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Posts posted by jeroen

  1. minecraft name:jeroen2405


    I have read and agreed with the rules.

    The rule i agree the most of is the no trolling rule.

    I found out of lord of the craft because of YouTube.

    What is roleplaying:roleplaying is that you play as a character and act with their feelings,believes and strengths and make allies while hitting others.

    What is powergaming:powergaming is that you Always want to win but its about that you achieve something and not winning.

    What is metagaming:metagaming is that you play all alone but you need to play Together.





    Character's name: skarsnik the little

    Character's sex:man

    Character's race:goblin

    Character's biography:i was a goblin warrior we marched north to battle the humans there was a large armie of humans we won and slaughterd everyone when we returned to our camp was our camp on fire everybody dead i was mad and sad at the same time  then we saw the armie who did this we ran after them but it was an ambush i and a few other goblins survived i went looking for a new goblin army and that is how i came in this land.

    Personality traits:fast,scared of elfs,hates dwarves and humans,gets mad fast.

    Character's ambition:kill every human.

    Character's strenght/talent:he is good in cooking and is a good spy

    Character's weaknes/inabilities:runs away for elves.

    Character's appearance:1m high,20kg (cant make a screenshot i tried sorry)



    (sorry for my english i am from the Netherlands so)

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