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Posts posted by henrikdanvik


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: Henrikdanvik.

    What timezone are you in?: UTC+01:00

    How old are you?: 15

    Are you aware the online content on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13?: Yes, I am aware.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I have read and i agree to the rules and conditions of the server.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: The Anti-ERP rule.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?: No, there isn't any rule I feel confused with.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: I've been roleplaying on various gamemodes and games since 2010, and consider myself an experienced roleplayer, I've heard about this server due to a friend of mine.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications: None, this is my first application.

    Have you logged into the server yet?: Yes, I have, and i have visited the various places on the map.






    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is like playing a character in a movie, or in a theatre play. It's when you immerse yourself in a character, and try to portray them.

    What is metagaming?: Taking information you've learnt from the Out-Of-Character world, and applying it ingame.

    What is power-emoting: Power-emoting, also knows as powergaming is when you force an action upon another character.


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Aelius Agrippa

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Heartlander.

    Character’s age: 37

    Biography: Aelius was born in Johannesburg, and was the youngest of his 3 sisters and 1 brother, his father made a living, and supported the family by working at the local docks, fishing and transporting people through the waters on his boat, His mother had to take care of them whilst his father was out, however she'd later pass away due to disease, Later on, as the fishing market started booming, his father started making more money, able to fund his childrens education. Aelius was thaught how to write at his school by some munks working at a monastery, and when he was 19 his father passed away in a tragic accident at the pier,or so he was told. His kin had left for foreign land as they turned 18, and Aelius had inhereted all what was left of his father, including a small boat. Aelius spoke to the munks who had scholared him in the art of writing, and was adopted by them, and thaught how to live a noble and religious lifestyle, as Aelius got older, his wanderlust grew, at the age of 24 Aelius would pursue a career of exploring, taking his fathers old boat from the pier, and all belongings that was left, sailing into the unknown. As a child he always heard stories about these lands, especially about the farfolk and the foreigners that lived in those lands, he was excited, but at the same time frightened, his friends, kin, and father, told him stories about great dangers and horrors in the unknown, savages and barbarian creatures that consume human flesh, and destroy all life they could find. He ended up in St Karlsburg after several years of travelling, trading, and exploring the lands he dreamed about as a child, After a few years, Aelius decided to sail further, into the capital where he could settle and live in peace in a village, taking up the occupation of a Lumberjack, he'd stay with this occupation for the rest of his time, until one day, all his log entries stopped, and nobody knows what Aelius chose to do next in his life, which brings us onto NOW, (I couldn't fit more in, this is basically his entire life story til now)


    Personality Traits: His ethos emits a serious, and strict tone, and he accompanies it with a tall and upright posture.

    Ambitions: Exploring the lands of the farfolk, which has been a dream of his since a very young age when he finally heard of the mystical lands that the foreigners have come from.

    Strengths/Talents: He has the privilege of knowing how to read and write, and has been thaught how to sail a boat in his youth.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: He is extremely sensitive about his family, and reacts in volatile and mean ways when it's brought up in a negative manner, often resorting to physical conflict by his own hand, even when brought up in a positive light he urges the person talking about it to find another topic.

    Appearance: He's a rather tall male, standing with a straight posture. He has blond hair, and his hands are wrinkly from presumably farm-work.

    Skin: http://imgur.com/adZv99y

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