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James Erkel

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Posts posted by James Erkel

  1. What’s your Minecraft account name?: jameseldude 

    What timezone are you in?: Mountain standard time

    How old are you?: I am 18

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes I understand

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yup

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: I agree most with no metagaming, it would be very annoying to have someone know ooc info and use it to their advantage against you. Then there would be no point in Roleplaying. 

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): Nope I understand.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Was scrolling through Roleplaying games when I stumbled upon Lotc

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): None

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): Yes I have



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!


    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is playing through a character that is not yourself. You play through that characters knowledge of the world that surrounds and only that. Through his or her actions and his or her life. You also play through their mindset, and or make decisions on the characters beliefs or the attributes the character has. You're not playing through what you know but what the character knows.

    What is metagaming?:?: Roleplaying is using ooc information and using it through their or your character. Usually it would be used to get an unfair advantage over another character or characters. A General and simple example would be if you knew that someone has a certain item in their inventory, (ooc) and you ask for that item that they have when you're character should have no clue that he has that item.  

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: Using unfair emotes over someone, usually like I said above; for an unfair advantage. For example someone types an emote of them cutting off your legs with one swing would be very unfair versus a character emoting that they aim to cut off your legs which in turn gives the other character a chance to defend themselves. Which is the right way to go about it.


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Erinel Kuna

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Wood Elf

    Character’s age: 50

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add three references to the server lore):

    Erinel Was born along the lakes and streams of Linandria, deep within the woods where he was also raised with his small Wood elf tribe. It was Erinel, his two brothers Nedhelas and Glaum, His Father Donniel, his mother Leinel, his two Sister in laws and his niece. His Father fought in the war that brought down the Holy Oren empire, finally freeing the elven race from the Humans. His father being very proud of what great things he had done to sacrifice himself for his people, also felt very grim after the war. All the horrible things he had seen occur while fighting face to face with other living beings. But he was more than happy to be healthy and alive with his family. His mother grew up in a different tribe but in the exact same forest as the father. His mother was very nurturing, loved all of her family equally and made sure they were all looked after by her caring nature, never worrying about herself. As in her eyes how a mother should be. Next was Nedhelas; the oldest brother, the most wise and the strongest. He had just recently had a child with his forest wife; her name was Ava. Being the youngest and the most beloved one of the family, also other than the fact that it is very difficult to have a child for the entire elven race. Then there is Glaum the middle child, the hot headed one. Being brutally honest and straight forward but sometimes comes off as not the nicest at times but his heart being in the right place. Glaum and his wife are trying for a child but of course not having much luck. The kuna family have lived in these woods for years, being very proud of where they come from. They all live primitive; sticking to what they know best. Every day the men go out and follow the streams, hunting fish and collecting fruits and vegetables. While all the girls set up camps up along the streams and prepare for dinner. Once in a while making alcohol for occasional events.


    Erinels birthday was soon coming and it was coming in fast. He grew very unsatisfied with the way of life he lived for so long. Erinel thought his family was crazy being able to live this way for so long and not get tired of it. He didn't know what was outside the woods but he knew that something was calling him. He asked himself every day how his brothers being almost a 100 years of age stayed for so long. Donniel, Erinels father never wanted to see his kin go into another path than living the way they lived; but every one knew that Erinel being the youngest child was very rebellious and everyone was worried for that matter. The Kuna family never said a word about him being different but deep down inside everyone knew in some way. On his 50th birthday everyone was excited and somewhat melancholy that the runt of the family was growing older. Him his self, was not too excited; putting on a fake smile all day, for what he was about to do. Later on that day, him and his eldest brother Nedhelas, the one out of his family he was closest too went out to fish nearby. The father and his brother Glaum were going to meet up later at the stream were not ready, having other chores to do. The two brothers put their hands in the stream waiting for fish to pass by. Nedhelas the older brother asked Erinel what he though about his birthday so far and what his plans were; worried about what he might say. Erinel told him that he had plans of traveling and seeing what Axios had to offer him, not wanting to stay in the forests of Linandria forever. His brother was not very surprised but was not too happy either; he accepted it knowing that he could not control his younger brother. As the days went by Erinel, made sure that he got off on the right foot with everybody knowing tonight was his final night with his family. After the celebration and the party, Nedhelas gave him his final wishes; his family didn't know that he was leaving except his brother because he knew his family would not be very happy with his decision. So in the middle of the night, Erinel left to begin his new journey in the Iles of Axios.



    Strengths/Talents: His main strengths would have to be his capability to survive in the wild on his own and to fish. Also very funny and sarcastic but also polite at the same time.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: His weaknesses would be his constant dissatisfaction with life, no matter what he feels somewhat empty most of times. Which is ironic because he has a really rough time with changes in his life; its hard to cope with. Has a small fear of orcs and scorpions.

    Appearance: Erinel is 5'7 being average height for a wood elf. Has a defined toned body that looks very manly. He's not very bulky though being that he always runs. His skin is tanned and bronzed to the point were it seems like he shining. His facial feature are very sharp, his jawline which pops out the most. Always clean shaven because he cant really grow his facial hair out. Erinel has long wavy hair down to his shoulders. The rest of his clothing is green and small hints of very light black to blend in with the woods and be hidden.  Also has fingerless gloves to help grip things better. Also has a arrow holster on his back; not often used but there for when he's able too.




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