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Posts posted by Storm_SCL

  1. MC Name: Storm_SCL

    Discord: Storm_SCL#1455

    Timezone and Usual Availability: EST. Available most days, after3:30


    Name: Fuineth Harunes

    Race: Snow Elf

    Age: 98

    Nation of Residence and Willingness to Relocate: Home, None. Willing


    Do you currently know any Magicks?: None

    Are you willing to devote yourself to the Tenants of Truth Absolute?: Yes


    Membership of the Order will require regular participation in the Order’s Activities. Are you willing to devote the required time to the Order?: Yes

  2. Minecraft Account Name: Storm_SCL


    TimeZone: EST


    Age: 14


    Are you aware the content an interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under 13?: Yes, I am.


    Have you read an agreed to the rules: Yes


    What rule do you agree with the most: While all of them are important, my favourite is: Even if you dislike, or disrespect a person.. You must remain civil, This way, nobody can ruin your experience.


    Rule Confusion?: No, I understand and respect all of them.


    How did I find LoTC?: Through a friend name _HipsterFoxSCL_


    Past White List Apps: Although I have them, I cannot find the link, Although I can tell you which server it is. Solstice.


    Have you logged into the server yet?: Yes, I have.


    Roleplaying?: Rp to me is, bringing a character to life to have a creative output, and to escape from the problems in the real world.


    MetaGaming?: MG is, when you use ooc information IC, without any reason behind it


    Power-Emoting?: PE is when you use your emotes to over power someone and not give them the ability to respond back.


    Char. Name:  Fuineth Harunes


    Sex: Female


    Race: Snow Elf


    Age: 98


    Bio:  Fuineth Harunes, was born in The Citadel of Acael, from her aggressive Mother (Bognis) and Run away father (Bolben) in a small cottage. Throughout Fuineth's childhood, her mother would constantly make her sing for guests that arrive.. And when she was done, to be locked in her room. With this it caused Fuineth to become shy, Friendly, but shy.. She viewed herself as a tool only used by her mother, not cared for. As she was a child she wished to play with the other kids (Like children do) But her mother would say "No! You could embarrass me in front of everyone!" every time she would ask. To entertain her self, Fuineth would sing for hours a day. As she grew older, her mother started to offer wealthy men at Fuineth, saying that she must marry one for the fortune, to carry the family in honor & Pride. Refusing to take any of the men her mother was furious with her, screaming & scratching at Fuineth. Fuineth left the house crying, cuts on her arms and face, as she was running an old woman walked up to her asking what wrong, even though Fuineth wouldn't say, the Old lady was kind enough to pay for her to stay at an inn. Leading to the present day, Fuineth would travel the land, looking for a job, shelter, Maybe even a romantic partner one day.. But that will show up some day in the future.


    Traits: Shy, though is kind enough to say hello when she feels its needed. She enjoys singing by herself, seeing as when she is infront of others it reminds her of her mother. she is frail, but normal looking.


    Ambitions: Fuineth wishes to be a performer, wanting to get over the fear of her mother.. Although it will be an uphill battle.


    Strengths: Fuineth has an exceptional voice, and can cook quite well, though she isn't amazing at it.


    Weakness: Fuineth fears mothers, she believes that all mothers act like hers, so she is afraid to have children due to this. She also has a fear of large crowds.


    Appearance: Average Height, as well with normal looks, she is slightly more frail than most snow elves, but not by much. She has scratch marks covering her arms, which she usually covers.


    Skin: Capture.PNG.a508a50b5700a403617c7d152df69171.PNG

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