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Posts posted by Trology

  1. Leader:

    Evark Evocress


    Two known followers:

    Ehier Evocress

    Arwyn Evocress


    People harmed possibly:




    Gren'Ro walks into the middle of the town, and with a tack, pins a letter to the tree, hoping it would grab the others attention


    “The creatures of the dark came up towards Gren’Ro and a follower accompanying him, gathering up to these two creatures of Ehier and Arwyn Evocress. The two new followers of that family- The Evocress family...


    It came to my attention once they attacked, and we fought them off for a time. They were untouchable, like mist, and we only managed to run them into the darkness.   My companion spoke of the Evocress tales, the distraught they brought, the horror they gave to the cities and the land. The Elven Council Leader himself lost his daughter to these monstrosities, and they have taken my love as well, leaving her in a pool of blood, lying lifeless on the forest ground. They are monsters, and I fear that many others loved ones could be lost.


    I was barely able to make it out alive, suffering wounds to almost death. I write this to you still injured, though I have been taken care of. I hope that these threats are taken care of- as the name Evocress has ruined the land and now it has returned”


    -A picture rests below -



  2. Application for Lord of the Craft

    Minecraft Username:Trology

    Time zone: PST

    Age: 20

    I am aware that the content of this server may or may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13.

    Have I read the rules: Yes, and have agreed to them.

    Rule I agree with the most: No metagaming.. Ive had too many issues in the past with others metagaming.

    Any rules that confuse me: No, none at all.

    How did I find LOTC: Hear about it through roleplaying on Elder Scrolls Online, thought I would give it a try.

    Have I logged into the server: I have, floated around and took a look at things

    What is roleplay?: Roleplay is taking the role of a character you have created, and immersing your self into the world they are placed. Roleplaying is making actions due to how your character would respond to actions, and how they would talk to others.

    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is the act of taking OOC knowledge and using it Icly. Example, OOCly you know that the character you are talking to is a thief, so ICly, you choose to leave early, or making your character instantly suspicious of the person.. There are many examples of metagaming.

    What is power-emoting?: basically god modding, forcing actions onto players when they could have a choice to react. Example. Walking up to someone and punch them in the face, breaking their nose. That’s power emoting, not allowing them any chance to react.


    IC Information:

    Character Name: Gren’ro

    Character sex: Male

    Character Race: Wood Elf

    Character age: 47

    Biography: Gren’ro was born in the forests where Linandria would later be founded, in the year of 1557,into a family of woodworkers. His family had no seed, and his family stayed away from all worldy going ons. Except for the fact that the family did believe in Aspectism of course, though they weren’t strongly religious. He was taught at a young age how to work wood to his will, bows, staffs, cabinets, anything. However, he was a rebellious, and often ran away from home to climb, and hunt animals. He was an exceptional climber and hunter after the many years of doing so, in fact, he learned to make wooden devices to help him climb more. At the age of 23, he had moved deeper into the woods, living in his own house in the trees he built. He moved his parents in with him, and continued to learn his trade. Besides the constant hunting and climbing and learning, he was very much kept at home. He never got around, and never entered the city, he left that to his parents. He had no friends, and didn’t intend on it. Due to this fact, he was never updated on current going on’s in the world. All he cared about was his house and the forest he lived in.


    Many years went by, and at this point, woodworking was a second nature skill of his, and he began to grow bored of it. After 14 years of isolation with his parents, he finally left home. He heard about Linandria, and decided he would visit. He was nervous, it has been 30 odd years since he had spoken with anyone other than his parents. So he ventured out, taking the short distance to the city, but it wasn’t long until he ran into some… a female. Her name was Ayrin, and that’s as far he made it that day. She came from Ker'nor, on a hunting party. She got seperated from the group when she neared Gren'ro. He spotted her, and stayed hidden the best he could as he watched her. All of a sudden, the arrow was aimed at him, Ayrin noticing him. That day marked the day their friendship began. For the next 9 years, they lived together along with his parents. They fell in love of course, as it was bound to happen, and they lived a simple life… Until one day they were out hunting, a year later, and something went wrong. They split ways to track an animal. After waiting quite a long time, he went to search for her, and found her dead on the ground in a pool of blood, murdered. It was this day he went home, packed up, and finally left his home. His story would begin on his first time entering the city in many, many years.


    Personality traits: Gren’ro is a very gentle soul, until recently of course. He is.. quiet.. as he doesn’t have much experience talking with people, so he can tend to be somewhat awkward in social settings. But again, he is a very nice person. At the moment, he is quite depressed, as when his story starts, he had just found his love murdered just the day before. He is very humble of his work, even though his wood working skills are exceptional.


    Ambitions: He aspires to be the avenger of his loves life, but the only weapon skill he has is the bow, which has only ever been used to hunt animals. He wants to learn how to be able to hold his own in a fight, to be able to get revenge on the one/s who killed Ayrin.


    Strenghts/Talents: Gren’ro is a very exceptional wood worker, as it was all he as done his whole life. Along with that, he is a great climber, and not a bad shot with a bow. Another skill of his is hiding, maybe not ‘stealthy’ so to speak, but knows how to use cover well.


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: At the moment, he is not mentally stable, and may have hard times thinking things through before he does things. Another weakness of his is his social awkwardness, as he has not been in a social setting for ages.


    Appearance: Gren’ro is a shorter male, sitting at around 5’ 1”.. Though short, he is very fit. He has been shooting abow, and moving logs and working with wood for  his whole life. As well as that, he has been climbing for a long time, so strength is no issue for him. He is fair skinned, the color of his skin a more caramel color. and light brown hair. His face is a friendly one, and usually a smile plastered on it.


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