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Posts posted by Grimaria

  1. (I apologize for the unfinished application.  I did not mean to publish it until I was completely finished.)


    What’s your Minecraft account name?:


    What timezone are you in?:

    (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US and Canada)

    How old are you?:


    Are you aware the online content on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? You won’t be denied for being under 13.:


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?:


    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:

    Rule #1

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!):

    Rule #2; So, does this apply IC (in character) role play?  What if the person behind the screen doesn't feel any negative emotions towards another person behind the screen, but the character they made has good reason to not like the other character in general?  I apologize if this question does not make sense.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?:

    My friend from Hypixel has sent a link about a LOTC skin.  I wondered what the initials stood for and looked it up.  It seemed interesting enough to check out.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable):


    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once):

    Yes, I have.

    What is roleplaying?:

    What is metagaming?:

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?:




    Character’s name:


    Character’s sex:


    Character’s race:

    Orc; Olog

    Character’s age:


    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add three references to the server lore): (where does your character come from?; where have they traveled to?; what year were they born in? et cetera.)

    Personality Traits: (what are your character's quirks?; habits?; likes and dislikes?)

    Ambitions: (what does your character aspire to be?)

    Strengths/Talents: (what is your character really, really good at?)

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: (what is a skill that your character needs to work on?)

    Appearance: (what does your character look like?; how tall are they?; hair color?; scars?)

    Skin: Front.PNGBack.PNGLeft Side.PNGRight Side.PNG

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