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Posts posted by AlterSaber

  1. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: AlterSaber

    What timezone are you in?: EST

    How old are you?: 16

    Are you aware the online content on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes, I am aware.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:  I agree with the rule that power-gaming is not allowed in any form for that was a problem I ran into on previous servers.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?: No, but if I do run into an issue I will be sure to bring it up.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: From a group of friends I usually play with.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): Not Applicable

    Have you logged into the server yet?: I have already logged into the server on one occasion.





    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is when you act as a character, though you yourself are not the character.

    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is when you use various pieces of information to influence your in-character's action such as killing a various character because you heard in OOC chat that they were planning on killing an important figure.

    What is power-emoting(powergaming)?: Powergaming is whenever you attempt to do something that is either seemingly impossible for your character like dodging multiple bullets at once or when you try to force an outcome on someone else's character like firing a gun that already hits the opponent without giving them a chance to dodge or emote against it. 


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Alphonse Steelheart

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Human

    Character’s age: 22

    Biography: Alphonse Steelheart was born in 1581 on the Isles of Axios.  His two loving parents had just recently settled on the isles after moving from the Isles of Valior in search for better opportunities.  While growing up, Alphonse grew up like most children during the time, gaining a basic education to speak, but what interested him most was his father's craft of smithing.  Whenever Alphonse had free time, he would love nothing more than to sit by his father's forge and watch the glowing embers as his father took up his hammer and pounded out the imperfections in various pieces of both weaponry and armaments.  Starting off, Alphonse struggled to pick up his father's trade and it took him multiple attempts to make a simple weapon.  During these moments of tribulations, Alphonse would look at his very first crafted weapon, a simple blade, in order to give himself the courage to continue on with his practice.  Eventually, Alphonse would impress his father with his own personal projects advancing from his humble beginnings of making simple blades to more ceremonial blades with an impressive design.  After completing what his father saw as "Alphonse's Final Task", his father allowed him  to set off on his very own to start up his very own family so that he too could own day raise his own children to take up the craft which he learned from his very own father.  However, the ideas of starting a family were planted into the back of Alphonse's mind as the need of coin and residency took priority over such lofty goals as he set out on his own personal journey.  The search for coin brought Alphonse to the city of Bastion.  When he had first arrived, the brand new scenery greatly shocked Alphonse with its unique architecture.  What surprised Alphonse even more was the interesting citizens that filled the various nooks and crannies throughout the city of Bastion.  While the task seemed to be very daunting, Alphonse created a plan on how he would be able to overcome such a task.  Since Alphonse saw himself as a stranger in the crowd, he attempted to make acquaintances with the various folks with who he was now grouped together with.  Once he had made a few contacts, Alphonse was able to rent out a small room that he was able to call his new home.  While it was very small at first, Alphonse knew that eventually he would be able to move into larger homes, though to him, that was thinking too far ahead into the future.  So in the meantime, Alphonse would work his way trying to pay back the acquaintances who had allowed him to get his very first home.  The task to pay them back was accomplished rather quickly for the room, to his surprise, had costed very little.  Alphonse was also able to benefit from this fact in that he did not have to waste any of his own materials paying back the acquaintances but rather through doing various "odd jobs" around the city for them.  The most notable and lengthy task was that Alphonse had to retrieve one of his contact's pet cats that had gone missing recently.  With the small room paid off, Alphonse's next step involved getting an area to start his very own forge and thus he started to look around.  Since Alphonse wanted to get to learn the layout of the city, he attempted to set up his forge on the opposite side of the city so that when he had to walk to his job, he would learn little by little the fastest way to get there.  This search however was futile, and Alphonse was not able to find a spot for himself.  Alphonse was not going to let such a setback keep him from accomplishing his goal and thus he set out to Sutica to find himself a spot there.  This resolution, like the one before, also proved futile as Alphonse feared that his luck was running out.  On his way back however, he ran into an individual which turned out to work to Alphonse's favor.  From what he learned from the individual, there were various trading companies in Bastion that were looking for various skills which Alphonse believed he had.  With his now newly regained hope, Alphonse set out to find these trade companies which would hopefully provide him with a stable job and continue onward on his own journey that would continue, as he hoped, for many years to come.

    Personality Traits:Is surprisingly persistent when it comes to completing a task personally giving to him. Others most likely attribute it to the fact that he seemed to dedicate himself to the task of smithing.  However, while he is persistent, he seems to be motivated by coin and if the task given to him does not seem to be worth his time, he would tend to "forget" about the task.

    Ambitions: To improve his smithing skills further, perhaps start a family, and provide his fellow citizens with what he perceives as the most important skill.

    Strengths/Talents: Working with various metals, using various forms of hammers (such as a war-hammer), arm strength, and persistence.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Due to his basic education, higher end vocabulary words tend to go over his head especially when various figurative techniques are used.  Since he has only ever worked with hammers, he is not skilled in using weapons that are not "hammer" based such as bows.  In addition to working with hammers and not tending to stray from the forge, he is not good at travelling long distances.

    Appearance: He is of a respectable height of 5'9", has blonde hair which he usually lets grow out, with dark green eyes.  While he does not have any facial scars, some darkness could be seen under his eyes due to countless nights working at his forge. Most often, he wears his own leather armor which are made of various colors, most notably being blue and green though on some occasions he has changed it out for different colors.



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