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Posts posted by TatsuyaAce

  1. Sage – Psst ! Psssst ! Wake up !


    Sorry ? Who ? What ? Where ? How ?


    Sage – Of peace ! It is only me. Therefore the situation... You must come.


    Why ?


    Sage – How to say... You are currently judged of crime towards schizophrenia.


    How is that "judged" of Schizophrania, it is ashamed ! SCANDAL !


    Judge – Silence ! Silence ! Sir... Sir... hem..


    TatsuyaAce Sir !


    Judge – You are accused of crimes following; a pseudo oh the name of Jigok, the age of 19 years, an experience of role-playing of more tha 4 years, and to have known this site illegally. As well as your addiction in gales, reading ans drawing. Oh and you live in France ! You are French.


    This by way of accusations. And good Mister Judge I have nothing to say dice for my de-


    Sage - Yes ! Yes ! He has something yo say for his defence.


    Ok ? Oh ! Yes ! Of course yes for "my" defence... Then... Is it a crime that to be 19 years old mister judges it ? I known that generally when this age is attained it is that they looked porno in a lot... of film for adult... And My minecraft pseudonym... I have nothing for to me Mr... And yes I'am  french. Oh ! And I'm agree with rules of course.


    Sage – I gave him idea you see. .


    Judge – I see I see you can go on.


    My addiction as you said. . I hem it is for studies. Reading would be very rare for one people of my age, and even very precious for the society you see? The drawing because I am one. . . Artist ahah!


    Judge – Explain me your experience of dear role player.


    And good isn't it flagrant? Currently I am taken for a schizophrenic, I speak my self by your bias, it is there almost flippant.


    Sage – Idiot! Needed to say not him!


    But otherwise. . My vision of therôleplay it is to play sometimes quite another role of our personality, or even to be played oneself across the tool as is minecraft. Play a character who is not us, to have a good time with situations sometimes rare, or of activities of everyday life.

    I am going to top up my good mister! The metagaming! It is to use an information outside the role play in roleplay! And the powerGaming! Yes! It is to make an incoherent action!


    Sage – How did you know this site?


    Hem hem. . Heeem. . Ah ah! *disappears * ah ah ah not this has work sorry?


    Judge – Must I remind you that you ar ein writings?


    Ah it is therefore for this. . Hem good bye readers and readers!




    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Elias Eleonore

    Character’s sex: male

    Character’s race: Human

    Character’s age: 18

    Biography :


    November 11th 1585: A wife of Mary's name, gives birth to a young boy in Aleksandria, giving him for nameÉléonore. According to his father he is intended for a honourable design: infront of future, as wants him family tradition, valorous one warlike.


    January 8th 1585: The preschooler, barely 6-month-old, already sees himself receiving some small wooden toys, representing big knights.


    March 4th 1593: It is at the age of seven years on which his parents decide to push his education a little more slightly.


    From 1593 to 1597: Eleonore manages more or less well, nevertheless its family insists tremendously to instill to everything in him. Passing by kitchen, culture and battle. They learn to him then to cook, to play music, to defend themselves and on the whole, goodmanners.


    July 15th 1597: The parents of Eleonore encourage him to go beyond of his borders. He must make to cook, then in music and so on. Overnight he announces to his parents that he leaves, but they refuse and make him go on.


    July 29th 1598: the preschooler can already read and write in his native language. But his parents do not stop there. He joins the inn maintained by his grandparents. Training indeed pushed him to the limit, drawing away then the first disaster.


    February 10th 1599: He does not wait, he decides to leave alone leaving a letter to his parents. He meets then a young woman, older than him, who takes him under the wing during long instant. Thisone dies some months afterwards because of a bad deal. He leaves then other part and tomb on a man who helps him so in its turn.


    August 3rd 1600: He meets a girl of Alexia's name.


    August 29th 1600: He continues his intensive training in kitchen.


    Running 1603: This time, with the cruel lack of money, he decides to leave once again.


    November 11th 1603: His choice is made.  He wants to visit the world, and so to fulfil his destiny.


    First Chapter : Difficul time ~


    It is cold, I cannot there really any more. Nobody can help a young boy I imagine. They all are occupied in their vacant occupations; some people sing, and the traders sell. It is a rather normal day for them I imagine.

    I am only a child, a child who should not even trail along on streets. My parents miss me, everything misses me, I was happy with them, but at the bottom I wanted to leave. I could not support anymore all these long days, all this education. It would be even possible to think that it was a chance to have all this nothing that for me but I assure you that nobody would like to receive this type of education where you are pushed to the limit. I lived a long instant in Aleksandria, but now I do not want anymore.

