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Posts posted by Kobble

  1. MC Name: KingKobble

        RP Name: Kobble Strongarm

        Skype: KingKobble

        Timezone (EST, GMT, etc.): EST

    Professions: Miner

                 Have you been in the Legion before? If so, when: Yes, sorta

        *Note: If you were a Stoneguard in the most recent legion you will keep your rank*

        Do you swear loyalty to the reigning Grand King: Yes, I am Bastion's true lover.

  2. I. Name Charles Alban
    II. Age : Middle Aged
    IIa. Date of Birth: Don't know
    IIb. Place of Birth: Don't know
    III. Race: Human
    IIIa. Culture: Heartlander
    IV. Martial Knowledge: Experienced swordsman, bowman, and strategist
    V. Profession: None

    MC Name: KingKobble
    Skype ID: KingKobble

  3. Kobble’s Cobble

    Grand Opening


    Come by this Stone Thursday for the Grand Opening of Kobble’s Cobble Tavern Opening!  


    All the free drinks that you wish, free food, and free entertainment to all those who come to the Grand Opening!


    Come and join your fellow dwarves for a day of fun and celebration and enjoyment to your heart’s desire! Don’t miss out on all the excitement!


    Kobble’s Cobble is a new tavern located within the mighty stone walls and defense of Kal’Nikaer the heart of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Boasting the best ale in all of Urguan, or at least the cheapest, you can drink till you’re drunk! Even if you wish to get blacked out and forget about how your wife is cheating on you or perhaps how much of a failure your son is, this is the right place for you.


    Ever get stuck inside a mine and run out of bread or food in general? Then you tried to eat cobblestone cause you had so much you didn’t know what to do with it? Well, at Kobble’s Cobble we have perfected the art of the cobble cuisine and have tailored over a hundred ways to eat Cobblestone. So, if you’re thirsty and hungry come and stop by


    Or maybe you’re lonely and you want to forget about how you have no friends and you’re increasingly falling into a deepening depression, just like my Uncle*A wet spot is seen on the poster here*. Kobble’s Cobble has the people just like you to mingle with and then some entertainment as well if that’s not good enough.


    Talent Contest

    In  celebration of the grand Opening of Kobble’s Cobble we will be hosting a Talent Show for anyone approved to join! Just shoot a message to Kobble Frostbeard with your name and talent and you’ll be entered! There will be judges to judge who has the best talent and a prize handed out to the winner and the runner-up!


    ((The Grand Opening will be starting at 3:00 PM est on Thursday and the Talent Contest will be starting at 3:30 PM. Send me a message on the forums with your rp name and talent and you’ll be entered.))

  4. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!
    What’s your Minecraft account name?: KingKobble        
    How old are you?: 16
    What timezone are you in?: EST
    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes
    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Metagaming is disallowed in its entirety. Metagaming is the use of information in roleplay that your character does not know. An example would be rallying troops to aid a friend even though your character would have no way to know he's in trouble.
    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): No
    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Google search
    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable):
    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): No, but I will
    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!
    What is roleplaying?: Pretending to be someone else that you aren't or just putting yourself into another role you would otherwise not be able to be.
    What is metagaming?: Obtaining information that isn't possible for your character to know in roleplay through outside sources or out of character means
    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: Doing things your character can't normally do or actions that are typically impossible or unlikely for your character to perform to the benefit of yourself and the detriment of others.
    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.
    Character’s name:  Kobble
    Character’s sex:  male
    Character’s race:  Dwarf
    Character’s age:  330
    Biography :


    Kobble was born to two very unknown dwarves in Anthos that didn't much make a name for themselves as they were quiet, reserved miners that kept to themselves for the most part. However, he doesn't really much remember them as they died when he was just a beardling. They lived within the confines of the great halls of Kal'Azgoth until the time of the great flooding. His parents were stubborn and did not want to leave their homes as the dwarves made their escape to the fringe. They kept little Kobble with them and stayed till the end even if that meant for them all to die. There isn't much he remembers of it, just some blurs, then his uncle barging in, a swing of an axe, and then him being carried away. Kobble would however remember the times that followed in the frige.  His uncle, Thronst, would raise him  and teach him the ways of the dwarf, how to dig, how to fight, and how to drink. 


    He remembers one time during his time in Fringe, the dwarves had warred with the humans and his uncle, having been gone a long time, came home maimed. He had a stub where his arm used to be and an awful scar that ran deep along the left side of his face, but it had done more than just scar him physically, but mentally too and it heavily impacted kobble. He watched as his uncle slowly drew into a sad state, becoming drunken beyond belief and then losing their home. A man Kobble had once looked up to and learned everything from was now a pitiful sight and when they lost their home, he left his uncle alone on the cold streets to take up mining just as his parents had. 


    Living a quiet life just as his parents had, he lived peacefully and happily for most of his time chipping away in the mines. Eventually, the dwarves would move to Athera and more war would break out, this time he would fight. He remembers it fluidly, the fighting against the human forces under Andrik Vydra and for one reason. As an open field skirmish would take place one day, he would remember his cold hands gripping his war axe as he begins to charge his enemy. He daftly maneuvers and attempts to not be killed, but in the midst of the battle he glanced to his left to the one armed, scarred man that once raised him, fighting with only his right arm. But it was not a happy moment for when he caught sight of his uncle it was the same as with his parents, a human bargin in, a swing of an axe, and his uncle lying lifeless on cold grass. He stood there frozen before another dwarff dragged him away as the human forces broke the dwarven forces and retreated.


    Kobble returned to the mines after the war even more reserved than before, the sight of his uncle slain after being absent for so long taking a toll. All through Athera and Vailor, he spent all his times in the mine, never emerging. He spent almost all his time in Axios doing the same, but something clicked in him after so many years in the dark abyss with only a pickaxe in his hands and he decided to finally retreat from the mines and return to his kin in Kal'Nikaer. 


    Personality Traits: He is a very calm dwarf that doesn't like to interfere much with people's business unless it seeks to disturb any sort of peace, mainly keeping to himself.
    He is nice to those around them that are his friends or family but reluctant around those he doesn't know. He is also very stubborn .
    Ambitions:  To live a prosperous life within the dwarven kingdom and be the best dwarf that he can be.
    Strengths/Talents:  He is diligent, a good listener when he wants to be, and has some natural talent for accomplishing things properly.
    Weaknesses/Inabilities:  He tends to be very stubborn and unliekly to listen to others unless they are close to  him.
    Appearance:  He is the average height for a dwarf, a little under 5 feet. He has dark colored hair, a thick beard, and light colored eyes.
    Skin:  http://i.imgur.com/kK3WWJB.png[/img]

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