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Posts posted by Tntdomination

  1. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: Tntdomination1

    What timezone are you in?: PST

    How old are you?:16

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You won’t be denied for being under 13):yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?:yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:no offensive language toward any other player RP or Not

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!):no

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?:A friend told me

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable):N/A

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once):yes




    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!


    What is roleplaying? Creating and acting out a character to collaboratively tell a story

    What is metagaming?:Using Out Of Character information or information gathered Out Of Character  in character

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: When a Character Forces a player into a situation with little chance to react.  

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Nathen Valdez

    Character’s sex: male

    Character’s race: human Highlander

    Character’s age:24

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add three references to the server lore):  I was born and raised in a hamlet on the outskirts of the Hanseti-Ruska Kingdom. I loved exploring the nearby mountain trails, and once he thought I was old enough, I loved learning swordplay from my father. However my fondest childhood memories were the hunting trips my father and I would go on, I remember enthusiastically setting up traps and waiting to see what animals we’d catch.

    When I reached maturity, I joined the Hanseti -Ruska army inspired by  my father's life stories and the sheer power the Hanseti army displayed in its siege of the house of brawn. I loved the work especially reconnaissance . Despite the bloody struggles with the Kingdom of Courland, I was never happier. We received orders to provide aid in the battle of Elba though sadly our help didn't do much in the sway the outcome of the battle. In all the chaos of the battle I slipped away and returned home. Luckily I wasn’t punished for my cowardice and served at an outpost for the rest of my time in the military honing my skills with a sword and tracking. After my time in the military ended I decided that since I found myself  happiest in unknown wilderness I started a life of exploring.

    Personality Traits: (what are your character's quirks?; habits?; likes and dislikes?)kind ,love exploration,easy to trust and get along with ,good tracker /hunter ,Tries to see things from both sides but will hold to his opinion tell proven wrong and I am stubborn and can't resist a good adventure can get distracted but when my heart is set nothing can stop me

    Ambitions: (what does your character aspire to be?) To see as much of the world as he can in his life preferably with a large group of allies and friends. as I’ve always enjoyed creating new experiences.

    Strengths/Talents: (what is your character really, really good at?) I am a decent tracker due to the many hunting trips I took part in during my younger years.While my time in the military gave me some skills in Sword fighting, The army taught me the value of  Hard work and I consider my greatest trait.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: (what is a skill that your character needs to work on?)I am very stubborn often finding myself at odds with others. Furthermore my excessive impulsiveness can quickly start arguments. In addition I’m known for losing focus at inopportune times or simply ignoring simplistic solutions to my problems due to my impulsive nature.  Even knowing this I’m no less confrontational and am perfectly happy starting an argument to protect my pride.

    Appearance: (what does your character look like?; how tall are they?; hair color?; scars?)He is 6,2 tan, blue eyes ,black hair wears a hood and matching pants to go with it

    Skin: http://imgur.com/a/Uq1Jf





    Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: Tntdomination1

    What timezone are you in?: PST

    How old are you?:16

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You won’t be denied for being under 13):yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?:yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:no offensive language toward any other player RP or Not

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!):no

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?:A friend told me

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable):N/A

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once):yes




    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!


    What is roleplaying? Creating and acting out a character to collaboratively tell a story

    What is metagaming?:Using Out Of Character information or information gathered Out Of Character  in character

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: Either When a Character Forces a player into a situation with little chance to react.  

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Nathen Valdez

    Character’s sex:male

    Character’s race: human Highlander

    Character’s age:24

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add three references to the server lore):  I was born and raised in a hamlet on the outskirts of the Hanseti-Ruska Kingdom. I loved exploring the near by mountain trails, and once he thought I was old enough, I loved learning swordplay from my father. However my fondest childhood memories were the hunting trips my father and I would go on, I remember enthusiastically setting up traps and waiting to see what animals we’d catch.

    When I reached maturity, I joined the Hanseti -Ruska army inspired by  my father's life stories and the sheer power the Hanseti army displayed in its siege of the house of brawn. I loved the work especially reconnaissance . Despite the bloody struggles with the Kingdom of Courland, I was never happier. We received orders to provide aid in the battle of Elba though sadly our help didn't do much in the sway the outcome of the battle. In all the chaos of the battle I slipped away and returned home. Luckily I wasn’t punished for my cowardice and served at an outpost for the rest of my time in the military honing my skills with a sword and tracking. After my time in the military ended I decided that since I found myself  happiest in unknown wilderness I started a life of exploring.

    Personality Traits: (what are your character's quirks?; habits?; likes and dislikes?)kind ,love exploration,easy to trust and get along with ,good tracker /hunter ,Tries to see things from both sides but will hold to his opinion tell proven wrong and I am stubborn and can't resist a good adventure can get distracted but when my heart is set nothing can stop me

    Ambitions: (what does your character aspire to be?) To see as much of the world as he can in his life preferably with a large group of allies and friends.

    Strengths/Talents: (what is your character really, really good at?)Tracking, Sword fighting , observant, Hard working.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: (what is a skill that your character needs to work on?)Stubborn, easy to distract, Impulsive, confrontational

    Appearance: (what does your character look like?; how tall are they?; hair color?; scars?)He is 6,2 tan, blue eyes ,black hair wears a hood and matching pants to go with it

    Skin: http://imgur.com/a/Uq1Jf

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