?: The acting out or performance of a particular role, either consciously (as a technique in psychotherapy or training) or unconsciously, in accordance with percieved expectations of society with  regard to a person's behavior in a particular context.

    What is metagaming?:   is any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by  the game

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?:Power emoting or god-emoting (also called "god moding") is an act of forcing the result of one's actions on another character, typically without the other player's consent and  not giving the other character a chance to do anything about the emote. For instance, "Player1 kills Player2", "Player1 hits Player2" and "Player1 steals X gold from Player2" are all power-emotes. Power-emoting is  heavily frowned upon in most roleplaying communities, since it takes the freedom of action away from the player being emoted on. The typical solution for this issue is to emote attempts instead of finished actions.    For example, typing "Player 1 tries to stab Player2 in the chest with his sword" will give Player2 a chance to dodge or parry the blow. Some standard in-game emotes, such as /spit or /slap, can be considered  power-emotes.

    Character’s name: James Ashden

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Whichever one holds Gondor, if none, Farlands

    Character’s age: 19

    Biography: James was born on the 23th of The Deep Cold, 2095. He was born into a middle-class family with a decent amount of money and lots of love. He grew up in Minas Tirith and by the age of 10, he was well    educated. He and his brother looked up to their mother as she was always full of life and supported them no matter what. But one day she fell victim to a plague. Not being able to say goodbye before she was  quarantined, he was heartbroken, irate, and delirious, he fled the city and didn't return. It was hard for him out there and he knew his dad and brother would search for him. To prevent himself from being found, he  ran out past the gates of Rammas Echor and into the surrounding forest. He needed time to think this over. Years passed and he finally returned home to Minas Tirith, yearning to see how his father and brother had  been doing all this time. When he returned home, he was only greeted by his brother. He told James that their father had died and that they were now "orphans." So, to run away from their problems, they both  joined the army.

     All was well until one day, war and tragedy struck. The orcs attacked and they were sent to defend Rammas Echor. They were outnumbered and hopelessly outgunned, yet they fought on. That is, until James'  brother, got struck with an arrow trying to save an oblivious James, and fell to the ground. James rushed over to him, and in his dying breath, his brother told him to get out. James ran and ran but was caught and trialed for abandoning the battle.  The King and him eventually got into an agreement though. It was that he must serve for at least 5 years in the army. He agreed and served for 5 years under the flag. He then went back to Minas Tirith and  became a normal citizen, eventually becoming a baker, even though that is not what he yearned for. He eventually found his soulmate though and raised a family and finally become happy. This is where are story  continues...

    Personality Traits: James is extremely akward and does not know how to 'break the ice'. He is extremely protective though and is always extremely happy. He is basically the equivalent of a human lightbulb,  inspiring other to shine, be happy, be themselves. He always puts other in front of him, even in a life or death matter. He is loyal, and trustworthy, always trying to help others, and is trying to be the best he can be.

    Ambitions: James wants to become a Citadel Guard that can inspire others and just wants to help others in the time of need, which is why he wants to be someone in the army, someone who helps others even if it  means giving up your own life. "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible and suddenly your doing the impossible." Francis of Assisi.

    Strengths/Talents: Swordfighting-with a strong body and strong mind, there is almost no one who can beat him in a good old fashioned duel. He is the best of the best. Building-He is an amazing architect who can  build almost anything from scratch, and he even built his and his wife's dream house from complete scratch. Singing-He doesn't sing very often, but when he does whistle out a tune, it sounds like pure magic is in  the air.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: James needs to really work on being less akward. He always wished to be someone outgoing and extroverted, but he's always been introverted his entire life. Agility is also something he  needs to work on. He's not as slow as a rock, but he definitely does need to improve on getting faster if he wishes to become part of the military. Selfless, even though he's selfless, it can sometimes be a bad quality. Since he always puts other in front of him, he always has the chance of injury or death.

    Appearance: James has russled black hair, is 5 foot 6, and has a large scar on his right arm from being slashed at by an orc. (He's right handed).





  3. My minecraft account name is Olympicatru and I'm 13 years old. I'm in the Eastern Time Zone in the U.S.A. and I am very aware that the server is PG-13. I have read all of the rules and agree to all of them, that they are just and fair. I agree with the rule that all abuse of glitches or exploits are not tolerable the most as I have had this exact same problem happen on another server I have played on before. I have thorougly read all the rules and agree with all of them, and understand all of them. I found out about the Lord of the Craft by Googling, good Minecraft Lord of the Rings Servers. I have logged into the server at least once. 


    I want my characters name to be James and for him to be male. I want him to be of whatever human race holds Gondor, if there is no race such as that, I will settle for Farfolk. I want him to be 19.


    My character is from whatever race holds Gondor in 2095 and was a member of the Fountain Guard before traveling out of Osgiliath (before it ruined) to travel the Middle-Earth to see what the world was like. He travelled to Rohan, The High Elves, Mordor, The Dwarves, The Shire, The Trolls, The Goblins, and all sorts of other races. When he returned home, all he saw was ruin and Orcs. He fled to Rammas Echor and he helped to push the orcs out. After, he went to Minas Tirith to start over a new life.

    He became a soldier again, but decided to become a ranger, but was so bad, he was made to be a soldier to protect Gondor being paid and having a house. He fought in the War against Sauron and managed to survive all the carnage in the war. He was a survivor and went back to Gondor to live a happy life in a good kingdom.


    My character is akward and sometimes a klutz (just like me) but can be heroic when needed to. He likes to collect sword of the fallen enemies as trophies and he hates staying indoors, being an outdoor person. He enjoys a good drink. He wants to be the best soldier he can be and never wants to give up trying. My character is really, really good at swordfighting, being and exceptionally good. He is rubbish at the bow and is terrible at it. My character is 5 foot 6 inches with black hair.


    I hope you accept me as I look very forward to participating in this lovely server. Thx :).


  4. My minecraft account name is Olympicatru and I'm 13 years old. I'm in the Eastern Time Zone in the U.S.A. and I am very aware that the server is PG-13. I have read all of the rules and agree to all of them, that they are just and fair. I agree with the rule that all abuse of glitches or exploits are not tolerable the most as I have had this exact same problem happen on another server I have played on before. I have thorougly read all the rules and agree with all of them, and understand all of them. I found out about the Lord of the Craft by Googling, good Minecraft Lord of the Rings Servers. I have logged into the server at least once. 


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