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Posts posted by Ren_Erischi

  1. MC Name: The_Awakened_One


    Character's Name: Ragus Erischi


    Character's Age: 20


    Character's Race: Human (Highlander)


    What magic will you be learning?: Telekinesis


    Teacher's MC Name: firegirl7892467


    Teacher's RP Name: Carsandra Ivydale


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it.: N/A


    Do you agree to keep your MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes.


    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?: Yes.


    Have you ever applied for this magic on this character before, and has it been denied? If so, link the app.: N/A



  2. [A small, rather clean and fresh piece of paper is attached to the Cloud Temple message board.

    It appears as it if it was ripped out of an empty book and then ripped in half.]



    "To anyone who reads this,

    I am searching for a teacher to teach me the ways of the Arcane.

    I've read books in the Dragur library, and particularly seek interest in 'Telekinesis'

    and 'Arcanism.' My reasons for wishing to learn magic is to help those who cannot

    fight in the mists of battle. I plead to those who read this note not as a curious

    individual, but as a man who wishes solely to do good  to those around him with his

    newfound teachings.


    For those who seek interest in teaching me, or for those who know a teacher in these

    arts who's willing, look for a man in a white cloak with a sheath on his back, black eyes,

    and one who covers his mouth. He commonly resides in the Grand Library of Dragur.

    Refer this note to me, and I will be happy to answer any question to the best

    of my abilities."


    [If sending a letter outside of the server, please message me directly through the forums in a PM!]

  3. Out-Of-Character Information

    What’s your Minecraft account name?: The_Awakened_One


    How old are you?: 16 (Sixteen) years old.


    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes, I am aware.


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I have read and do agree to the rules.


    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Do not Grief builds or landscape.


    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?: No.


    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Via Google for "Minecraft serious roleplay servers" and being directed to a link with LoTC on PlanetMinecraft.


    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): N/A.



    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is similar to that of creating a novel, though in a cooperative fashion as if it had multiple authors. It means bringing characters into a given setting, jump starting them with life and unique characteristics that makes them special and having these said characters interact with one another or with their surroundings.


    What is metagaming?: Metagaming is when a player uses specific knowledge their character does not know of and uses it to their advantage.


    What is powergaming?: Powergaming is when a player essentially forces an action upon another player, usually to where the other player cannot respond or react properly.


    In-Character Information

    Character’s name: Ragus Erischi

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Human (Highlander)

    Character’s age: 19

    Biography: Ragus was born on 1625 of the Grand Harvest month. He was born to a former middle-class merchant family in the Holy Orenian Empire, however he and his family were forced into the wilderness after his father attempted to steal goods from a small merchant shop, in which he failed (He and his family left in the intention of escaping punishment). Eventually his family found settlement in the Northern Highlands with a small, unnamed tribe, banding with them to survive. Ragus' mother was much more a slave to his father than a wife and mother, always outside performing agricultural tasks for him, rarely having time to see her son; she was typically a caring and kind young woman, though seldom spoken. On the other hand, Ragus' father was very abusive to Ragus once he reached the age of 6, being forced to train and perform laborious tasks, usually alongside his mother. He was one who was loud and proud.... of himself. If Ragus ever failed a task or training lesson (which in the beginning were very commonplace), he would be met by the fists of his father, usually not being able to do much to defend his poor self. Due to his growing desire to overpower his father, let alone stop his beatings, he began to become as fit as possible in the following years of his life, pushing his body, both physically and mentally, to its utter maximum. He read whatever he could get his hands on (which unfortunately was quite little), repeated various drills given by his father until he had each and every one down to a science, pushed his body to perform even the most extreme of tasks given to him (which were usually moving boulders almost twice the size of him a few meters in his late teenage years), and even attempted to spar with multiple tribe members at once (up to 3, but he usually failed due to knowing so little compared to them).


