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Posts posted by JustinH

  1. I have a question for staff and for players who know the answer.

    I've watched the video on how to get whitelisted, but I still cant figure out how to get to the part where all the questions are.

    Such as "How old are you". Please respond as soon as possible


  2. I would like to be whitelisted on The Lord of the Craft, because of how wonderful the people are and my love for roleplaying. I'm 13 *almost 14*. I am not inappropriate and not op. My character is Nicholas ( Nick ) Sarthaale and was raised by a father, who killed his wife. I grew up being tought lousy, but soon became very intelligent, and clever. I found a bow, and two daggers, then I knew my destiny, to protect my people. My character, Nicholas, wanted to be known for helping. He was never rich, as his father gamboled and later sent to jail in debt. Nicholas restores peace and has the time of his life. I agree to the rules of Lord of the Craft and will not argue if denied. In advance, thank you for reading my application.

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