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Posts posted by sorafirefox


    Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: sorafirefox

    How old are you?: 20

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Write constructively, and in good-spirit of our community. You may not get along, and you may not respect everyone, but you must behave civilly.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): No

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Lordfulger


    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: The acting out the actions and events in a character’s life as you would see best for them in their situations and knowing only what they would know.

    What is metagaming?: The act of knowing something in real life and acting upon it where your character would have no knowledge of it thus making it realistically impossible and rather cheap.

    What is powergaming?: The act of making one’s character over powered and unrealistic which can be of great annoyance to everyone around and eventually lead to a ban.


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Lily

    Character’s sex: Female

    Character’s race: Human

    Character’s age: 21


    Biography (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):


    It was the year 1623, the sign on the rustic stable blew fiercely in the Deep Cold’s chilling winds. Scuffles could be heard within the small cottage as a young girl busied herself pacing around the family cat. The crackle of the warm fire mixed in with the soft hum of her mother that could be heard coming from the next room as she was sowing a new pair of mittens for the girl. The cat yawned and the girl suddenly stood still; she listened intently. The sound of boots on old wood was heard as a key was thrust through the brass key hole. “Father!” she cried and ran into his snow covered arms. The woman sitting by the window with a half sewn mitten gently put it down and walked towards her husband where she gave him a short embrace, “welcome back dear.” “Father father,” the young girl pestered, “did you bring me anything, do you have another story?!” The man laughed, knelt down, and took out a small necklace from a pouch on his belt, “ah, is this what you are looking for?” He said with a grin. The girl’s eyes widened as she beheld the Jaded amulet, the blue and green crystal reflecting in the setting sun’s rays projected through the window. “It’s...it’s beautiful!” Having taken off his worn mittens, he clasped the amulet around her neck his rough beard tickling her little neck as he snapped the chain into place. The girl’s eyes sparkled, “so father, what’s the story this time? Merchants, the great fish of the sea? Oh! Another tale about the great kingdoms and the new Emperor?” The man laughed, “Not something quite so grand as that,” here he looked at his wife and smiled, then smirked at his little girl, “but something filled with great value, value for those who heed it and learn from it.”

    The man sat down and drank some rose tea that his wife had quickly prepared him. He sat down and took a long breath and collected his thoughts. This was a typical tradition before he told his story so the girl was patient although the cat would like to argue with that. The sun had long set and outside was completely dark except for the snowflakes that were made visible by the fire light. Finally he cleared his throat as to which she cuddled close by. He told of a tale of an emperor who had three sons, one a military commander, another a duke, and the last still a young boy; “but a great deal older than you” he added. The emperor, a man of 36 winters, was said that due to his excellent health, he was to live a long life which greatly displeased his eldest son, John IV, who was eager to take up the throne. He told of the eldest sons actions against his father and the judgement that he had sown for himself from the king of Haense after he insulted their daughter from which the king of Haense killed him and declared war. Soon, the little girl’s eyes became heavy. “Ah, the night is getting long, and you are looking quite sleepy, I’ll give you the short version and maybe later tell it to you in full,” he added with another smile vaguely seen through his bushy beard. He continued his story adding that in punishment for the slayal of his brother and act of war, the next son slew that king but gave up the throne soon after to his younger brother and became a monk. “And so, the last of the four emperors was Philip I who began his reign at the age of 14. This was the fastest rate that the Holy City of Oren had gone through its emperors.”

    It was the year 1640 of the First Seed. Travelers and merchants could see the wind gently blowing across the harbour. If one was vigilant enough, he could make out the form of a young, blond lady of 21, sitting down on one of the posts. Her gaze was out to the sunrise, the golden rays colliding with her golden hair making it a wonderful sight to behold. However, little did they guess the truth that was going through her head. From her gazing she remembered the many stories her father had narrated toward her but essentially, she remembered the final words he said that one particular night. He had taken a heavy sigh, “yes, it is a bit much, but never forget this my lily pad, nobility are often blinded by wealth and politics. Always think for yourself and do what you think is right. One day you will understand this and I pray that these evils never reach you. Alright now, to your bed and rest the night.” She smiled, clenched her amulet, and stepped onto the boat. Her new life had begun.


    Personality Traits:

    Calm, gentle, curious, and loves jewelry. She has great respect for those who are kind and disdain for the nobility hierarchy.



    To sail the seas that her father sailed and to experience the adventures similar to his own.



    Kind, a good alchemist and leatherworker just like her mother. Patient and able to keep a cool and wise head in certain situations.



    Her curiosity and trusting nature. She can be a bit snotty in attitude but only if needed. Although she is a good alchemist, she cannot cook whatsoever.


    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height &[ weight): Height - 5’5” Weight - 107 lb. She has long, curly blond hair with jade green eyes that sparkle with innocence. A skinny thing but the blood of her Orenian parents vibrantly shows her lineage.


    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):


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