    By his current age, Ragus possessed skill greater than that of his father, and proved it in a lethal fight with him, with the ultimate result of a thrust to the heart and killing him out of pent-up anger and hatred for him and what he has done to Ragus and those around him. He abandoned his small tribe of campers in search of a new life for him and his mother, roaming the world of Axios as a Nomad with no definitive home. He relies heavily on living in the forests and hunting animals, but if he absolutely must, he will steal crops from a harvestable plot, replanting if he is given time as a courtesy. He has absolutely no awareness of magic, the void, and religion as it is. Though he would most likely align to Canonism upon influence, he remains agnostic towards the existence of a deity. Wishing to know how capitalism works, he seeks the kingdom of the Sutican Isles, most likely to become a merchant at some point in his life. 


    Personality Traits: Ragus is rather soft spoken as a person, having a quieter, monotone voice usually whenever he speaks. He has built a strong callus to anger and other extreme emotions, thanks to his father's horrible influence on him. He is usually very anti-social, mostly due to him having several flaws of how to speak properly (though his writing is capable of that of an average human); however, if he needs to talk, he will do his best to flow with conversation. He is a very calm, almost optimistic person, as he wishes to not believe that there are more people just like his father. His general hobbies include reading, and minor meditation to keep peace and balance within himself. Being an early-bird, Ragus usually sleeps very early, the earliest of him going  to sleep at the beginning of sundown. He loves being out in the sun and hunting whenever he is given the chance. He is uncomfortable with the feeling of having facial hair on him, preferring to keep a young, hair-free face. He dislikes war and fighting with a burning passion, always being a pacifist when a conflict arises. This does not stop him from defending himself, however...


    Ambitions: Ragus wishes to learn as much as possible before he reaches his elder years. He seeks training to better improve himself and to grow stronger and smarter for the sake of being able to help those who can't help themselves. Although extremely far-fetched, he dreams of becoming a world leader, one who is incredibly powerful and can maintain his kingdom in an eternity of peace and prosperity to himself and his people. However, despite all of this, he has not a single clue that a void filled with magic exists to aid him in his goals, let alone magic itself...


    Strengths/Talents: Ragus is very profound in swordsmanship, displaying few qualities of a master, however not enough to defeat one. Though he has issues speaking, he is a thinker among most, and enjoys a problem that requires heavy thought to be solved. Due to building his tolerance and meditation, he is much calmer and may be perceived to be one with his spirit (though it's not true). Thanks to being a slave to his father, he knows the basics of agriculture and how to hunt and preserve the hunted meat. Being athletic, he also has an above-average endurance and can move (not lift) objects that are just slightly larger than him.


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Has a very hard time explaining his thoughts; speaking issues. He is quite selfless, however if one is in a relatable situation to him (i.e. suffering abuse/being enslaved), he will always consider, if not perform, the action of protecting/saving said person or people. This can be used as a clever lure to trap him, due to him being incredibly focused on trying to free said slave to the point where he usually ignores what's around him. Despite being a strong fighter, he is quite slower than a normal fighter, lacking speed to aid his strength in combat (though this doesn't mean he can't run fast).


    Appearance: He wears a thin white cloak that leads down just below his bottom, hiding his face from the real world, only to show his eyes and part of his brow. On this cloak he has leather shoulder markings knitted into this cloak from his mother. Under it are his simple grey shirt, black pants, and basic brown leather boots. He has no visible scars on his face, however he has old scars and bruises from his father's punishments and his recent duel to the death with him under his clothing. Currently, he has an athletic build, comparable to that of a modern wrestler. He stands at 5'11" with no deformities/lethal wounds. He has black eyes and rather short brown hair, showing little to no facial hair. His face appears to be that of a young and healthy male, with a rich, light tan skin color and a strong facial bone-structure. On his back, in a sheath, he carries a broadsword made with care and an iron blade, attached to a fine leather hilt. Though a newer sword, it still lingers with hints of his father's blood on the blade. He has leather gloves that are strapped to his hands, secure for assisting in the grip of his sword to keep an improved hold whenever he wields it. Overall, he's opting to look more like a Heartlander in an attempt to be able to slide into a society more easily.


    Skin: https://imgur.com/a/CY6NK (Frontside and backside are displayed)



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