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Posts posted by Puffelsnuff

  1. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: Xi_Persei

    What timezone are you in?: EST

    How old are you?: 23

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Maintain respect while interacting with other players.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): No

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: A friend and his family started to play, and it seemed interesting.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): N/A

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): Yes





    What is Roleplaying?: Abiding by rules, culture, and lore set up by the in-game universe and acting as your character would in this universe.

    What is Metagaming?: Using information that your character would have no way of knowing in role play.

    What is Power-emoting (Powergaming)?: Forcing other characters into actions or performing impossible tasks through use of emotes.


    In-Character Information

    Character’s name: Sneeg Kneecracka

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race:  Goblin

    Character’s age: 54



    Sneeg’s life began as a difficult one. His father, a most cowardly goblin, died at the ripe old age of 214 from a cold, leaving Sneeg to fend for himself. Sneeg wandered from city to city, skittering through the darkest alleys and dirtiest sewers to survive. To entertain himself during the cold and lonely nights, Sneeg would play around with the various bolts and scraps of metal he had managed to steal and scavenge. Over time, Sneeg learned how to make gears whir and cogs spin. But no matter how happy his little inventions made him, Sneeg always felt a deep shame over how his father died. Spurred on by this humiliation, Sneeg vowed never to be a coward and always challenge himself with the most daring pursuits.


    As time went on, his inventions became more and more complex… as did his appetite for danger and things that go BOOM. Somewhere deep within his little goblin brain, Sneeg hatched a plan to steal the local warboss’s Big Zult. His plan was simple: toss a bomb into the warboss’s one-room blarg, wait for the BOOM, dart in, steal the Big Zult, and disappear into the nearest alley as fast as was goblinly possible. Sneeg knew he needed every advantage to pull this off, so he designed his bomb to jump several feet into the air before detonating. The aim was to blow off the legs of any nearby orcs, gimping the would-be pursuers. For days Sneeg scavenged the necessary metal and explosives, toiling day and night to craft the perfect weapon for his heist.


    Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of preparation, Sneeg was ready. He approached the warboss’s blarg, gliding through the early morning shadows to conceal himself. Inside he heard the warboss and his bodyguards awaking for another day of raiding and looting. Knowing this was his only chance, Sneeg lobbed the bomb into the blarg. After a brief pause, he heard the twang of the spring launching the explosive into the air, followed by a big BOOM. Sneeg darted through the entrance. Several steps into the blarg, however, Sneeg realized he made a grave error. He had underestimated how much force it would take to blow off an orc’s leg. His bomb only broke the legs of the closest orcs, with the rest being thrown to the ground. While the blast was still quite painful, the orcs were already recovering and staggering back up to their feet. The warboss locked eyes with Sneeg. With rage emanating from his being, the warboss roared, “GIT DAT KNEECRACKA!!!!!” Needless to say, Sneeg bolted out and ran as fast as his legs would carry him. Knowing that he wouldn’t be safe if he stayed in the area, Sneeg set out to find a new home far away from this warboss.


    Personality Traits: Cunning and sneaky.

    Ambitions: Become a master tinkerer and die a glorious death, unlike his good-for-nothing father (though death is never his goal).

    Strengths/Talents: Tinkering and coming up with plans (usually involves a BOOM).

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Overestimating his own ability.

    Appearance: Sneeg is a smaller goblin, only standing about 4' 2". His eyes are always darting around, looking for either danger or someone to steal from. He has a constant slouch from years of working over some new gadget.




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