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Posts posted by OreoIsLekker

  1. Out-Of-Character Information

    What’s your Minecraft account name?: OreoIsLekker

    What timezone are you in?: CEST

    How old are you?: 13

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You won’t be denied for being under 13): I am.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: I have and I agree.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Having respect for eachother in general.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): Not really, they all make good sense!

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Via a YouTube comment

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): This is my first application

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): I have



    What is Roleplaying?: Roleplaying is acting and speaking as if you are the character you made up.

    What is Metagaming?: Using information in Roleplay you know OOC, but not IC. For example: a friend tells you via Skype that he needs help, and you go to your friend without knowing in roleplay he actually needs help.

    What is Power-emoting (Powergaming)?: Using emotes without giving the other player the chance to react to it. An extreme example would be: *Frank dodges all arrows, then pulls out his dagger and kills all five guards surrounding him.* The guards didn't even have the chance to defend themselfs.


    In-Character Information

    Character’s name: Viktor Lazareth Heart

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Human (Heartlander)

    Character’s age: 26

    Biography: It was the year 1597, when in Aleksandria a baby was born. But not just any baby, Viktor Heart. His noble and strictly religious parents were confident he would be the next successful Bishop, just like his father, Victorius Heart. His whole career was already planned out for him, the perfect life they said. But at the age of around 11 years, Viktor realised that he wasn't like the other kids in his town. He was wearing fancy clothes and a golden watch, as the other kids had simple clothes. He was not allowed to go outside, except for going to church. They all strictly believed in the True Faith, but Viktor didn't, of course he couldn't say that aloud. He was teached privately in his home, contact with other kids was strictly forbidden. Everyday, he watched out of his window, looking at the other kids playing outside. He wanted that too so bad that he went to his mother, Mary Heart, begging her to play outside with the other kids. But instead of saying yes, she was disappointed in her son, and punished him. Years passed and Viktor felt miserable. He wasn't like this. He didn't want to be a Heartlander, he didn't want to be a priest or bishop. But there was nothing he could do about it. It only got worse when his mother died. Victorius couldn't accept his wife's death, leading to more punishments for Viktor. At the age of 16, Viktor saw a kind, old man, in front of the church. There was something about his eyes... unusual. Before he could say anything it was already time to leave. The next week, he saw the man again. Viktor sneaked out of the church to go talk to the man, mainly because he was just too bored to sit there for another hour. The man introduced himself to Viktor, his name was Merek. He didn't say his last name though. They talked for a while, they had quite a lot in common. The next week, Viktor sneaked out of the church again, and again Merek was there. This time Merek asked Viktor to come with him, he had to show him something. Viktor went with him to the place Merek worked, Merek was a blacksmith! Week after week Merek learned him new techniques on how to make things. He also learned him how to fight with a sword. Viktor was finally doing something he enjoyed, and he had real talent for it. This went on until he was 18 years old. Viktor was finally free from his father, and he wanted to get away from Aleksandria. He asked Merek to come travel with him, but he refused his offer. Aleksandria was the city he grew up in, he couldn't leave it. Viktor finally said goodbye to him, and went to Savinia to further grow his skills as a blacksmith. However he missed Merek and the city he grew up in, and came back to Aleksandria after 2 years. He immediately started looking for Merek, but he couldn't find him. His workplace was... gone, like it never existed. He looked further but there wasn't a single trace going back to Merek. Viktor then stopped looking for him and opened a small affordable blacksmith shop, though he had a lot more yet to learn....

    Personality Traits: Viktor likes simple things. He's trustworthy, he would never hurt you or tell your secrets to someone else without a good reason. He's loyal. He doesn't talk much, until you know him better. He's sometimes mysterious and doesn't share anything about his past, not even to (close) friends. Once he beliefs something, no one can change his mind.

    Ambitions: Viktor wants to be a well-known blacksmith.

    Strengths/Talents: He's good at fighting with a sword. He is good at making things (weapons, armour, etc.). He's not an easy person to manipulate or persuade. He's almost never scared. He's a hard worker.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: He's not charming. He's weak when it gets to taking hits. He can't make friends easily, although that can be a good point too.

    Appearance: He has an average hight. Brown eyes. Brown hair. Dusty face from working. Scars on his back from dad's punishments.





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