    Once while I tried to sleep as I could, a voice had awakened me.


    «Baby, if you do not want to die just like that, you should get out of the way and do something. »

    «Who speaks me? »I said about a weak voice and barely in form. That's true what, I am very young person, I should not work. There are only the adults who work.

    « Molly! I take this rascal with me!», how is that to take me? I would only like to be quiet, to draw to play, to entertain me. And especially to cook me! But I had had no time to say a word that she had already loaded me.

    « Whom are you? I asked.

    - Elizabeth, baby.


    - You know, this does not help me a lot and then I do not want to be with you me, I was well without you!

    - You really want to die in your age?

    - Pooh. . No, but I am going to live.

    - And good, you do not miss of biting baby.

    - I am not small first. And then I always wait for your answer.

    - And good, you do not miss of biting baby.

    - I am not small first. And then I always wait for your answer.

    - I said it. Elizabeth, famous trader in city. Now to me to ask you some questions. she said, very smiling.

    - Thirteen years.

    - Very well thank you for answering your name before even question?

    - Eleonore madam. I want to become a big cook!

    - You do not lack nerve either, I really like. »

    Debate could go on just like that during the hours and the hours, but it had taken me in a tavern, odd place for a young person. . .

    « Two tankards, and a glass of fruit juice for this rascal. »

    «Right away rams me», there was rather a good ambience, very few people, alittle of music, and especially a comforting heat. It was very nice, but now, I had to ask this woman why she had taken me with her.

    « Say. . . Why to have taken me with you?» I asked very shyly.

    «No idea, I launch a challenge myself. They are going to see if you can survive more than a week with me. »

    «A bet? But I do not go but this is not made! Old skin!»

    « Of peace, calm baby or you go back to the street. »

    «Ah not», I refuse to go back to it »Now I was in heat, and she had even paid me a meal, it was almost a luxury for me. But this could not any more of very last I imagine.

    Having barely ended my meal, which it was already necessary to retort but I did not know where. She said that she had some business in my hometown, that she had to sell some books and that in addition to all this, she wanted to help me.


    Months passed without too much problem, business went rather well and then I managed better than before. I am less timid already and I even succeeded in selling some objects! Even if I thought that it was with the help of Mark, a rather strong friend of Elizabeth. I was much happier! On top of that, some drew me away in battle. But everything had too fast passed, the business type which takes place badly, the business type which can badly turn and it was case.

    « Eleonore, does not move from here, if they do not come back, run. Run very far, agreed?» Elizabeth said, by taking me in the arms.

    «Why? You are strong in anycase. . . No?»

    «Of course! You take me for whom? Go, is going to hide you. », then nothing more. It was his last words there.



    Lecture two : An odd meeting.


    In the course of the months, I lived as I could. I worked in taverns, finally when the time allowed it to me. I did my best not to be left, to not be treaty of weak-willed person I ate little, a piece of bread was almost enough for me, even if the soup was given me by instant.

    I trailed along aimlessly on streets, I could notice these happy persons. I heard even rather often people to speak about a young person with a lot of talents, perhaps it was a chance for me.

    I asked people then if they knew where he lived, but anything to make there. Who would like to answer a poor and dirty child in any case?

    It had been now several days since a tavern was accustomed to see me. At the same time, I could train for it. I could return happy people in a sense. But it was sufficient to make me happy me, nor even to pay me though it is, then I still went on and still, pushing me this time me even to end …

    It was rare to see a fight bursting within this small tavern, but this could arrive. In these instants there, it was better to avoid a direct conflict. And I had perhaps spoken too quickly.

    An evening, while one have me had authorised me to have meal, once this one was of use for the habitual clients, aman who smelt already rather extremely the alcohol, shouted me over.

    "Eh the baby, you can prepare a knack for not me better than this? The rascal sall should serve us better than this, to usthe true men!" I did not dare to answer him right away and nobody either dared to intervene.

    "II make in the best possible way", usually, I do not answer this type of persons, I do not want to earn big problems, but this time I wanted to demonstrate me even something, but it was very ill-considered in my part. Then, the man got up, very in complaint, and especially in a nasty state.

    - I do not want of bore mister. . .

    - How is that? He is afraid?

    - Yes here is. . .

    - Is going to see you what I make to the rascals who lack respects. "

    He went up directly on the stage, I was tetanized, almost unable to move.

    While he began approaching me, a fight declared itself within the tavern.

