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Posts posted by Frostmoon02

  1. MineCraft User is FrostMoon02

    Timezone isCentral

    Age is 12

    Yes, I am aware.


    I agree with the rule that Roleplay is about Storytelling, not about winning or losing.


    Kryyyyy bought me the game.






    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!


    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is the act of playing a role in a play, movie, or a game.

    What is metagaming?: Edit: Someone knowing something they shouldn't, such as some strangers name or a battle ongoing at the other side of the world. (I had the definition COMPLETELY wrong.)

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?:  Never being beaten, and dodging every attack. Your also the queens long lost daughter.


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Koro

    Character’s sex: Guy

    Character’s race: Kha

    Character’s age: 20


    When Koro was about three, he was left in an orphanage in Ceru. He lived in the alley ways, picking and choosing people to pretend to be. One day he would pretend to be the kings son to earn respect, and another he would be Feral to get the population to leave him alone. Koro lived on the run, playing different roles, and how to get by. Over the years he was a actor who loved to socialize.

    Koro loved telling legends to the young of Sutica. His favorite was The Wrath of The Mad Dragon. Koro absolutely loved that tale, he dreamed of finding The Sword of Varn. Where could it be, he would ponder. When he turned twenty, he was almost executed for selling a fake magic elixir to an elderly lady, who died because of it. Koro narrowly escaped with his life. Now, he's more careful with his life, only confronting people when its affecting him. A man is mugging some lady? Who cares, its not hurting Koro. Deep down, Koro probably cares, but he's more concerned on saving his own butt. Koro never met his parents, and has been alone his whole life. He once pondered stealing from the king, but decided it was far too risky. Koro is mostly nomadic, living where he can, when he can.


    Personality Traits: Happy go lucky, and loves to tease.

    Ambitions: He wants some day to be a bard, and not have to barely scrape by tricking people.

    Strengths/Talents:  Koro is incredibly good at selling things and stealing. He also memorized every star, but by the names He gave them.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Koro lies often, and cheats to get his way. He also cares more about himself than others.

    Appearance: He has black fur and a white underbelly and is usually found in a green jacket, pants, and a “scarf” he found in the dumpster.




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