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Posts posted by holyterrain

  1. Minecraft IGN(s):


    holyterrain whiteferrarii






    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason


    Inappropriate roleplay.


    What circumstances led to this ban?


    I believe the circumstances that led me to my ban were a series of inappropriate, villainous roleplay scenarios of which I predated upon vulnerable characters of towns, notably the human capital, such as children and pregnant persons. The roleplay was villainous and dark, and it was believed, and rightfully so, I think, that this went beyond what is accepted and tolerated on the server. Explicit gore, dark words and a general, discomforting predation made up the circumstances of my ban - from what I am aware. I think, in holistic reflection, I realise that these scenarios are not 'interesting, roleplay stories' or even mere 'theft and murder' roleplay, but something much more uneasing. This could be avoided by me just avoiding villainous roleplay all together, which I intend to do if I am accepted back into the community, but I also think there are lessons about roleplay, in and of itself, I've learned. My roleplay and my actions are not an isolated - they affect people and they contribute apart of a community, and I think, in my own selfishness, I forgot this. In these circumstances, I thought villainy could be done to cause chaos and to introduce a darker side to the underside of human capitals, whereby innocents were killed and maimed, however this intention was not roleplayed adequately. I made people uncomfortable - that is the simple fact. Roleplay needs to be give and take, it needs to make both parties feel creatively inspired, interested and at times, challenged, but it should never make someone uncomfortable, feel unwelcome, or feel as though the server is not a safe place.

    I overstepped the mark very much so, and it makes me, genuinely, uncomfortable, to know I made others feel this way. In the future, in any roleplay I do, I'd want to make sure the circumstances are that whereby all parties feel as though they can comfortably interact and play with some fun to it. Being preyed upon, being stabbed and being rendered immobile without any agency, in-character or out-of-character, does nothing of the sort.

    Something else I've learned is that if someone has chosen voluntarily to create and explore a character which has vulnerabilities, such as a child, a pregnant person, or someone with a disability, that is no excuse to exploit them for cheap villainy. Firstly, it's disrespectful from a story perspective, to minimise this person's choice to roleplay someone complex and different, by making it an 'easy kill' and secondly, it's a bit morally discomforting. LOTC should not be a place whereby people can do what they cannot do IRL, or indulge in morally dark circumstances that go beyond fantasy and enter realms where people are hurt. Being a LGBTQ person, homophobia roleplay has always made me uncomfortable on LOTC, and I realise now, that my actions, made people uncomfortable just as much as those circumstances made me. Yes, it's roleplay, but it can still affect people, and that was something I really learned only in reflection. 

    I'd want to create storylines for my character(s) whereby I avoid these situations, and focus more on dialogue, domestic roleplay and perhaps something vocational, something creatively purposeful... and not villainy without true cause or purpose other than general chaos.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    I agree with my ban for the most part, as I feel I've expressed in my previous response, however I will say I felt parts of my ban were not adequately communicated to me at the beginning of it all. By now, through talking to several members, I've been able to wholly understand the grievances I've caused and by no means stand by behaviour that discomforts and upheaves without any real purpose.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    I want to return to LOTC because it defines much of my teenagehood. It's my safe place. I have played this server for over half a decade and I deeply miss the creativity that it allowed me to exercise and play with. I miss storytelling, I miss worldbuilding, I miss it all. I want to return to LOTC to live a quiet life, so to speak. In reflection, I certainly got too caught up in all the politics that can occur between players OOC, and want to just focus on creating my own stories, enriching and dynamic ones, that do not disconcert or disturb.

    I've been reading a lot recently and I've found things such as dialogue and simple interactions between characters is so rewarding and intriguing because it gives colour and depth to the human condition otherwise overlooked in simple, ordinary real life. It's something I feel I neglected in my time on LOTC and would love to come back and really indulge in that. I want to focus on character construction as opposed to action.

    I do really miss this community and don't want to imagine a future where I can't step back into the fantastical world that allowed me to create, dream and make friendships my entire teenagehood. I am sorry for my actions and really will make sure nothing ever comes close to it again.


    Attach other relevant information.



  2. Minecraft IGN(s):


    holyterrain whiteferrarii






    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason


    Inappropriate roleplay.


    What circumstances led to this ban?


