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Posts posted by Colorful

  1. OOC -

    Minecraft Name: noobmen

    Skype (Required): Judaism+

    Team Speak (Preferred, Not Required): Colorful

    Professions (Blacksmith, Miner, etc)- Miner


    In Character -

    Name: Svereth Terr

    Race: Human, Highlander

    Age: 41

    Any past services to the Ashguard, Norland, or House Silversteed?: Only service to Ashguard is too short to be called past.

  2. -Ignore this application, just got conscripted-


    Minecraft Name: Noobmen

    Age: 17

    OOC Information: I started roleplaying around the age of 10, however it was in the dark depths known as freeform roleplay.Around the age of 14 I got into TRPG's, around that time I read the splatbooks for Shadowrun and the DND 3.5e modules, the books that inspired alot of TRPG's, and /tg/ greentext's. Finally around the age of 16 did I join a TRPG. I got Minecraft around Indev, however I've had a fun experience playing Minecraft Classic servers before that (I'd hella play old-lava flood again). Now the first-time I played a server on Minecraft was on the first versions of Tekkit. I've played some servers, set up a few factions on old-factions, and etc. I didn't really play MP much just because I've had other things in life that I've been more interested in.

    Do you have discord and teamspeak?: Yes and No.

    Discord: Judaism Plus#7308 (Its a pun for Christian)


    Character Name: Svereth Terr

    Race:  Human

    Profession:  Miner

    Is this character your primary character?:  Yes

    Past PvP/Military Experience:  In the server? None. In Minecraft? I've gotten a fair share of experience from old-faction servers.


  3. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: noobmen

    What timezone are you in?: PST

    How old are you?: 17

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes and Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: " Excessive trolling or use of 'memes' in roleplay are disallowed. "

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): Though I'd likely won't do this, does the max 50% animal slaughter threshold rule apply to raids?

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Recommendation via other player.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): None

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): Yes




    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!


    What is roleplaying?: To put yourself in the boots of a character in their respective universes, to act in the constraints of that characters personalities, strengths, and weaknesses, and to substitute his realities laws for your own.

    What is metagaming?: Break the 4th wall, respond to events that your character has no knowledge of, and use information IC that your character wouldn't have reason nor clause to know.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: To purposely go against the settings reality and your characters weaknesses to force advantages to your own character,


    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Svereth Terr

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Highlander (Hanseti)

    Character’s age: 41


    Biography: Svereth early years were spent as human as he came to be in the year 1586. He was born third-child in the noble bloodline of Konrad. His father as Arch-Cupbearer had his sword sworn to the obscure island Barony of Cannstatt. Due to being third-child, it was clear that Svereth had little chance to inherit his fathers title. The father had plans to but Svereth in a Monastery; but his blood brother, Knight Held Obsidienne who owned the titles Knighthood of Hache and the 50 man mercenary company of Eisen-Halberds Männer von Hanseti, objected and proposed that Svereth be made his squire. After much consideration, he agreed to his brothers proposal. Svereth was handed over to Held Konrad where he would be raised in a castle by a foster-mother until he became a page at seven, then at the age of fourteen would preform the Seven Points of Agilities to become a squire. In the year 1603, the Eisen-Halberds Männer von Hanseti fought in the battle of Elba on the unlucky side of Hanseti-Ruska. The knight and his halberd-men were ordered to participate with a company of spearmen in what was believed to be a skirmish. However when they arrived, they were meet by a Cohort worth of men. Knight Held Osidienne gave his own life charging with his halberd-men to give the noblemen time to retreat. The Halberdiers who survived the charge got executed. Svereth fled into the woods to escape having to charge, he hid like a coward. He made the mistake of sneaking back to the battlefield which only mentally scarred him more.


    He was left in the war-torn lands of 1604 Haense, he left the battle without any meaningful Heraldry or Knights Word to make him legible as a accolade. He was forced to sell his armor, sword, and Heraldry to survive. He after much strife scored himself a basic living as a miner in Courlandish Mines. The only thing proving his heritage being a Halberd on his wall.

    Personality Traits: Svereth is literal-minded and prosaic. He is dull and straight-forward in his tone of voice, even the most air-grasping situations he won't break his tone. Any sarcasm, implications, and idiom he will take at face-value.

    Ambitions: While he is content to stay a miner, it wouldn't be too far out for him to consider a mercenary career if times become harsh again.

    Strengths/Talents: His time with the Eisen-Halberds Männer von Hanseti has made him skilled with a halberd. Due to being raised as a squire, he is better at tactics, horse-riding, and equipment maintenance.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: The Konrad bloodline is almost as-if cursed with brutal honesty and straight-fowardness. Svereth as a result of being born to this bloodline can't whatsoever tell a lie, be it if somebody ask him if his head is on straight or if he is carrying a stolen relic. This character suffers soldier's heart, he can suffer mental breaks rather easily from certain sights, events, and even sounds. This character couldn't for his life learn the scholarly arts or magic.

    Appearance: This 5' 9" foot human has average-sized patina eyes. His straight and coarse black hair being cut short accommodates his almost-pale white skin. His face has a freckled roman nose and square chin. His figure is slim and well-built in muscle.

    Skin: jHoYrwO.jpg

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