    I had very quickly scampered on streets, running as ever. I once again did not want to frighten people, or to disappoint it, I refused this idea. I still ran and still, without stopping, rethinking to my parents, to Elizabeth, at all these instants on streets. I could not stop anymore, by wanting to change direction while I had just seen the soldiers approaching the tavern, I barely realised that I tore along straight in a wall.


    A voice, “but how did he arrive here?” a young woman, in the soft voice and peaceful said probably.

    “What I know about it, he is there finally, this young man was in a tavern when he launched a fight, even if this would surprise me that it is directly of its error."

    a man, in rather husky voice said this time. Where could I well be? I remember of little of thing to tell the truth. I must get up and explain them and. . .Suddenly, a third voice had reached my ears;

    “Mother, is he awakened?”

    “Yet my darling”

    “Too young man does not move. ”,indeed, the man prevented me from moving too much, I was lengthened on a bed when I opened eyes finally. I could finally see the room where I was installed. A splendid room, and some pictures hung on walls.

    “It is time to say to us who you are. ” the man, in a rather put down voice asked held facing me.

    I woke up then slowly, and answered fora not very sure voice,

    “Whom I follow?”, laughing slightly, and scratching his beard, he retorted:

    “Yes. I however welcomed you at home. . While I would have been able to leave you in your own fate.

    - You would have had to make it, I said about a weary voice.

    - Woh you are already so much depressive? Luke to serve you youngman. Behind me is my wife Livia, andAlexia my young princess. he said every smile. ”

    The one was then not far from me, two young women, at least who was hidden behind her mother was more or less my age old.

    "D-Delighted", murmured the young person Alexia, then her mother asked me if I went well.

    I really did not know what to answer. I tried therefore hard to smile,

    “Mmh I spent some time so to speak on streets”, here is made. I wanted to be alone now, without seeing anybody.

    “I iterate my question therefore. What do you make here?”

    “I want to become famous cook. Finally I would like to become one. . Since already some time, I dreamt about it being younger by seeing big Chiefs most!. ”

    A silence, then a madman to laugh on behalf of the man.

    “Did I say anything amusing? ”I asked.

    “Oh not, no. . Do not get worried, but you are the first person in the world to say it me without thinking even, at least the only child. ” But you know, find a leader ask for courage, and for big patience. ”

    How did I have to take this?

    "Are you a Leader you?"

    "Yes finally not too full-time eh eh”

    "How did I fall on you?"

    "I had simply a small thirst, can. . . I saw a young man tearing along in full in a wall eh eh. . . "


    "Do not make it. "he said by sighing, "But normally, I should not take a pupil under my wing in usual time. ”



    Small debate between Eleonore and Alexia


    "My mother often narrated me some history when I was small. "

    "What as history?"

    "On history simply", I said by laughing.

    "But! Idiot.. "

    "I have fun. . . For example. . . The assassination of John III and John IV. not very good stories for one preschooler. . ."

    "Really not. . . What of other one?"

    "In 1578! Coronation of. . . Peter I this had to be a bad king I think. "

    "The Kings are all not token. . . "

    "I know but with a little of hope. Where then in 1604, with the treaty. . .It is well better peace. "




    Personality :

    He is difficult to describe how thinks of this young man. Sometimes ill-considered, spitfire and even losing her means very quickly facing a young woman.

    Eleonore could spend hours alone reading absent-mindedly a book, lengthened in the grass, by throwing a look every so often skyward. In these instants there, he felt relaxed, quiet and in peace. He was in his small bubble. He also wanted to scrawl sketches representatives a bit everything, a character, an object, his friends, an animal or the landscape.

    He was nice and not at all timid. He loved speaking about everything and about anything, its passions and also helping in whom needed it.

    However, he was far from being audacious even if he could fight.

    His biggest dream is to become cook and even in spite of the biggest miseries of the world. His biggest weakness would be to refuse to help whoever in the need.




    Everything in Eleonore sniffed normality. It's hair of a black of jet was cut short a little more than average, and gave a neglected appearance but they saw that he tried nevertheless, every morning, to give a form to his hair, in vain. The fine eyebrows seemed slightly more clear, and they overcame two big eyes hazelnuts which crackled with joy. It had a very small nose fine and hitchedup interspersed with the light freckles. His mouth as for her, expressed each of the emotions of the child, of the malevolent rictus with a childish and cheerful smile. She revealed her white teeth. The face ended by a bit pointed chin.

    The skin was matt of nature, rather hard for the boy to catch a sunstroke.

    He was small, and stood up straight. He was also very fine, and at all developed muscles, a stick is there.






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