    I was not given explicit and / or specific circumstances about this ban, but I was told it due to a series of villainy RP circumstances I was engaging in, where my character would attack vulnerable people in the cities of Haense and Oren. This was repetitive and discomforted some players / made their server experience less enjoyable.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    At the time, I disagreed with the fact that my villainy was seen as predatory or inappropriate, because I had seen this sort of RP done over my six years of experience on this server, and had been a victim of it myself. However, now, I realise that that sort of roleplay is just not worth it. It makes no one happy and it's just cheap, disconcerting roleplay that fulfils no real, constructive purpose in storytelling or fun for anyone. So, ultimately, I agree with the ban now, and understand that this is a server where people come for escapism, and burdening people with repetitive, frustrating villainy with no true purpose is not creating an environment for that escapism.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    I want to return to LOTC because it defines much of my teenagehood. It's my safe place. I have played this server for over half a decade and I deeply miss the creativity that it allowed me to exercise and play with. I miss storytelling, I miss worldbuilding, I miss it all. I want to return to LOTC to live a quiet life, so to speak. In reflection, I certainly got too caught up in all the politics that can occur between players OOC, and want to just focus on creating my own stories, enriching and dynamic ones, that do not disconcert or disturb.


    Attach other relevant information.


    (I'm unsure how to attach the screenshot of ban / login.)






    Upon observations of the patrician class, lavish balls held in celebration of cause or individual appear always in the Orenian culture. The pageantry and politicking reserved for the high nobility at such occasions is to be expected, though it is upon observation, the effect this has had on the individuality of the men and women of the realm. To what extent is the individuality of the man and woman lost within the contemporary culture of ballroom and pageantry? GOD created every man and woman to be wholly individual and unique, as to never be replicated. As sons and daughters of GOD, individuals are expected to retain the identities given unto them by their Creator, and, concerned, is the disposition of this thesis, that by striving to be the auspicious archetype, the nobles of upper Oren are conforming at large. 



    One might argue that a primary purpose of balls and such is for men and women to court and seek out potential suitors, and though that is warranted, the fear is that women are rendered one-dimensional and both sexes trim themselves to be something they are not. The finances thrown at the personal mantles of vanity and physical displays of prestige are troubling, for surely, that is not the summation of the Orenian person. The aristocracy must look inward, to examine the culture they cultivate, and remind all attendees that it is the value of celebration that such events are to be held on the basis of, and not in adjacent to. One can enter a ball and see women in, for lack of better word, desperate attempt to replicate the woman beside them, and whilst role models are critical for a bettered community, individuality is lost at this occasion. Displaying themselves like stock, by the mantles of their dressage, when rather their kindness, charity and wit could be the primary emphasis. This issue is nuanced; for I do not propose formality and tradition is dismissed, rather I urge the culture to be introspective and understand that having their partakers become copies of one another, for the sake of a betrothal or suitor, is not what GOD intended for us. 



    Remedies observed for shifting emphasis on values of charity and celebration are through donations and awards at such occasions, though still, one notices the swaths of same-faced men and women jostling without true contentment. One hopes that there will come such a time when men and women may convene, dressed formal still, though not stressing their purses for the sake of impressing one another, but respecting themselves and the occasion. Men and women are multi-dimensional beings, created and ordained by GOD, and so for them to suppress their many colours, is a tragedy being witnessed today. 



    The aristocracy may do as they please, yet I urge them to remember the humanity and individuality within each man and woman, and that one is encouraged to lean into such, for upon doing so, they will be closer to GOD, as long as it is in alignment with GOD’s plan of creation. Another man’s path is not yours, for yours is distinctly authentic, and may not be replicated or shared, not wholly. And thus, in a culture of ballroom assimilation, stress not your purse for the sake of looking like the Mary or John beside you, but adorn the colours of your own individuality, for that is you. Threading these occasions with emphasis on community or individual celebration of merit, charity and the virtues of the Holy Scrolls, events shall be as virtuous as they are glorious. By doing this, our pageants will be a mosaic of true Oren, and not an archetype that only befits the few.




    Sister Madeleine of Kaedrin






  4. Emelie Rubens read over the letter with a nonchalant gaze. In her arms, she held her newborn son, Alfred William, her cheeks flushed with a motherly warmth. Dressed in an ivory gown, she sat on the balcony of her home whilst the Renatian city bustle filled her ears like white noise. She blinked twice, pursing her lips as she finished the read. "Pointless." She spits the quip, tossing the parchment into the wind. "To declare yourself regent, then regnant, then regent... goodness." The baroness would dismiss her thoughts on her sister-in-law, returning to nursing her son, whom held the namesake of her prince brother, Alfred I.  

  5. Mother Judith furrows her brow with quiet concern as the  new leader of Riviä is not disclosed in the missive. "This is worrying, truly. Riviä has always had an uneasy state of being with religious freedom and heathen inhabitance, and Alison seemed to be the only one to control it... if she will not disclose the leader of the settlement, how can we trust them?" 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Semihilyus said:

    Giffıourd scratches his chin: "This is confusing,Linette may be ruling Curon now but it is obvius that she is not a Devereux and she can not "disown" any Devereux.Meanwhile if she is no Devereux how can she be Princess Regnant ?" Giffourd sighs and puts the paper to the table and mumbles to himself "Heartland is in a dire situation..."


