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Posts posted by Xela


    Background Music


    A familiar voice would echo through the tavern as a knight in shining armor, atop an equally shiny horse, ducks under the entrance.

    “Hail all tavern dwellers! It ‘es I, tha mighty Ser Pandir!”


    The crowd would burst into cheer, flowers and mina bouncing off the chest plate of the newcomer. With a grunt, the man would hop off of his horse, applause still exiting the audience. The uproar would become a distant murmur as the valiant, mighty, some may even say EPIC, Ser Pandir landed.

    “I come before yah lot wit grand news! As good Darius’ time as Maer comes tah an end, a man o’ POWER mus’ come forth! Hopeful wos I, that a citizen would come forth n’ claim sucha position. But alas! No one I see ‘as tha STRENGTH or MIGHT tah do such! Padrick n’ Rodgers, men who ‘ave deemed it unnecessary tah defend fair Belvitz within tha ADR. Aleksei, but a mere footman!”

    As the wise knight spoke, the crowd grew into a sea of unanimous nodding heads. Even the candidate’s wives would agree!

    “So before yah good people I reveal my plans, that o’ which are tah make Belvitz tha true gem o’ tha Empire. Surely my word ‘es trusted, as much o’ tha people ‘ere tonight ‘ave been brought before Belvitz’s welcomin’ doors by my ‘and. N’ now, more than ever, shall I prioritize drawin’ in merchants, guards, n’ barmaids o’ all kind! Buildin’s that ‘ave long been inhabited by only dust n’ air shall be made into hospitals, theaters, n’ guild halls!”

    The once quiet crowd would burst out, tears of joy springing from their eyes. A chant ensues! “Go Pandir! Go Pandir! Go Pandir!”xd.png.72635fa12b684bdacfa4c388650e7e1c.png

    “Ha ha ha! Settle down, friends!” The humble knight would cry  out. “Let me finish wot I wos sayin’. Fair Belvitz ‘es tha finest place in Atlas, yet, it could be even… FINER! Servin’ Adria fer nearly 20 years, I know wot ‘es best fer it n’ it’s people. Alongside good Cameron, Antanios, n’ Willbert, may he rest in piece alongside Saint Emma...” He’d take a quick break to kiss the tavern’s floor. 1056024161_pandirmmmm.jpg.4a5417a6c4cdfab65c5df1254ef6798a.jpg

    “...we ‘ave come tah see many things durin’ our time in tha Gray Cloaks - a group not many candidates ‘ave even ‘eard of! Votin’ fer those who ‘ave merely waltzed into Belvitz not only hurts me, but yerself! Vote fer tha man that ‘as spent a lifetime ‘ere! A strong, handsome, valiant, n’ HUMBLE man that knows wot ‘es BEST!”

    At that, the crowd couldn’t contain themselves any longer! The mass surrounded Ser Pandir, lifting him above their heads. Shouts could be heard across the Baltas! “A LIFETIME!” “VOTE FOR SER PANDIR!”

    As the crowd whisked the knight off, a single, manly, tear left his eye.


  2. Ser Pandir, a man of chivalrous morals and great renown, snatches a flier out of the hands of a nearby peasant boy.

    “O-oi mistah, I need that back!” The whelp would squeal, his grimy fingertips attempting, and failing, to retrieve the paper.

    “Shut tha FOOK up!” The mighty knight would shout, eyeing the paper. “This ‘es a job for a man... a man only as strong as myself!” The HONORABLE Ser Pandir would loosen his grip upon the paper, letting it sink down to the child’s feet. As the boy scrambled to reclaim his treasure, the knight marched forward towards the Adventurer’s Guild, ready to bring RESPECT and GLORY to the newborn group.


    Application for Interview


    Name: Ser Pandir

    Race: Human

    Age: 33


    Discord#: mrt#6470



  3. Minecraft Name bagelseed

    Discord mrt#6470

    Timezone PST


    Describe your knowledge on the descendant races


    For a short while I played as a snow elf in the world of Axios. However, I was never able to find much enjoyment playing on the server at that time. So, naturally, I just logged off and forgot about it. The server finally enthralled me during Atlas when I finally decided to log back in. Sadly, experiencing a “true” snow elf persona never came to be, as I was quickly whisked away to Adria, and role played for the first time. There I spent a long time learning about the culture of Belvitz, humans, and it’s surrounding settlements. Not until recently did I pick up a goblin character where I learned the basics of Blah and Orc culture, even if Grungah is considered whitewash. (FeelsBadMan). I have gone through the lore of all the main races, and delved even deeper into each of their sub-races. Although there’s always more I can learn, I have a good understanding of what separates these unique races apart from each other (especially humans & Orcs), which is crucial when reading over applications.



