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Posts posted by InSeason

  1. Out-of-Character Information


    What’s your minecraft account name?: InSeason

    What timezone are you in?: Pacific time

    How old are you?: 16

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13?: Yes.

    Have you read and agree to the rules?: Yes.

    What’s the rule you agree with most?: I respect all the rules, but the one I definitely support the most is the one prohibiting metagaming and powergaming. This rule makes for much better quality of roleplaying and helps prevent conflict.

    Are there any rules that confuse you or don’t make sense?: No.

    Links to past whitelist application: N/A

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: A friend of mine suggested it to me.

    Have you logged into the server yet?: Yes.

    What is roleplaying?: Creating and taking up the role of a character in a fantasy world, where you develop the character’s storyline while going along with the world’s lore.

    What is metagaming?: Having your character know information that you had found out OOC; using OOC knowledge to benefit you IC.

    What is powergaming?: Forcing actions upon characters without attempts, or having your character do something that they shouldn't be capable of doing. 


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Azalea Telemnar

    Character’s sex: Female

    Character’s race: High Elf

    Character’s Age: 62


    Biography: Azalea Telemnar was born a Mali'thill to Ayda and Tae’elwyhn Telemnar in the summer of 1562. Her family lived in the the Silver City. Azalea’s parents were very prestigious and loyal to their kind, both being brilliant scholars. They were very strong believers in the ideal of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. So, the couple was always away at the Haelun'or College, studying the various subjects of the sciences, literature, and especially magic, as well as working on their own publications. The parents wanted to make sure Azalea was given the most thorough education. What better way to accomplish this than have Azalea’s grandmother, an old and extremely wise retired private tutor, to take care of Azalea? Azalea’s grandmother was more than happy to be there for her granddaughter. Not only was Azalea’s grandmother an excellent tutor for her, but she ended up being more of a parent to Azalea than Azalea’s parents had ever been. Over the years, Azalea developed a love for politics and knowledge. Not only this, but like her parents and grandmother, she passionately believed in the ideal of  maehr’sae hiylun’ehya and High Elf political dominance. As soon as Azalea had come of age, she immediately set off for the Haelun'or College with her grandmother. There, the family unites, studying and working on their publications. It is not until Azalea’s mid-thirties that she begins to study magic. Now, as Azalea is 62, she pursues a life of High Elven dominance, knowledge, and power.





    Egotistical: Azalea can come off as very cocky. Azalea has a very high opinion of herself, and is always sizing herself up to others, usually those who are not High Elves. If she were to illustrate her large ego to any other High Elf, it would be a non-Mali'thill. However, doing this is rare. She is very confident in her abilities, and always finds herself taking up every task she can, despite how daunting the challenge could be.

    Serious: Azalea is very serious. She is not obnoxious, and does not like creating scenes whether it be through a fit of drunkenness or unnecessary confrontation. She is not deadpan, however, and knows the appropriate times to illustrate her sense of humor for the reason that she does not want to seem like a snob.

    Extroverted: Azalea is very confident socially. She is nowhere near shy, and will always be joining in conversations if it meant either gaining an ally or new information. Azalea is very fond of friendships within her race, and hates to be alone.

    Perfectionist: Azalea strives for her work and herself to be flawless. If anything is out of line, she must fix it. For this reason, she is always keeping in check on her posture. Her back must be straight and her head must be held high. She strives to expert herself in as many areas as she can with time, save for combat.
    Feminine: A small part of Azalea is very feminine. She enjoys pampering herself and tending to her appearance. Azalea appreciates fashion as well. Unless absolutely necessary, Azalea would never get physical with anyone or anything. She is usually very gentle. Being a femenist, Azalea also believes that women are just as capable as men, and is bothered by anything misogynistic.

    Ambitious: Azalea is very ambitious, and will do everything necessary in order to read her goals, which also calls for moral flexibility. If it meant that is was for the better of her race, Azalea would even kill. She is relentless when it comes to rising up to her goals.




    Knowledge: Azalea strives to gain more knowledge and spread it throughout her High Elven community through publications. She plans to never stop learning, and knows that there is always more in the world to discover and understand.

    Power: Whether it be politically, socially, or through knowledge, Azalea works hard to gain more power. She does this for both herself and her race.

    High Elven Dominance: Azalea aspires to one day help her fellow High Elves rise up to complete political power. She spends a lot of her time reading through her race’s defeats, searching through their past mistakes and trying to involve herself more and more in politics. She strongly believes that High Elves are the most dominant race and that they should be on top.




    Social Intelligence: Azalea is very socially intelligent. She knows how to read other’s emotions through words, body language, etc. With this, Azalea knows how to manipulate others, or how to act in response in order to get what she wants. Using this social intelligence could either be for the reason of wanting information, having others do her bidding, or simply gaining allies. Any legitimate manipulation would most likely only work on the susceptible and less bright individuals, but it is also useful to have a sharp eye socially.

    Devotion: Azalea would never be caught giving up on a task. Once Azalea is committed to something, she is restless to complete the challenge. This also means that she has a large threshold of patience, and could be working on a task for years without giving up. This is true except for cases where it is blatantly clear that the task is impossible and is more deprivating to devote time to rather than taking the time to try and complete it.

    Knowledge: Azalea’s knowledge and wisdom have been her greatest strengths. She puts all her faith in both her race and the lifestyle of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. Being intelligent in all subjects from cold, hard studying and natural intelligence have given Azalea a sophisticated and logical view on the world. However, her knowledge on magic is less developed than her wisdom in other areas and is much less of a strength.

    Sharp eye: Azalea has a sharp eye. She has a knack for spotting important details, whether it be a weapon or a change in attitude. Not only does this tool help her simply identify the person by the weapons they carry or expense of attire, but this also helps her read others, further implementing her in predicting their next actions. This helps her from being outwitted.




    Combat: If Azalea is in a combat situation where words, clever getaways, and strategies are no longer an option in order to save her arse, then her defeat is imminent. Azalea is terrible when it comes to cold, hard combat.

    OCD: Everything must be perfect for Azalea. Of course, Azalea is flawed in several areas and mistakes are inevitable. If she messes up too harshly, she tends to have minor panic attacks and severe anxiety. This anxiety can sometimes be a huge obstacle for her when she is working on a task or something school-related.

    Obsession: Azalea sometimes finds herself being enveloped in tasks more so than she usually is, blinding her from other things in her life. This can affect both herself and those that she is close to, even if it means completing the task. The obsession also can go for people. Azalea can get very possessive, and finds herself in denial if she loses anyone. Her obsession over people, objects, and tasks, can also change who she is, making her lash out or sometimes less focused than she should be.




    Eyes: Pale sky blue.

    Hair: Wavy and platinum, almost always styled.

    Skin Color: Pale, peach complexion.

    Apparel: On a normal basis, formal dress accompanied with accessories.

    Height: 5’10

    Physique: Ectomorphic




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