    Emelie voices her agreement with this like-minded man! 

  7. 27 minutes ago, Imi said:

    "Unfortunately Emelie and many of the others do not see the consequences of their actions. If she had wished to keep her name, she needn't have married an unlanded man behind the back of her family. A man who is known to show dissent towards Curon. This is a basic principle."

    Emelie Rubens shakes her head.


    "You are no family of mine; you are not Devereux." 

  8. 10 minutes ago, Chorale_ said:

    authority over the members of the House, whether she is related by blood or not.

    Emelie rolls her eyes louder. "A woman who is not a trueblood of the family controls the house? A house is a family and she is not apart of this family." 

  9. 4 minutes ago, ibraheemc2000 said:

    "Uhm...Are you Sure Esme is an Undead...She wears a cross...Wears Aurum Rings...She acts like a normal person...This to me is confusing after all." would state a random qalasheen man



    "Esme was burned alive yesterday." She tells the people. 

  10. Emelie Frederika allowed the letters to flow across Atlas.


    “Linete was born on a farmstead as a peasant woman. Her sultry ways lured my brother into her bed, and she claimed that throne beside him. He disappeared for some time, whilst she enjoyed the luxuries of royalty. When his death became known, the time for grieving was not had. Linette seized the throne for herself, and the country fell apart. She is not a Devereux, ladies and gentlemen. She has no right to sit on that throne and shatter the state into pieces. And yet the government was threaded with her weasels and vipers, and she claimed sovereignty with ease. Linette is a usurper. Esme is undead. Alfred is dead. And here I am, disowned by a woman who is not family. For the act of true marriage to a nobleman, respectful and true. I value the union I share with my husband, something Linette never did. She held her husband, my brother, for one reason… vain ambition. I speak now to tell the truth. My family has been broken and I fear that without intervention, Curon and Devereux will die. Linette must resign from her throne. She must have her crown stripped away. Black-hearted creatures corrupt our streets... nobles and peasants alike are shot at and killed from the rooftops and the assassins still live. The military has fallen far from any glory under my father. Behind the walls of our palace, Linette spits on the name of the Church and the Order of Saint Lucien for their insolent interruptions of her reign. She is not a godly woman. The mantle of Curon has been spat on and humiliated by the government's inactive and stagnant policies... A blind man could see how ugly my home has become. Alfred was a good sovereign. My father was a good duke."


    "A Devereux must rule Curon; not an ambitious harlot.”

  11. Just now, Semihilyus said:

    So you judge a man with tales you heard ? How mature... i invite you to Cyrilsburg to speak with you personally, miss.To clarify our position and aims to you.

    Mother Judith shakes her head, "Well goodness! It is not gossip, but the truths spoken by good Prior Constantine himself. You dare accuse him of lying?" 

  12. 1 minute ago, Semihilyus said:

    Giffourd Delaney Grins "What importance does Rubens have ? Order of Saint Tobias and Principality of Curon  shall stand firmly in the Heartlands despite of her enemies both outside and inside.Our numbers are growing,our towns are full with people working towards  a better future.Those who want to bring us down shall not prevail, for  Saint Tobias will illuminate our way."

    The holy mother frowns deeply. "I have heard tales of your invasive ways! You will not touch Cadlew, fool!" She wags her finger, tutting with absolution.

  13. Emelie Rubens rode alongside her husband, dressed in a gown of black and gold. She tightened her hands about the bridle she grasped, wincing as she lifted her eyes to the rooftops. There were monsters nesting, breathing still with their arrows sharpened. She bit her lip as she suppressed her quiet melancholy, allowing her gaze to glaze over the host of soldiers that flanked her mount. "My husband is right." She spoke, recognizing the familiar faces peering from behind curtains in their homes. The streets were always scarce in Cyrilsburg. She remembered times when she was young... an age when the streets were lively. "Curon will forever be my ancestral home, and yet it has fallen. Linette," she paused, casting her eyes to the palace standing forlorn on the mountain, "we need to fix this. For the sake of your husband, my brother, for the sake of your children... don't let our home be destroyed. The government needs to be culled of the weasels and the snakes. The guard force needs to be filled with competent soldiers. The streets need to be washed of the undead and the black-hearted. GOD Save Curon." 

    The pale-faced countess paused, drawing her shoulders back and speaking then to the men that surrounded her. "Ave Rubens," she called, "Ave Renatus."

