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Posts posted by begegirl

  1. What’s your Minecraft account name?: begegirl

    How old are you?:16

    What timezone are you in?:central

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): i am

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: no cyber bullying

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): nope

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: online server list

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable):


    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): yes




    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!


    What is roleplaying?: when you become a different character, and live their life.

    What is metagaming?: uses difrent things/rules to effect the game. It changes the dicisions you make.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: overpowering, or forceful. being able to take down somebody easily.


    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: (what do you want your character to be called?) The Bijou

    Character’s sex: (male or female?) female

    Character’s race: (you can find all the playable races here.) human

    Character’s age: (upon application, your character must be 18 or older, and depending on the race, they can be over five hundred years old!) 21

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add three references to the server lore.): (where does your character come from?; where have they traveled to?; what year were they born in? et cetera.)

    Thea was raised in Kal'Ordholm, but at an early age her parents went into battle and were killed. Thea then had to live with her uncle in Al-Akash. There her uncle taught her how to use a sword and bow. She grew up poor but never complained. Thea was happy and content with her life. When Thea turned 18 her uncle was growing sick, and was forced to take care of him. He later passed away. Her uncles and parents death made Thea the strong independent women she is today.

      The moved after her uncles death to Felson. She later was taken as a slave in the war Uzg for 7 years to craft tools. This leads us to where we are today. Thea finally escaped the war and travels to find the perfect place to stay stationary and begin her new adventure

    Personality Traits: (what are your character's quirks?; habits?; likes and dislikes?) blacksmithing, and horsebackriding are Theas main hobbies. she dislikes snakes, and doesn't fancy cooking either. Thea is laid back and nice most of the time. Thea hates being told she cant do something cause she is a female.

    Ambitions: (what does your character aspire to be?) a successful blacksmith

    Strengths/Talents: (what is your character really, really good at?) horseback riding, archery, and fishing

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: (what is a skill that your character needs to work on?) Thea is really back face to face fighting, she prefers distance between her and her component.

    Appearance: (what does your character look like?; how tall are they?; hair color?; scars?) brown hair, blue eyes, 5'4", a scar on her left eyebrow from blacksmithing

    Skin: (please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin; if you need help, see our screenshot guide here.)edit-9740700.png

  2. Quote

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: begegirl

    How old are you?:16

    What timezone are you in?:central

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): i am

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: no cyber bullying

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): nope

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: online server list

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable):


    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): yes




    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!


    What is roleplaying?: roleplay is when you act as a certain role/character

    What is metagaming?: is a strategy, method, and action in game. goes beyond the limits or environment

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: overpowering, or forcing result on another character without their consent


    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: (what do you want your character to be called?) The Bijou

    Character’s sex: (male or female?) female

    Character’s race: (you can find all the playable races here.) human

    Character’s age: (upon application, your character must be 18 or older, and depending on the race, they can be over five hundred years old!) 25

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add three references to the server lore.): (where does your character come from?; where have they traveled to?; what year were they born in? et cetera.)

    Thea was raised in Kal'Ordholm, but at an early age her parents went into battle and were killed. Thea then had to live with her uncle in Al-Akash. There her uncle taught her how to use a sword and bow. She grew up poor but never complained. Thea was happy and content with her life. When Thea turned 18 her uncle was growing sick, and was forced to take care of him. He later passed away. Her uncles and parents death made Thea the strong independent women she is today.

      The moved after her uncles death to Felson. She later built tools for the war in Uzg for 7 years. This leads us to where we are today. Thea still helps out making tools for the war sometimes, but hopes for much more.

    Personality Traits: (what are your character's quirks?; habits?; likes and dislikes?)

    Ambitions: (what does your character aspire to be?) a successful blacksmith

    Strengths/Talents: (what is your character really, really good at?) horseback riding, archery, and fishing

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: (what is a skill that your character needs to work on?) Thea is really back face to face fighting, she prefers distance between her and her component.

    Appearance: (what does your character look like?; how tall are they?; hair color?; scars?) blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'4", a scar on her left eyebrow from blacksmithing

    Skin: (please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin; if you need help, see our screenshot guide here.)edit-9735038.png

  3. What’s your Minecraft account name?: Begegirl

    How old are you?: 16

    What timezone are you in?: Central

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: must stay in character at all times

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): no

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: a server list online

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): none

    Have you logged into the server yet? : yes i've logged into the server

    Character’s name: Thea Bijou

    Character’s sex: female

    Character’s race: Human

    Character’s age: 26

    Biography :Thea was born in a kingdom that was destroyed when she was only 5, she was the only surviver. She then raised herself in the woods teaching herself how to fight, build, and mine. Thea finds herself living in multiple locations in short periods of time. Thea has a love for blacksmithing and would like to pursue it as a career someday.

    personality Traits: Tough, hates being told she cant do something cause she is a female, loves archery, and enjoys dancing.

    Ambitions: to be sucssessful

    Strengths/Talents: archery, horseback riding, cooking

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: stubborn, hates snakes, dislikes building

    Appearance: blue eyes, 5'4, blonde hair, fair complexion, beautiful, slim

    Skin: la-9726249.png

    so sorry if this is not where i was suppose to send my application. I was a bit confused, and I hope this the correct place to send my application.

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