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Posts posted by clownmanron

  1. The Honkbringer.

    "By the clown, a weapon of virtue and dignity..."






    MC Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact: SirSchultz (clownmanron)


    RP Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact: Sir Goodfella the Funny (THE CURRENT OWNER, NOT CREATOR :))


    MC Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable): Skylez (Redirect any questions to them!)


    RP Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable): Saint Clownth McClown (THE CREATOR.)


    Effect(s) of Artifact: The Honkbringer is made to counter artifacts of darkness, destroy the undead and darker beings of the world and beyond. The weapon radiates with holy energy and inspires those around it.

    The Honkbringer is above all an icon of wellbeing for humanity and all that is good in the world. The Honkbringer is especially effective against bad people who wish to do harm to innocents. The artifact can also help with minor healing (Such as fractured bones, small slashes, cuts, stabbings) 'but this will bring great fatigue on the wielder if used extensively.'


    So, the weapon can:


    * Be potent against darker beings.

    * Weaken those who use dark magic, and weaken the effects of dark magic.

    * Cleanse taint from the bodies of good and honest people of solid morale and belief.

    * Inspire hope; like an aura, around those near the weapon.

    * Help with minor healing, such as bones, slashes, and minor stab wounds (With the effect of tiring the user.)



    Red Lines of Artifact: The Honkbringer can only be wielded by those of good heart, performing deeds that would be considered bad, evil, or ill-willed shall cause the sword to behave differently and not work. The Ashbringer will behave like a normal, master-forged sword to ordinary weapons and beings. Shall the wielder infringe on the rules-- the weapon loses all traits and will not be able to be used by the holder until they repent.

    So, some weaknesses include:


    * Only those of good faith and mission can wield it, otherwise the weapon will not function normally.

    * The weapon can be corrupted by a wielder of extremely powerful dark magic, and will need to be cleansed by a holy figure or a collage of clerics, perhaps even the Ascended.

    * The weapon will actively resist hurting innocent people, as if it had a mind of its own.

    * Behave like an ordinary blade against ordinary foes.


    Explanation of effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed): Some say Saint Clownth McClown's mission during his life as a mortal was full of adventure, jokes, and a singular mission that brought him to many mysterious lands. McClown's unrelenting loyalty to the higher beings of holy energy instilled him to become a chosen one of Tahariae. 

    One fabled night, a meteor would ripple through the skies as a mysterious stone collided with the grounds of the now defunct Holy Orenian Empire. Saint McClown went to investigate such an anomaly and found the object-- a beacon of pure energy from Tahariae. 

    Clownth McClown would take this item as a token-- no, a gift of gratitude from the skies for his service. With a vast and unmistakable honk he set off to find the finest dwarven smith in the lands, and so he did. And so a blade was fashioned with the finest materials around the gem from the skies, and there the sword was made.


    The above is just some lore flavor explaining a legend of how the sword might've been made, all that we know is the core that makes it holy is from Tahariae, and it is what empowers the wielder and the weapon. 


    Number of duplicates of this Artifact: Only one sword.


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?: Yes.


    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: 


    The above application was originally just 'Denied'. And this reason for denial after I pressed them to put why it was rejected is false. First of all, my toon without knowledge of such magic did not create the artifact, and 'among other issues' does not put anything to light and is clearly a half-witted answer.

  2. The Ashbringer.

    "By the Clown, a weapon of virtue and dignity..."





    MC Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact: SirSchultz (clownmanron)


    RP Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact: Sir Goodfella the Funny


    MC Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable): N/A


    RP Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable): Saint Clownth McClown


    Effect(s) of Artifact: The Ashbringer is made to counter artifacts of darkness, destroy the undead and darker beings of the world and beyond. The weapon radiates with holy energy and inspires those around it.

    The Ashbringer is above all an icon of wellbeing for humanity and all that is good in the world. The Ashbringer is especially effective against bad people who wish to do harm to innocents. The artifact can also help with minor healing (Such as fractured bones, small slashes, cuts, stabbings) 'but this will bring great fatigue on the wielder if used extensively.'


    Red Lines of Artifact: The Ashbringer can only be wielded by those of good heart, performing deeds that would be considered bad, evil, or ill-willed shall cause the sword to behave differently and not work. The Ashbringer will behave like a normal, master-forged sword to ordinary weapons and beings. Shall the wielder infringe on the rules-- the weapon loses all traits and will not be able to be used by the holder until they repent.


    Explanation of effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed): Imbued with the holy powers of Arch-Aengul AerielSaint Clownth McClown crafted the weapon during his time of spreading good faith, jokes, and confidence across the world in his crusade against all that is bad and ill in the world. The weapon was channeled with holy Light and energy during a mass consecration of prayer and faith. The weapon itself was forged by a master-dwarf in a large sanctum at Kal'Urguan long ago. The artifact itself uses Ascended magic to smite the darkness that shrouds the world, while Clownth McClowns unfaltering faith and devotion channels Cleric Magic to radiate passively from the weapon to inspire and bring positive thoughts to those around it.


    Number of duplicates of this Artifact: 01


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?: Yes.


    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No.

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