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Posts posted by TheHunchback

  1. This is nice lore, and I’m sure with some fine tuning it could fit in well with the server! That said, we already have a lot of unique creatures running around that can offer an equally rich experience; how about checking those out? Otherwise, I agree with the people who posted above me. Good job nonetheless!

  2. Out-Of-Character Information


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: hunchbackboi


    What timezone are you in?: UTC +00:00


    How old are you?: 24


    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You must be at least 13 to apply): Aye, but right under that rule on the application page is the phrase "you won't be denied if you are too young". Now, I would be confused if I were 12, since both phrases contradict each other.


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Indeed


    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: No metagaming.


    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): Nope.


    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: The all-knowing Google.


    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): Not applicable


    Have you logged into the server yet?: Nope, I have not, but a GM got in contact with me and I will alert them when I get on, so they can whitelist me.






    What is Roleplaying?: Narrating the life and going-ons of a chatacter in a certain setting. In this case, most if not all of the roleplay that occurs will involve others, RPing their own unique characters. Roleplaying can also invole the narration of empires and more, but that isn't done here as much.


    What is Metagaming?: To know something IC that the character should not know, but that you OOCly know. It can be innocent, like knowing about a famous character without ever ICly hearing of them, or serious, like knowing the specific weakness of some creature (e.g. a wraith's weakness to gold) without learning of it via any means.


    What is Power-emoting?: Either performing actions your character cannot do (using magic as a striga), doing things your character shouldn't be able to do (an untrained child masterfully blocking a sword strike) or outright breaking the redlines of a lore or rule (amongst other things). Obviously, controlling another character's reactions falls within powergaming.




    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Emile (pronounced Eh-meel)


    Character’s sex: Male


    Character’s race: Human


    Character’s age: 18 I guess, since somehow I cannot choose to RP a younger person.


    Biography: Born to a well-off Oren family, Emile's life should have been a simple one. After all, they had been hoping for a boy for many years, and their prayers had been answered by a child they would surely adore and dote on. He should have lived an easy life, settled neatly between the peasents on the streets and the nobles in their mansions. Unfortunately, Emile was born a deformed hunchback.


    His parents, too disgusted to raise the child as their heir but too guilt-ridden to kill it, sent the babe to a farm not a stone's throw away from Oren... but just out of site of their shameful eyes. The farmers took him in without question, knowing that a child of this sort would be unlikely to find refuge if any attempt to escape was made. As such, the boy was raised with a poor education and poorer self esteem, bullied often by the trueborn children of the farming couple and ostracised by the townspeople he was forced to visit every day. It was not uncommon for him to return from a city-trip with his already damaged nose broken again, or a few new bruises from the kicks and shoves of those that prefer not to treat the less fortunate with respect.


    Unsurprisingly, though much to the dismay of the farmers, Emile was not keen to help with jobs in a farm that hated him, and he instead perferred to escape his duties by taking a detour to the public library when delivering animals or wheat by horsecart. It was here that he truly felt welcome, and more importantly, left alone in a world that too keenly punished him for being born. It was not easy, for an outright illegible boy to learn to read, but through timid requests of help and an extraordinary willpower, Emile soon found himself knowing more about farming than even his adoptive family. Then, he learned of a world outside of the farm; he learned of science, and its mysterious but oddly related counterpart; magic. He learned of mathematics, and the formulae it helps create. He learned of oceans, stars, elves, orcs, and he kept learning... Until he was less a farm hand and more a budding scholar.


    And yet he remained trapped, for the farmers who had taken him in were sound in their logic; no one wanted a hunchback, much less a physically average, scholarly one. So Emile was held hostage by his situation... Until the world was forced to move again. Axios rapidly became a thing of the past for Emile, and he was struck by a twist of fortune when the family that had adopted him was lost during the travels. Few tears were shed by the boy, however; he had always felt like an orphan, and the role was quickly adapted to. We join him now, as he lands on the shores of Atlas. Whilst Emile's predicament may still remain, the lack of a home to live is now the least of his concerns, for in his travels he saw the races of one land united in a small area. In these travels, he had seen what he had only ever read of before, and it evigotated him. For the first time in a long time, the hunchback thirsted for more...


    Personality Traits: Emile is a curious young man, and lives to look for the explanation and understanding of everything, perhaps as a distraction from the unfortunate life he must suffer through when not reading books or studying. He is also an untrusting fellow, and will give others the cold shoulder as default, for fear of being hurt by their actions. That said, Emile is, perhaps unfortunately, often too quick to trust those that part with knowledge; a trait a few cunning bullies have used in the past. Oddly enough, Emile also prides himself on his handwriting, perhaps as a meagre effort to be seen, in some way, as beautiful... at least until others look upon his visage.


    Ambitions: Above all else, Emile wants to be normal. He holds a great loathing for his body, and attributes much of his misfortune to it... and he would not be wrong. Despite all he has been through, however, the young man still desires to help others, though not the same people who would mock or beat him for being different. Thusly, his most realistic ambition is to host a home for orphaned children of all walks, bodies and races, where they may grow in a caring environment without hate.


    Strengths/Talents: Emile's greatest weapon would be his mind and drive to learn. From this comes a variety of other skills; he is rather skilled at communication, should his timid nature be subdued, and he has an understanding of others that has been honed over years of being a hunchback; he tends to know the good people from the bad at a quick glance.


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: As a hunchback, Emile has a deformed spine and scapulae, as well as uneven eyes and a shuffling gait. These disorders all come with their obvious drawbacks (namely a physical inability to lift his arms very high, the reduction of his height to to his hunch, a poor hand eye coordination due to his eyes and a mediocre running speed at best, due to his legs). That said, society's treatment of him has also left its mark; Emile is shy, and is more than likely to avoid interaction, if possible. Furthermore, Emile is slow to trust others, and the few times he has have often ended badly for him.


    Appearance: Were the man hunchless, he would stand at a decent 5ft11. Hunched, however, Emile is only 5ft8 tall. He has a pair of uneven, brown eyes under a mop of unoriginal, dirt-coloured hair. His face is ugly, though it is more due to the odd eyes set within it and the broken nose and scar from his childhood of abuse. The rest of him is pale, from his life in the library, and he is not very muscled as a result.


    Skin: The skin I provide is only temporary, before I complete the proper one.


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