    Describe your knowledge on other pieces of lore that you believe to be relevant


    I believe the most knowledge a new player should have about LOTC’s lore, aside from their persona’s culture, is religion. Specifically Canonism, in my case. There is a lot of role play based around GOD in human settlements, it has caused much turmoil and sometimes war. Saying the wrong thing could get you banished or killed. That’s why I’ve done a lot of research on different beliefs and faiths set within LOTC, as it is complicated yet important to learn. 



    Detail what drives you to become a member of the application team


    Mainly because it pains me seeing unread applications on the apply page. Patience is a hard skill to master, and it’s proven when I see the WS chat spammed with ‘can someone read my application?’ My goal is to never see the application board reach 4+ unanswered applications, as long as I’m online. Plus, it’s always exciting when jumping into a new fantasy world, and I’d like to help people do it as fast as possible. Lastly, that AT tag won’t hurt. ???



    Provide an alternate way to assisting new players apart from reviewing applications


    Definitely meeting them at Cloud Temple, and essentially ‘holding their hand.’ The main reason I never continued my adventure on Axios was because I could find nobody. I traveled around, lost and confused, until boredom slowly crept in. If I can log on and assist new players personally, it makes it way more enjoyable for both them and myself if I am able to teach them through role play. Other than that, I am always around in WS chat to help talk or guide new players.



    Survey the application process and provide any possible improvements which could be made


    I believe that the application is too heavily reliant on how much history they know, and not about their persona. The server was made for role play, so why not include a scene that the applicant has to respond to? It gives the AT an idea of their skills, and a better image of what their character is like. With this, LOTC will be filled with more colorful characters than bland ones, and will generate fun RP.  Proper grammar should be enforced harder as well.



    Provide any additional information that you believe is needed

    Although I’m definitely not the most active person on the forums, I’m always around on discord and engaging with the community. Please don’t base my application off of my account. ❤️ ?‍❤️‍?‍?


    Tell a joke


  4. Out-Of-Character Information

    Hi! My name is Thomas. I currently attend high school as a sophomore, and spend most of my time on League of Legends or role playing.


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: HackOnly

    What timezone are you in?: Pacific Time Zone

    How old are you?: 15

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes!

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: I agree most with the banishing of power gaming. There's been too many times where I found my self frustrated with someone else who abuses power gaming.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): Nope!

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: From other role play servers, and from some research on the internet.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): N/A

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): Yes!




    What is Roleplaying?: Roleplaying is immersing yourself in another character. This character is molded and formed through your decisions, actions, and people you meet.

    What is Metagaming?: Metagaming is using information beyond your in game character's knowledge to better yourself or others around you. It can come from multiple sources, for instance, say you just learned through discord that Gaathar, the troll king, has just made plans to invade your kingdom. Using this new found knowledge, you plan a counter attack and defeat him. This is wrong because your source didn't come from in game, but from a random from the general chat.

    What is Power-emoting (Powergaming)?: Power gaming is fighting or talking in a way that gives your opponent no room for action. For example, say I am fighting my arch nemesis - Captain Doodly. I walk up to him and emote *Thomas swings at Doodly and instantly slices his throat.* This is a form of power gaming because instead of me drawing out the fight and making it fun for both ends, I decide to slay him with no chance for Doodly to make his move.


    In-Character Information

    Character’s name: Pandir

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Snow Elf

    Character’s age: 100

    Biography: Pandir was born into a very strict lifestyle. Raised in the cold winters of his homeland's mountains, he learned at a young age that in order to succeed, you must use others. Without much physical strength, Pandir relies on his intellect to get him through his difficult life in the snow. After many, many years of rigorous training, Pandir had an idea. An idea to finally leave his home and live a lifestyle through which he can use his intellect to gain fame, not his body. So, he sets his eyes on the Dominion of Malin - an elven utopia where he would be able to slowly gain followers and eventually achieve his goal of high power.

    Personality Traits: Pandir is very curious about the world around him. However, with his current position, it'll be hard to be able to see the many different cultures of Axion. Pandir is extremely smart, too and is able to use this to his advantage. 

    Ambitions: Pandir hopes that through popularity and power, he can rise up and soon become an extremely powerful king with plenty of land to take.

    Strengths/Talents: Pandir is naturally gifted with a deceiving nature and excellent problem solving. 

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: His strength. Without such a body for fighting, he relies on misleading and controlling others for his personal gain. Learning to become both powerful and honest is something that Pandir will hopefully achieve throughout his adventures.

    Appearance: Pandir is a relatively handsome, white elf with bright blue eyes. He looms over others with his astonishing 6'5" of height, and is a little slim. His favorite accessory is his red scarf, which he wears all the time, be it hot or cold.




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