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Posts posted by Qwelled_

  1. From what I can tell, you can argue for firearms with the idea of furthering variety, but I can't think of any other good argument. It would add variety because it adds another weapon type, and it would allow for more options in rp.

    However, a counterargument for this is that it really isn't all that different from bows or crossbows if implemented well, it only changes aesthetic and emotes slightly. So, a slight variety in aesthetic and emotes for the risk of powergaming, the time put into event(s) introducing them, and breaking the theme of the server, even if only slightly. I think it's good to note, by the way, that a slippery slope argument can be applied here. A slight change modernizing the server can lead to other slight changes over time, putting players off the server and changing the theme.

    EDIT: When I said it wouldn't change aesthetics or emotes much, I meant on an individual level, where most rp takes place. If it's a large scale battle, it makes a pretty big difference.

  2. So for a very long time, I have been offline. I'd like to make some excuse for my family being in a wreck or something, but that was a very long time ago, so it really can't be a good excuse, and I'm not a liar at heart (most of the time). After my baby nephew was born, I was planning to be off for about a week, but then I just kind of lost interest in that kind of stuff, since I was doing IRL stuff with my friends and getting on my console for fun. I regret doing that, though, because there were more people I could relate to on here than there are on Xbox Live, and some of my friends are stupid.


    Anyways, as for the title of this post, the whole reason I'm calling it my "Grand Tour" is because I had been jumping around from server to server. I was pretty reluctant to get back on here and reintroduce myself to everyone, because I'm not really fond of reunions (they can make me pretty nervous, actually). For about a month and a half, I was making applications to three separate servers, and I had my eye on a fourth. They're all pretty interesting, but I never really got invested into them. So I'm going to go on a grand tour of the servers, seeing which ones I'm interested in, and I'm going to include this server (biased opinion on this one, to be honest). I'm probably going to pick two or three to rp on for an extended amount of time, so don't expect me to be very active for the next week or couple of weeks.


    I'm kind of nervous to post this since I'll probably do it again eventually, but it's probably worth it. Hopefully after about a year I can get a part-time job so I can pay for a computer of my own, instead of this pile of junk, which may help me actually become active on these servers.

    P.S.: I lost my old forums account, so I made a new one. Just in case you view my profile and realize that I have no posts other than this.

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