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Posts posted by MikaV002

  1. hey, im mika and i would like to play on your server.


    Username: MikaV002

    timezone: europe

    age: 15

    i agree to all the rules 

    and i am aware about all the content

    i agree to the rule raid cooldowns the most.

    i know what every rule is.

    i found lord of the craft on youtube and saw that it is an awesome server

    i already logged in once


    roleplaying: is the act of playing A role of and acting as a character would rather than yourself.


    metagaming: information where your character Has No Idea how to know them just Like youre griend Being attacked en he tells it to you on Skype /msg of other kinds of community


    powergaming: playing his OWN character and won't let another man plays as his character that means youre enemy can't do anything against you

    you can't always win in roleplay but it Will stil be fun.




    in-character information

    race: wood elf 

    characters name: Legolas

    gender: male

    characters age: 52



    my character  is born in vailor 1571 its the time when they escaped from vailor to Axios

    habits: travel alot

    like: the bow and tree climbing

    dislikes: orcs

    ambitions: he wants to be the best assasin Elf ever existed.

    talents: stealth he is A good assasin you sneaks in the woods and watch every not elf come in and out.

    weakness: Talking cause he talks alot thats where my character could be Taking out.


    appearance: brown hear green suit and elf ears


    again my story 




    my character is born in vaillor then they travelled to dominion of Malin

    his hole life he learns shooting with a bow from his father 

    his father died in the war against the orcs 

    then he went on a a long way to go to the dark elf but he got denied

    so he went back and trains every day with his bow

    to be the best assasin

    he hates orcs cause they killed his father

    and he loves the bow and climbing trees



    Greeting, Mika

    i'm sorry I didn't copy and paste the applicatie format.

    but other wiste I Neede to delete every thing

  2. Username: MikaV002

    age: 15

    race: wood Elf

    my  character is 40 years old is born in the time when they escaped from vailor to Axios 

    then they travelled to dominion of Malin

    his hole life he learns shooting with a bow from his father 

    his father died in the war against the orcs 

    then he went on a a long way to go to the dark elf but he got denied

    so he went back and trains every day with his bow

    to be the best elf archer in history.

    he hates orcs cause they killed his father

    and he loves the bow and climbing trees.





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