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Posts posted by rosebadwolftyler




    What’s your Minecraft account name?: RoseBadWolfTyler

    How old are you?: 16

    What timezone are you in?: Pacific

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: No Discrimination

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): They are all very clear

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: While browsing through good roleplay servers

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): none

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): yes



    What is roleplaying?: An interaction between different people playing (Some would say living) the lives of characters usually in a realm different from your own.

    What is metagaming?: When you use outside knowledge in a roleplay to gain an advantage over another team/person


    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: Forcing actions on another character without giving them a chance to react. Ex: "(Character 1) stabs (Character 2) through the heart, killing him instantly." 


    Character’s name: Maelyrra Gredove

    Character’s sex: Female

    Character’s race: High Elf

    Character’s age: 83



    Maelyrra lives in the center of Haelun'or, born (In 1486) to a pure family, she was raised to pursue a career of alchemy and was pushed by her family (mostly her father) to excel greatly in this aspect. Although Maelyrra was born into a family of “Pure” Elves she often hated being around her own kind, she much preferred the Wood Elves and their way of life. During the night, she would sneak to the city of Linandria to meet Wood Elves and learn about how they live. Until her father found her sneaking out one night and put an end to the whole affair.

    At 60 years old Maelyrra started her own shop. She sells potions to this day, but usually doesn't have a lot of clients from Haelun'or. Most of her clients come from Linandria, Johannesburg, or Kal'Nikaer, Making the, sometimes very long, journey to get potions. Unlike her High Elf counterparts, Maelyrra is very kind to other species and treats them with respect. Making her somewhat unpopular with High Elves.


    Personality Traits: While Maelyrra is a small elf, she tends to be very outspoken and forward. She is a clean freak, making sure her shop is always spotless, and often cleans even when nothing needs cleaning. She loves practicing her trade, Alchemy, and going out into other lands to gather supplies for her projects. While Maelyrra is Respectful and kind to other species, she will and does not tolerate disrespect of people to one another.


    Ambitions: While she already is an Alchemist, she aims to be a master at the trade. She also wants to learn about the lives of other species and gain a good social standing with them.

    Strengths/Talents: Communication, Alchemy, Archery, Herbalism, Acrobatics, Cleaning, Organization.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Unable to stand still, Holding her tongue, Running, hand-to-hand combat, reading emotions, Sword combat.

    Appearance: A petite woman, Maelyrra is only 5’9”, small in the terms of an elf, and 123 Lbs. Maelyrra has pale skin, light purple eyes, White/silver hair and usually keeps her hair in 2 separate ponytails hanging on the sides of her face. She does have a scar but none can see it because it is on her abdomen.




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