  14. Emelie Rubens watches with an earnest countenance. "Leila was shunned by the government of Curon since the moment she ascended into office. She has a right to leave, and so do you all. She is a good woman, strong and true and pious. Yet she is not daft. There are snakes in my homeland and they will be stopped. Dearest Leila," she pauses, dipping her chin, "we will rise in our new home, and your strengths will be acknowledged and accepted. The people are whispering, lords of Curon. My people want change. Give it to them, or they will seize it themselves. For the sake of my father, Karl Devereux, for the sake of my brother, Alfred of Curon... take action. Accept reformation because without it more undead will rise and more darkness will seep into our walls. Take this departure as a herald that change needs to occur. We lose our people everyday... my own sister was murdered in the streets of Cyrilsburg. She now roams as undead, because of the necrotic and heretical demons that linger in our country. I beg of you. For the sake of my family, for the sake of my home... fix this. Whatever progressions you make now, redirect them. The Order of Saint Lucien can only protect us for so long. We need to seize and properly charge strength and proper administration unless the sovereignty of this country will be lost. Deus Magnus, men and women." Placing a protective hand over her stomach, Emelie Frederika mounts her destrier and trots out of the gates of Cyrilsburg. Flanked by the armored men of Rubens, she lifted her chin. "GOD Save Curon," she let the words roll from her lips, black tresses spilling down her shoulders, "do not let more people die because of petty failure." 


    8th of the Sun's Smile, 1659





    The breath of sultry summer brushed past the chimes of the riverside homes, songs lifting into the village. The evening was cool, with clouds drawn in purple bruises across the sky. An amber amulet hung suspended over the horizon, shooting orange lances of light across the Holy See. As the sun slowly sunk beneath the hills, men and women in their rich dressage sauntered through the village. The highest hill of Judeburg was crowned with the banners of Rubens and royal blazon of Devereux. Towering over these standards, was the cross of Horen. Marine eyes lit by the smile of the setting sun, Emelie Frederika Devereux stood with her hands clasped. Her ivory dress stooped low to the mosaic floors, her hair spilling down her shoulders. The tresses of her gown shimmered in the sun, her countenance shining with a familiar pale hue. An excited anxiety danced behind her eyes, and yet she continued to smile.


    Willam Rubens stood before his princess bride, his brown curls neatly trimmed and his face occupied with a cheerful grin. He collected his hands below his waist, drawing back his shoulders and releasing a short breath. The hill, crowned by the monuments of GOD, was the venue where the two youths would be wed. The floors were made of mosaic brick, a glowing heart that depicted the feats of Horen. Surrounding the central piece were the few guests of the wedding. Leila Rubens watched with a quiet smile as her brother wed her close friend. Flanking the woman was the Count of White Peak and his consort wife, their faces weary from the war and yet their eyes shone with a familiar passion. The pages of Judeburg peered curiously from their perches on the roofs, accompanied by nesting white doves and starlings. The ceremony was showered in an aurum screen from the sun, and the hosting priest made his shuffle forward.


    The archbishop raised his palms and spilled the rites of the union. As he spoke, the ordermen crossed themselves in quiet reverie, beckoning the others to do the same. Emelie’s lips parted as she swore her vows, promising to uphold the truth and love of the marriage. William watched with a knowing love, reciting his pieces of loyalty and trust. As the bride and groom exchanged their emerald rings, the flock gathered offered small smiles. An organ played from somewhere at the bottom of the hill, and the chimes continued to sing their melodious songs.


    “You may kiss the bride.”

    As man and woman came together in a loving embrace, the people cheered. The riverside village, quaint enough, swelled that evening with familial cheer and love. The gates of the Lucienist keep were raised, and upon tall destriers the lord and his wife departed. Gently swaying in their saddles, fingers laced within one another, Emelie and William Rubens rode home. The summer sun fell beneath the horizon of wooded hills, and then came the pale face of the moon. Emelie smiled. A new age had come for them both.

  16. Judith smacked her hands together twice, features creased with waned effort. The pungent smell of death clung to her pavilion, the nuns keeping the braziers burning to disperse the stink with woodsmoke. The bodies of the wounded lay limp upon arbitrary cots, silent sisters tending to them. The holy mother collected a bucket of a black slosh, duly trotting out of the tent. She watched the pages scurry by like wilful pups, eyes distant in quiet reverie of the children she tended to in a Metz orphanage. The banners and blazons that spun in the wind made her remember that she worked in the camp of a king. His knights and lords rode by upon their destriers and Judith huffed. The mule the nuns had brought from the grand abbey had broken its ankle three days prior, and her shoulders ached as she had to heave their supplies to their canvas home. Pouring the filth out into the rutted dirt, Judith promptly returned inside. A man had befallen to a poisonous bodkin earlier that morning. Wincing, Judith called for her sisters to nail a cross. He was dead. “The pagans will burn for what they have done,” the holy mother declared, her rheumy-blue eyes passing over the bodies of the dying, “there will be no heathen to overcome this GODly monarch’s fury.”

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