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Posts posted by Fatal




     A R T H A S 


    ☩  S T O R M G A R D E ☩






    Honor guard of Lorraine


    Theme Song



    ☩ C H A R A T E R C H A R T ☩

    Character's full name: Arthas Jones Stormgarde

    Reason or meaning of name: Stormgarde, meaning Guardian of the Storm (Self-made meaning)

    Character's nickname: None.

    Birth date: 1574, The Snow’s Maiden


    K e y  I n f o r m a t i o n

    Age:  39

    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Social Status: None.

    Marital Status: Unmarried  

    Alignment: Lawful Neutral

    Overall Attractiveness: Open to interpretation

    Physical Disabilities: Slightly less hearing in his right ear.

    Shape of Face: Oval



    P h y s i o lo g y

    Build: Mesmorphic

    Hair: He has long wavy brown hair, that curls at the ends.

    Hairstyle: Long, wavy, tied back.

    Eyes: Storm blue, almost as if lightning was captured within them.

    Skin: Fairly tanned.

    Identifying Marks: None.


    Hygiene: Decent, bathing in rivers and creeks.

    Known Languages: Common



    " War is blood and ****,

    there is no honor in it. " 



    P e r s o n a l i t y 

    Enraged whenWhen the unjust, is not punished. When attacked, or threatened. 

    Depressed or sad when: Loved one is lost. 

    Priorities: Serving Lorraine.

    If granted one wish, it would be: Depends on the moment

    Why? N/A

    Biggest accomplishment: Enlisting in the Honor Guard

    Minor accomplishment: Finding residence in Daeland. 

    Why?: A homeless warrior eventually needs a home.

    Characters darkest secret: Find out in RP! 

    G o a l s

    • Find employment. [Completed]

    • Establish residence. [In Progress]

    • Progress through his profession. [In Progress]




    ☩ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ☩





    [0-25%] Disdain

    [25-45%] Disliked

    [45-65%] Neutral

    [65-85%] Liked

    [85-100%] Loved (Platonic/Romantic)



      A R S E N A L 

    Unused sketch for Total War_Kingdom by luulala.deviantart.com on @DeviantArt





    Measurements and Specifications: 

    Weight: 2 pounds, 12.8 ounces

    Overall length: 43 inches

    Blade Length: 33 inches

    Blade Width: 1 3/4 inches at base, tapering to 3/4 inches

    Grip Length: 5 inches.

    Guard Width: 6 3/8 inches.






    Out-Of-Character Information

    What’s your Minecraft account name?: Exitiale_

    What timezone are you in?: Eastern Time Zone

    How old are you?: Sixteen

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes I’m aware.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: I’ve gone over the code of conduct and agree to all of it.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:  A common rule, however important nonetheless. The rule I most agree with is the no powergaming rule. It puts a strain on the roleplay, and drags out combative emotes and actions. Truly annoying.    

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): Nope.

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: I was recommended by a friend, Jesus (__DeusVult)

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): None before this one

    Have you logged into the server yet?: Yes I have.





    What is roleplaying?:

    Roleplaying is the portal from reality to fantasy, to escape from the real world and invest in a fictional one. To roleplay, in sense is to act and to act is to play or be someone else. That’s my analogy on it.

    What is metagaming?:

    Digging your nails into some information from an OOC (Out of Character) source and using it to benefit your character, house or overall progression IC (In Character)

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?:

    To enforce your actions upon another completely disregarding their  counteractions or emotes in general. An example would be,

    Nick: He would bring forth his blade, stepping forward and slicing diagonally down at a 70 degree angle from left shoulder to right hip, cutting Jeff clean in half.

    Analysis: This emote renders the opponent unable to react, it’s enforcing his strike so that way Jeff has no possible way of respond. Simply adding in an ‘attempt’ or describing the aim of your blade can prevent powergaming like so,

    Nick: He would bring forth his blade, stepping forward and slicing diagonally down at a 70 degree angle aiming for Jeff’s left shoulder to right hip,  attempting to wedge his blade into his collarbone.

    In-Character Information

    Character’s name: Arthas Stormgarde (Pronounced Storm-guard)

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Heartlander, of the Kaedrin heritage.

    Character’s age: Late thirties.


    Arthas is a Heartlander, of the Kaedrin descent and he was born in the earlier parts of Snow’s Maiden on the year 1574. Being the first and only son of Edward Stormgarde, and Melinda Stormgarde. He was mostly raised by his mother, spending his mornings and evenings with her. His mother was his teacher, she schooled him in a variety of different subjects. He became quite adept in his mother’s teachings of literature and diplomacy. The young scholar grew bored of his studies and one day when he was eleven he snuck down to witness some of the guards practice. He was thrilled by the clashing of swords, and the way the guards danced around each other. After watching the training of these men for several months, he approached his father requesting that he be taught. Eleven was the prime age to start training, his father sought out to his Knight Commander, requesting he teach his son. Arthas learned to fight, he learned to parry, dodge, strike, slash, all with a sword. He grew reckless, in other words he wanted his mettle to be tested.


    When the boy was no longer a boy, and the age of eighteen dawned on him. He was enlisted as a Knight within the Stormgarde barracks, awaiting his time to fight. It wasn’t until Arthas was the age of twenty one before he saw real war. See, the Stormgarde name was an uncommon one, and because of that it’s forces were slim, so it was susceptible for attacks. A warlord rose from the east, a man of pure hatred with an army of cutthroats along with him. They sought the small northern fortress as their own, seeking war.  


    Weeks passed by, the Warlords wrath endlessly reigned upon the fortress. Arthas had killed many, he truly had his mettle tested. Upon the third week, the Warlord’s cutthroats had managed to breach the walls, raiding the fortress with vicious grace. After a long battle, Arthas was forced to flee. His parents had perished from the battle, after witnessing this he disappeared. Only resurfacing recently, nineteen years later. Wishing to travel the realm of Axios, with intentions of reestablishing his House’s name.


    Personality Traits:

    • Diligent   

    • Loyal

    • Charismatic

    • Thoughtful


    Ambitions: To rise up in power, forming a nobility and owning a settlement. He wishes to progress the Stormgarde name.

    Strengths/Talents: (what is your character really, really good at?)


    • Combative   

    Arthas is believed to be one of the most skilled members of the Stormgarde bloodline, an excellent marksman with an arbalest, a tactical brawler, and a superb swordsman. Using these skills he makes up for his lack of interest in magic.


    • Political

    When it comes to diplomatic relations, to forming alliances, to striking treaties Arthas does not lack in this department. He is a critical thinker using social abilities to persuade, manipulate and progress in life.




    • Stoic

    He holds little regard to anything in any situation, his face is dormant of any joyful, sad, and or angry expressions. Maintaining neutrality always, this makes him unapproachable, and often feared.


    • Insenisitive

    To most, not all, he will disregard feelings and opinions showing little care towards anyone.



    • Mathematics

    When it came to his education, he declined in mathematics, often confused and conflicted with problem solving and any sort of it. He can perform simple equations however that is all he can muster.


    • Magical Progression

    They fear what they don’t understand - Meaning, because Arthas is ignorant of Magic he will often avoid encounters and or learning it. Perhaps one day he can overcome this fear.



    Skin: http://prntscr.com/fu0aqu

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